Lefty’s assume all is well.

The delusional hippies from the left think the country will move forward but fail to account for the fact that the American Soldier will not sit back and support another anti military term from lefty’s who are demonized.

The USA will become a military dictatorship.

It may not be this decade but it will come. Because there are enough fools on the left who will blindly legislate the end of freedom of speech leading to anarchy.


The delusional hippies from the left think the country will move forward but fail to account for the fact that the American Soldier will not sit back and support another anti military term from lefty’s who are demonized.

The USA will become a military dictatorship.

It may not be this decade but it will come. Because there are enough fools on the left who will blindly legislate the end of freedom of speech leading to anarchy.


Here we go again with the “freedom” rant, always interesting how many on the right can take an abstract concept and reduce it to a bumper sticker cliche, “wearing a mask takes away my freedom,” beautiful
The delusional hippies from the left think the country will move forward but fail to account for the fact that the American Soldier will not sit back and support another anti military term from lefty’s who are demonized.

The USA will become a military dictatorship.

It may not be this decade but it will come. Because there are enough fools on the left who will blindly legislate the end of freedom of speech leading to anarchy.


The military will continue to serve as they have in the past.

tRump proved his inability to lead. Your Biden "rant" is pure unfounded speculation.
The delusional hippies from the left think the country will move forward but fail to account for the fact that the American Soldier will not sit back and support another anti military term from lefty’s who are demonized.

The USA will become a military dictatorship.

It may not be this decade but it will come. Because there are enough fools on the left who will blindly legislate the end of freedom of speech leading to anarchy.


you're a moron. why are you so naive to believe that the nations precious military and law enforcement personnel in this beloved country of peace and safety will ever raise an objection to our benevolent government rule?????
The delusional hippies from the left think the country will move forward but fail to account for the fact that the American Soldier will not sit back and support another anti military term from lefty’s who are demonized.

The USA will become a military dictatorship.

It may not be this decade but it will come. Because there are enough fools on the left who will blindly legislate the end of freedom of speech leading to anarchy.


You have a real talent for getting things all fucked up. We have spent more on the military than the next 10 nations combined and have done it for decades. Who the fuck is anti-military?
The military will continue to serve as they have in the past.

tRump proved his inability to lead. Your Biden "rant" is pure unfounded speculation.

What will happen with the military if Biden handles things like Carter, Clinton, or Obama is you will see a serious drop in retention. People will choose to retire or leave the service rather than stay on due to the policies from Washington. Saw that first hand. Crappy leadership from Washington--and no, I have no idea how Trump was taken as I'm long retired now--does have a big affect on that decision. Past Democrats have uniformly caused a crash in morale in the military with the commensurate choice of getting out primarily by the best and brightest, not the stuck in place knowing they can't do better in civilian life.
The delusional hippies from the left think the country will move forward but fail to account for the fact that the American Soldier will not sit back and support another anti military term from lefty’s who are demonized.

The USA will become a military dictatorship.

It may not be this decade but it will come. Because there are enough fools on the left who will blindly legislate the end of freedom of speech leading to anarchy.


what a silly ass clown you are.
What will happen with the military if Biden handles things like Carter, Clinton, or Obama is you will see a serious drop in retention. People will choose to retire or leave the service rather than stay on due to the policies from Washington. Saw that first hand. Crappy leadership from Washington--and no, I have no idea how Trump was taken as I'm long retired now--does have a big affect on that decision. Past Democrats have uniformly caused a crash in morale in the military with the commensurate choice of getting out primarily by the best and brightest, not the stuck in place knowing they can't do better in civilian life.

but you are just a punk. i can see why good presidents and commanders in chief bother punks like you. you probably commend creampuff bitch trump pardoning those mercenary killers, too. i guess you think General Flynn is the best and brightest, and the two generals who could not stand working with trump, Mattis and Kelly, were not. what a bozo.
The delusional hippies from the left think the country will move forward but fail to account for the fact that the American Soldier will not sit back and support another anti military term from lefty’s who are demonized.

The USA will become a military dictatorship.

It may not be this decade but it will come. Because there are enough fools on the left who will blindly legislate the end of freedom of speech leading to anarchy.


You shouldn't waste all your money on drink this way. But for this site you'd have no way to communicate except scribbling on the walls of urinals, and a number of male persons will begin to believe you are there for other purposes altogether, just to pay for the pop you are getting down you! :)
What will happen with the military if Biden handles things like Carter, Clinton, or Obama is you will see a serious drop in retention. People will choose to retire or leave the service rather than stay on due to the policies from Washington. Saw that first hand. Crappy leadership from Washington--and no, I have no idea how Trump was taken as I'm long retired now--does have a big affect on that decision. Past Democrats have uniformly caused a crash in morale in the military with the commensurate choice of getting out primarily by the best and brightest, not the stuck in place knowing they can't do better in civilian life.

More whiny half-baked drivel, to begin with, what party keeps whining about cutting spending , and what gets cut????
The delusional hippies from the left think the country will move forward but fail to account for the fact that the American Soldier will not sit back and support another anti military term from lefty’s who are demonized.

The USA will become a military dictatorship.

It may not be this decade but it will come. Because there are enough fools on the left who will blindly legislate the end of freedom of speech leading to anarchy.


Have you seen your shrink lately???????????????????
What will happen with the military if Biden handles things like Carter, Clinton, or Obama is you will see a serious drop in retention. People will choose to retire or leave the service rather than stay on due to the policies from Washington. Saw that first hand. Crappy leadership from Washington--and no, I have no idea how Trump was taken as I'm long retired now--does have a big affect on that decision. Past Democrats have uniformly caused a crash in morale in the military with the commensurate choice of getting out primarily by the best and brightest, not the stuck in place knowing they can't do better in civilian life.

I am so sure that members of the military are please with trump after he called them losers. The military voted in large numbers for Biden.