Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Replacing the US flag with a Trump flag has a seditious meaning. It is still an expression of free speech, I don’t know if it’s criminal, but I sure understood their message.
It's free speech. Too many people want to ban things in a knee jerk reaction to quell disagreeing voices. The majority of those at Trump's incitement to riot rally were lawful. Hundreds of others were not and will be treated like the scumbag criminals they are. What flag they carried is irrelevant.
There's a clear legal line between Free Speech and inciting or supporting insurrection. I'm content to let the FBI and the American justice system to figure it out. All they really need is for good Americans to identify the hiding places of the criminals. Their usernames is a start but real names and addresses help.
Good Americans should do their duty and report any crimes or suspected crimes to the FBI. That is not "doxxing", that is following the law and being a good American patriot.