Lesson on Socialism

folks do it all the time... I have seen tons of catamarans in the open ocean over the years.

Of course you have; why you're Popeye the sailor man dontchyaknow. ;)

A couple of things; (1) a Catamaran is the single worst vessel for open water ocean passage; (2) a 35 foot boat is extremely small for an Atlantic passage, especially a catamaran; and (3) I seldom believe anything that moron says because he is a dishonest asshole and I doubt he is capable of sailing anything beyond the little toy ducky he keeps in his bathtub.

Now you can believe it all you want because you're the BIG sailor man and a gullible dunce. ::wink wink::
Of course you have; why you're Popeye the sailor man dontchyaknow. ;)

A couple of things; (1) a Catamaran is the single worst vessel for open water ocean passage; (2) a 35 foot boat is extremely small for an Atlantic passage, especially a catamaran; and (3) I seldom believe anything that moron says because he is a dishonest asshole and I doubt he is capable of sailing anything beyond the little toy ducky he keeps in his bathtub.

Now you can believe it all you want because you're the BIG sailor man and a gullible dunce. ::wink wink::

Says the cubicle admiral
Says the cubicle admiral

Says the ignorant dunce who can't distinguish "too" from "to" or "you're" from "your."

But now you’re an admiral of your catamaran navy!! Hey, why don't you take Commander Dimwit with you and make it a full pair? With all his vast naval experience, you two nimrods might make it to Cuba!!!

Republicans draw simpletons like a street light draws bugs.
I'm not at all for socialism or aca.
But France has arguably the worlds best health care and the average family wealth is twice that of ours.
Give credit where credit is due.
Cue the 8 th grade dimwit king
Most of these guys don't even know what socialism is.
Dude is also infinitely smarter, can fight and write an order of magnitude better, has a far broader range of interests, is more interesting as a human being, has a much higher standard of ethics, is a better debater, and probably gets an assload more pussy as well.

Damn; you went from fawning dunce to a butt sniffing dimwit of epic proportions!! Does your wife know how pathetic you look?

LMAO I wonder if the fawning dunce was batting his eyelashes as he wrote his adoring prose. I'm cracking up here.
Damn; you went from fawning dunce to a butt sniffing dimwit of epic proportions!! Does your wife know how pathetic you look?

LMAO I wonder if the fawning dunce was batting his eyelashes as he wrote his adoring prose. I'm cracking up here.
Does your wife know what a nasty prick you are!