Les femmes folles

Hey, Fuckknuckle, I'm responding to YOUR posts bitching about Hillary. But you aren't the only one. You guys ALL bitch about Hillary (pretty much any WOMAN who shows up, actually....which is why it is patently obvious most of you are incel trolls....women TERRIFY you.

Hillary's more of a man than Donald J. Trump. She's about 100000X smarter and actually knows how the Constitution works.

No one voted for that. THAT WAS A MYTH YOU GUYS MADE UP so you wouldn't have to think. You made up lies about shit and then voted AGAINST THAT.

You really ended up looking like a bunch of toothless morons in reality.

LOL. Comeback. Gimme a break. LOL.

Goddamn women scare you. Maybe if the MAGA side didn't think all women were WHORES and PROPERTY OF MEN the movement would have a better chance at adapting to life in the 21st century.

lol you're a strawman factory. Your TDS is getting worse every day.

In the past, women didn’t have the right to vote because society couldn’t trust them to make the right decisions… look at them now.

I believe that in the majority of cases, women vote emotionally, not logically.