Let them hate, so long as they fear ... the Task Force on the Declassification of Federal Secrets


Nemo me impune lacessit


On Tuesday, Florida Representative Anna Paulina Luna announced the formation of a new government task force that aims to investigate and declassify U.S. government information .



On Tuesday, Florida Representative Anna Paulina Luna announced the formation of a new government task force that aims to investigate and declassify U.S. government information .

More Babeness
You should. The gun Sirhan had used 8 bullets. More bullets were recovered from the scene. The autopsy said the fatal shot was fired from 1-3 inches away. Sirhan was never that close to RFK. In 1975 a court order a group of experts to rexamin the bullets. They say that Sirhan's gun did not fire the fatal bullet and that there were two guns that were used. Audio recordings that exist suggest at least 10 bullets were fired. The security guard that was standing behind RFK did pull his weapon but says he never fired it and that it was a 38 , the police never examined the gun, but he did own a 22 (same cal a fatal bullet) but said he sold the gun before the assassination it has been proven he sold it 3 months after the assassination. Kennedy ended up with the security guard's clip on neck tie in his hand. So there are a lot of ???? in the evidence. RFK Jr thinks the security guard, Eugene Thane Cesar, killed his dad.
You should. The gun Sirhan had used 8 bullets. More bullets were recovered from the scene. The autopsy said the fatal shot was fired from 1-3 inches away. Sirhan was never that close to RFK. In 1975 a court order a group of experts to rexamin the bullets. They say that Sirhan's gun did not fire the fatal bullet and that there were two guns that were used. Audio recordings that exist suggest at least 10 bullets were fired. The security guard that was standing behind RFK did pull his weapon but says he never fired it and that it was a 38 , the police never examined the gun, but he did own a 22 (same cal a fatal bullet) but said he sold the gun before the assassination it has been proven he sold it 3 months after the assassination. Kennedy ended up with the security guard's clip on neck tie in his hand. So there are a lot of ???? in the evidence. RFK Jr thinks the security guard, Eugene Thane Cesar, killed his dad.

Perhaps pretty Paulina will enlighten us all soon.
The fascinating thing about this all is that trump is shutting down the JFK Library, and access to JFK files. Anything that has would be released by trump would have to be checked against the greater context of JFK files, which trump has specifically made impossible.

I usually do not believe in conspiracy theories, but trump removing the safe guards to protect us from conspiracies does make me wonder.