Growing decent weed isn't very easy either.Growing tobacco isn't easy at all.
Growing decent weed isn't very easy either.Growing tobacco isn't easy at all.
Usfredomhater, why you want to restrict someones freedom to use something way less harmfull than beer. Did your rightwing hubby tell you to think that.
I honestly can't see how America can sustain current tax levels without either doing something drastic, like eliminating nearly all defense spending, or waiting for an income boom to bring tax levels way up naturally like in the 90's. I don't think either is going to happen for a long time. We have the choice to either raise taxes by 500 billion A YEAR by 2015, or face people losing confidence in the stability of our country.
AHHHHHHH; the Buffalo Bitch is yet another one that feels it's OK to ignore laws you don't agree with.
More evidence on what I've been saying all along. Liberals hate America and want to destroy her.Id have no problem with eliminating the military And taking down that stupid fence between the U.S. and Mexico.
No different than tomatoes, and no commercial farm can beat a backyard tomato.Growing decent weed isn't very easy either.
More evidence on what I've been saying all along. Liberals hate America and want to destroy her.
Just think of the carbon footprint they're leaving.![]()
I'd almost be willing to make this trade, except it would be trading a personal freedom for direct government intervention in the most private of circumstances. I'd prefer to fight the one and promote the other.
Legalize it, and hopefully that will be the first step. It is stupid to harden drug users into violent criminals by sending them to our "prison system" which long ago became the Criminal University System solely for the satisfaction of saying you "fought" the "War on Drugs" valiantly and with ruthless ignorance of the result.
Yet you believe that only commercial farms can produce tobacco...No different than tomatoes, and no commercial farm can beat a backyard tomato.
AHHHHHHH; the Buffalo Bitch is yet another one that feels it's OK to ignore laws you don't agree with.
Actually, tobacco is grown by local farmers in relatively small plots, and in very limited parts of the country.Yet you believe that only commercial farms can produce tobacco......
Yeah, closets are used big time.
The democrats are looking for funding the Public option.It only make sence to legalize marijuana tax it and use those Taxes to pay for public health care.
We who are below the federal poverty level needs the Public Option.For many its a matter of life and death.
Not even, the reality is the vast majority of pot smokers buy from dealers at a higher price because of the dangers the dealers take on in dealing rather than just using.Actually, tobacco is grown by local farmers in relatively small plots, and in very limited parts of the country.
You're right about folks being lazy, but the tax on store bought tomatoes is 2% at most, while here we're talking about 100 to 500%. Folks will avoid paying that, even lazy dopers.
LOL Another doper. There is very little tax revenue that would be gained by legalizing a weed that anyone with a windowsill and a pot of dirt can grow for free.
Folks have been trying to grow tobacco in other parts of the country for 400 years now. They don't have the combination of weather and soil needed.Not even, the reality is the vast majority of pot smokers buy from dealers at a higher price because of the dangers the dealers take on in dealing rather than just using.
Another reality is, that even with 100 to 500% taxation it would likely be cheaper for the user after legalization, those same people who didn't grow it before still wouldn't.
And again, there are about a billion sites out there showing me how to grow my own tobacco, even in Colorado.
how stupid is this one.
Because you have an irrational fear of government we should give the money to people with no oversite of how they spend.
I'mreally tired of the idiots who have mental conditions that dont allow them to see the world as it is.
You have a completely irrational fear of the word government.