Loyal to the end
Again, with the tomato comparison, its a matter of degree and a matter of taxation. Tomatoes, since they are a food, aren't taxed in most states, and if so typically at reduced rates. Folks are talking about 100 to 500% tax on weed, and folks, dopers or not, don't like to get ripped off.Again, those same people don't even grow a garden to save themselves money, they'll not be cultivating when it is easily obtainable at a store. Period.
Some people would grow it next to the tomatoes, but those would be the people who make that effort to begin with (that of growing tomatoes) and they would not make the difference in revenue, any more than the people who brew their own beer do for alcohol.
The comparison with beer is more legitimate on the tax basis, but not so much due to the cost of raw materials and processing.