Legal Experts Warn

Legal experts warn the expedited removal expansion bypasses due process and puts citizens and long-term residents at risk​


Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrest a fugitive in 2020. Photo via U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

The Trump administration has revived a border security policy that legal experts say paves the way for mass deportations — without even a court hearing — and threatens to put Latino Arizonans, regardless of their citizenship status, at risk of racial profiling and removal from the country.

On Friday, the White House officially reinstated a 2019 policy greenlighting fast-tracked deportation proceedings for immigrants living anywhere in the United States who can’t prove more than two years of continuous presence in the country. Known as expedited removal, people detained under the policy aren’t entitled to a court hearing, but are instead subject to immediate expulsion from the country.

Under the Biden administration, expedited removals were limited to people caught within 100 miles of the border with less than two weeks of continuous presence in the United States.

Increasing the number of people who can be deported is the Trump administration’s latest move against illegal immigration, capping a week of anti-immigration actions that saw the Republican block asylum applicationsand attempt to erase birthright citizenship. Immigrant advocates and legal experts alike believe that expanding the “border zone” — the region within which law enforcement officials can sidestep due process rights to detain people suspected of lacking proper authorization — to the entire country would make it far easier to realize the Republican’s campaign promise to expel more than 11 million undocumented people.

“This is a huge expansion that really sets up the groundwork for raids, rapid removal and racial profiling,” said Laura Belous, an attorney with the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project.

Removing due process protections provided by the immigration court system is a key part of Trump’s plan to expel millions of immigrants, said Lynn Marcus, the director of the Immigration Law Clinic at the University of Arizona.

“This is definitely one of the tools that the administration is trying to use to accomplish mass deportations, because it gets around all the procedural protections that people have in immigration courts and it allows them to remove people very quickly,” she said.
At risk of what, being tossed out of the country?
The Constitution says innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In other words, they need to prove you are not a US citizen in court before they can deport you.
These people have already been caught for crimes. And most of them were caught illegals crossing into the country.
These people have known criminal records. I don't.
The majority of them have no proven criminal record. If they had a proven criminal record, it would be an easy court hearing. The fact trump is trying to avoid the courts suggests that these are not easy cases.
The majority of them have no proven criminal record. If they had a proven criminal record, it would be an easy court hearing. The fact trump is trying to avoid the courts suggests that these are not easy cases.
Prove it.

The Constitution says innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In other words, they need to prove you are not a US citizen in court before they can deport you.

So suddenly We're supposed to believe Democrats suddenly care about the Constitution? lol that's hilarious.

Deliberately flooding the country and the court system with illegals is cause for extraordinary solutions, Walt, like martial law and national security. It's a common tactic with left wing radicals, provoking such responses deliberately and then sending their useful idiots out to snivel and cry about it. That tactic is no longer working for you and your bosses, Walt.
Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, so they were innocent.
Wrong, Walter:

DHS Expands Categories of Individuals Subject to Expedited Removal (Deportation)

by: Eric S. Hause of Jackson Lewis P.C. - Immigration Blog

Monday, January 27, 2025

DHS Expands Categories of Individuals Subject

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has published a notice expanding the ability of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to remove individuals deemed unlawfully present in the United States who are unable to prove U.S. residency for at least two years. It states, “This designation is effective on 6:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday January 21, 2025.” The new DHS notice rescinds a Biden Administration notice on the same subject issued on March 21, 2022.​

***UExpedited removal is a process used by ICE to remove individuals from the United States without a hearing before an immigration judge.*** Traditionally, expedited removal has been used to remove individuals with outstanding removal orders issued by an immigration judge, individuals seeking admission at ports of entry who are found inadmissible, individuals unlawfully present who are found near the border shortly after arrival, and individuals who arrive by sea.
Walter is almost always wrong but he tries.

Poor Walter.

Indeed. They get the responses they want to provoke, then cry about it like babies, like fools who set themselves on fire and then cry because the burns hurt and demand everybody else fix it for them.

These morons actually believe these vermin are only going to rob and hurt white people, such is their warped racist mentality.