Legal Experts Warn

Maybe, if the people are not educated enough to know requesting asylum requires they get a hearing.

lol rubbish. They all know exactly how the game works here, and have for decades. They're organized to swamp the system and have media hacks in place to run endless Pity Party stories and vids of fake 'abandoned children n stuff', the whole play book.
They are not US citizens, are they?
Some are US citizens. Being arrested for being an illegal alien does not mean that you are an illegal alien, or even that you are not a US citizen.

Arrested people are not always guilty, which is why we have a court system to check if the arrested person is guilty.
Where does the law require the applicant to wait for the results, Brad?
The law historically requires them to wait in the USA, if they are already here.

Let's take a case where a person from Afghanistan claims to have an American citizen father. That would mean he is a US citizen at birth, but might not be able to prove it immediately. While the process of proving it is completed, it would be too dangerous for him to stay in Afghanistan, and make no sense for him to be forced to move to Mexico. He would be detained, and if possible bailed out, in the USA.

trump wants to deport the US citizen before he can prove he is a US citizen.
Over half the people deported to Columbia had no criminal records. They were guilty of not being white enough.
Columbia says non of them were criminals and some wer pregnant women. Well do we trust Columbia to tell us the truth? NOPE! A deporting pregnant women back to their home before they have babies in the US is a GREAT IDEA.
They were in the US illegally and had no right to be here. Let them apply to re enter legally.
Or so the prosecution claims.

If we arrest you for being here illegally, should you be allowed a court hearing to defend yourself, or should we just deport you?