Legalize Marijuana to pay for the "Public Option".

The EPA should also classify pot smoker criminals for all that CO2 and carbon they are emitting into the AIR..they should have to pay a HEAVY fine..
Hm, you are right about the medications, it is amazing what the side effects are of some...but the thing about your that my friend is the funniest thing I have read on this board has of yet :lol:

Well, if his story can bring a little joy to someone then what can I say?

Not quite sure though what part about my bro you found humorous. I was merely illustrating that, in his case at least, the regular use of MJ didn't impede his ability to process information or his overall scholastic success.
Usfredomhater, why you want to restrict someones freedom to use something way less harmfull than beer. Did your rightwing hubby tell you to think that.
This money should not get into our corrupt politicians hands to piss away. It should go directly to charities.

how stupid is this one.

Because you have an irrational fear of government we should give the money to people with no oversite of how they spend.

I'mreally tired of the idiots who have mental conditions that dont allow them to see the world as it is.

You have a completely irrational fear of the word government.
The only dope on this thread is you for making ridiculous statements without all the facts.

The fact is that if you tried to grow MJ on a "windowsill" with "a pot of dirt" you wouldn't get enough MJ to keep you happy for a month. Unless your "pot of dirt" was a 5 gallon bucket, which might kinda stick out on anyone's windowsill, you wouldn't be able to generate a big enough root system to get a plant big enough to produce any meaningful quantities.

Dude if you're a big doper you'll have to have bigger buckets of dirt. :palm:
Ha! You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Dude, I went to college with some big-time dopers, and have seen huge bushes growing in closets lined with aluminum foil and with a single grow light. Plus there are a lot of dopers growing the stuff in the Yadkin Valley on other people's land with very little maintenance.
Yeah, closets are used big time.

Dude, I went to college with some big-time dopers, and have seen huge bushes growing in closets lined with aluminum foil and with a single grow light. Plus there are a lot of dopers growing the stuff in the Yadkin Valley on other people's land with very little maintenance.
Yeah, closets are used big time.
And basements and attics. A couple in NY got caught a few years back with a farm in their attic. The cops got tipped off by an satellite infrared photo.

If it was legal to grow, lots of guys with gardens would be selling it to local dopers in a cash only business. The higher the tax rate on it, the more profit for local growers and the less tax revenue for Johnny Law.
Jesus, what a dumb comment you made.

Thomas Jefferson: "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

how stupid is this one.

Because you have an irrational fear of government we should give the money to people with no oversite of how they spend.

I'mreally tired of the idiots who have mental conditions that dont allow them to see the world as it is.

You have a completely irrational fear of the word government.
Jesus, what a dumb comment you made.

Thomas Jefferson: "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

LOL, they sure feared the Guberment under Bush, but now it's one of their own as President all is good and there is NOTHING to fear....of course to them a Democrat can mean us no harm, they only CARE about us..
