Legion is a Cry Baby

Where's the cry baby Legion, oh sorry he hiding in the closet afraid a liberal will call him out as a dupe. Come out legion speak up for yourself, we'll laugh but it may make you stronger. Maybe not. Come out come out come out wherever you are....

"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." Winston Churchill
Where's the cry baby Legion, oh sorry he hiding in the closet afraid a liberal will call him out as a dupe. Come out come out come out wherever you are....

I'm right here, Liberace.


"The truth is incontrovertible. Liberal malice may attack it, liberal ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is, and here I am." - Legion
I have to chuckle every time I see his ban list.

Controlled opposition;
Crazy cat lady;
fentoine lum;
Frank apisa;
Jade Dragon;
Mott the Hoople;
old trapper;
shallon Peterson;
text drivers are killers;
The wokest;
Tomas Fabregas;
Tranquillus in Exile;
Only a cry baby would ban everyone who would show that he doesn't understand liberals or even life in this complex world. He mentions liberals, but then in his fear of being contradicted, the twelve year boy hides in the closet. Come on out legion we promise not to laugh too hard. List below:

Members banned from this thread: Cypress, The Wokest, Jarod, Mott the Hoople, AssHatZombie, blackascoal, midcan5, Yurt, evince, ZappasGuitar, signalmankenneth, Phantasmal, Rune, Supposn, moon, iolo, Yoda, Mr.Badguy, Text Drivers are Killers, CFM, Bill, domer76, sear, qmuddy2, archives, Nomad, Micawber, TTQ64, crowonapost, Tomas Fabregas, J.kennedy, mak2, floridafan, CharacterAssassin, Mason, JqYaqui, ThatOwlWoman, Tranquillus in Exile, Controlled Opposition, katzgar, Jade Dragon, Nordberg, Crazy Cat Lady, Bourbon, Frank Apisa, Shallon Peterson, Gotcha68, Centerleftfl, kudzu, tff, PoliTalker, rjhenn, guno, Rigby5, jbander1, Fentoine Lum, Oracle Of JPP 714, Jack, DebraDoesDonald, seeker, Kaiden, magellan, HaroldCruz, rhym3pays, LV426, Zarathustra, Wry Catcher, AmericanResurgence, Old Trapper, Juliedang, Captdon and OscarLevant

"One reason I'm such a wayward prognosticator of rightwing trends is that I'm incapable of blacking out enough neural sectors to see the world through reptilian-brained eyes, a prerequisite for any true channeling of the mean resentments and implanted fears that drive hardcore conservatives." James Wolcott
Don’t feed the troll Mid.
Don’t feed the troll Mid.

LOL Sorta hard not to as a few posters clog up the site, censor debate, and then repeat repeat repeat the same nonsense.

"What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?" Abraham Lincoln Source: February 27, 1860 Cooper Union
LOL Sorta hard not to as a few posters clog up the site, censor debate, and then repeat repeat repeat the same nonsense.

"What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?" Abraham Lincoln Source: February 27, 1860 Cooper Union
Well certainly no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public but feeding a troll is more akin to self abuse.
"I did create the phrase 'government takeover' of health care. And I believe it," Luntz maintained, noting too that "it gave the Republicans the weapon they needed to defeat Obama in 2010." But most experts found the pitch patently misleading because the Obama administration was proposing that Americans buy private health insurance from for-profit companies, not the government. In fact, progressives were incensed that rather than backing a "public option" for those who preferred a government insurance program, the Obama plan included a government mandate that individuals purchase health-care coverage, a conservative idea hatched by the Heritage Foundation to stave off nationalized health care. Luntz's phrase was so false that it was chosen as "the Lie of the Year" by the nonpartisan fact-checking group PolitiFact. Yet while a rear guard of administration officials tried lamely to correct the record, Luntz's deceptive message stuck, agitating increasingly fearful and angry voters, many of whom flocked to Tea Party protests.

Noble's strategy was carefully targeted. He aimed the attack ads especially at the states of members of the Senate Finance Committee, which was writing the health-care bill and whose support would be needed to vote it out of the committee...."

p 232,233 'Dark Money' by Jane Mayer
Answering your own question in a public forum is a sign of insecurity. Talking to yourself as if you are saying something meaningful may keep the ignorant happy in their small world, but it doesn't constitute dialogue or intelligence.
You just described desh to a'T'
"Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that "time has upset many fighting faiths." Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate." Geoffrey R. Stone
Confirms me being a liberal.
Oh and where are all the freedom loving libertarians in this discussion?
Re: aloysious made racist assumptions and then cried because I called him on them
Post those assumptions.
and then banned me from app.
I'm not a mod. How can I ban you from APP? You could get back in but I'm pretty sure that you're pretty sure you'd get banned from there again. No way you can follow the strict rules there.
And speak of cry babying - jeez that was months ago and you're still whining about getting banned from APP? Get a life toots.
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