Let me get this straight

Everyone pays taxes, you ignoranus. You can't avoid paying taxes.

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Paying taxes and being refunded in excess of your payment isn't "paying" taxes, it's investing in your vote purchasing politician.

Folks living under bridges pay no taxes! Multi billion $ corporations that supported Hillary & other politicians paid NO taxes. You & your party is still trying to prove Donald Trump pays no taxes. You'll learn the ropes someday child!
Paying taxes and being refunded in excess of your payment isn't "paying" taxes, it's investing in your vote purchasing politician.

Folks living under bridges pay no taxes! Multi billion $ corporations that supported Hillary & other politicians paid NO taxes. You & your party is still trying to prove Donald Trump pays no taxes. You'll learn the ropes someday child!
Multi billion dollar corporations that supported Trump paid no taxes.

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“Well rounded” to do what? Liberal Arts degrees & other trash sold by today’s leftist universities at prices only damned fools would pay are why so many college grads are living in Momma & Daddy’s basement working at MckieDee’s and trying to pay mommy government back. They could have gone to a trade school at peanut cost & got a degree in a trade paying well, well above “Bernie’s “living wage” & had NO bleeping government loan to pay back. College tuition carry outrageous cost for the simple reason that every time colleges raise their tuition mommy government raises the availability of lone loot, while the universities make millions of those “nasty” profits & their leadership gets extravagant 6 + figure salaries. It’s the great private/government education scam.

Not hardly! Robo doesn’t speak stupidity & neo-communismn.

“Left thinks” is a fucking oxymoron!

Another childish and stupid response. Communications is valued in companies. Engineers are particularly bad at it. There is plenty of value in a well-rounded education.
Education has turned into a huge for-profit business that is looting the American people. The concept is a highly educated populace is an asset to a country. That is why we have public education. However, profit takers are making higher education a terrible financial burden and will wind up pricing it beyond the peoples' means. The country will suffer for that. China is graduating millions of engineers and others. We loot while the future is being given to other countries.
Antifa "ARE" fascist, the anti part is anti-America. Their true identity is "Anti-American- Fascist." They're loved and excused by the left. The fucking scum attacked a peaceful gay journalist & seriously injured him. The scum are ashamed of their own mental illness, they cover their faces in that shame like the fucking KKK. They're fucking cowards & slime.

Do you know you argued against your own premise again? Antifa is right wing in how they act. People who attack and fight are stupid, but not cowards.