Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

As the super-rich supporters of Republican party hatred get richer, the 99% get left further behind, and the government debt gets higher.

Time's up.

Time to break that cycle.

Let's Go. Get Woke, America!

It's the latest thing.

From me to you.

Happy Holidays. :)
Did you like what I did?

I took the 'Let's Go' thing from their chants and I put it with 'Get Woke, America.'

Two soundbytes that really stir them up. But there's nothing to hate. It's just a positive slogan. It's great.

This has attention-getting juju. It's got star power.

It needs to be a thing.

Spread it far and wide. It will take off. That would be awesome.

The left needs something about now.
That's not how I see it.

The Left wants to run your life because they think they can do it better than you can. That requires more government, more control, and less freedom. They want a Dictatorship of Virtue. These always end badly. The Left's idea of "fair" is everybody gets the same outcome regardless of input. Some get screwed and others get undeservedly rewarded but everybody gets the same physical / economic / social benefits regardless. It's a race to the bottom in mediocrity. It's the everybody gets a 'participation' trophy way of thinking.

Sure, the Right's version is messy and harder given it puts outcomes on the individual rather than group, but it much freer than the Left's version. It is a decent system if you choose to apply yourself. If you don't, can't, or won't, then it's a tough row to hoe.

The difference is the Left's version lets you remain a child for life with little or no responsibility or goals, while the Right's version punishes you--a largely self-inflicted punishment--for not being and acting like an adult and taking on responsibility and setting goals.

Your meth use is making you delusional
I don't get what's wrong with being woke.


" woke adjective
chiefly US slang
: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"

Sounds like a good thing!

Surely, being well informed is preferable to being poorly informed...

Any dispute on that? Seems to be pretty straightforward. Knowledge is power. So what's the deal?

It is logical that a society comprised mostly of individuals who are aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues, especially issues of racial and social justice, would be a great society to be a part of. That would result in low crime and minimized hatred, a society where people respected one another and got along fine, happy and content, pleased to be a part of something bigger than them, something really great.

Most people already think America is a great country.

Wanna make America greater?

A woke America would be a greater America.

Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

it's not what we don't know that gets us into trouble.

it's what we know for sure that just ain't so.

--mark twain
Subject to the whims of racists?

That is one thing wrong with being "Woke." When a person is called a racist because his view of racial injustice does not fit yours it is turning an entire segment of the population against that idea. If a person is called a racist because he does not favor reparations that does not mean he does not favor racial justice.
That is one thing wrong with being "Woke." When a person is called a racist because his view of racial injustice does not fit yours it is turning an entire segment of the population against that idea. If a person is called a racist because he does not favor reparations that does not mean he does not favor racial justice.

Nobody is for reparations. Only those fringy retards. We can safely ignore them.
Nobody is for reparations. Only those fringy retards. We can safely ignore them.

I agree, except for that last part. Those "fringy retards," like AOC and the Squad to name a few, should never be ignored. They should be verbally smacked down at every turn and made forcefully to explain their every statement and decision in detail. They should never, ever, be given a chance to acquire power because they'll abuse it like beating a red-headed stepchild (a metaphor) the second they get it.
Hello Flash,

That is one thing wrong with being "Woke." When a person is called a racist because his view of racial injustice does not fit yours it is turning an entire segment of the population against that idea. If a person is called a racist because he does not favor reparations that does not mean he does not favor racial justice.

Who is calling people racist because they oppose reparations?
I agree, except for that last part. Those "fringy retards," like AOC and the Squad to name a few, should never be ignored. They should be verbally smacked down at every turn and made forcefully to explain their every statement and decision in detail. They should never, ever, be given a chance to acquire power because they'll abuse it like beating a red-headed stepchild (a metaphor) the second they get it.

In other words, you are telling them to stop voting for them.
Hello AProudLefty,

Nobody is for reparations. Only those fringy retards. We can safely ignore them.

I support reparations in specific cases. Black farmers have had their family land taken from them because they couldn't make it thorough a lean year or set of years without loans which were only given to white farmers.

After the black farmers were driven off their land through the discrimination of redlining, white farmers bought it up with loans unavailable to black farmers. I could see a case for the financial people who made so much money off those loans being forced to buy land for the black families displaced in this way. And if they can't afford it, or have played the corporate shell game to escape accountability then I say tax the rich and give those black farming family descendants some equivalent land back, or the current value there of.
Hello Flash,

Who is calling people racist because they oppose reparations?

That was just an example, but one I have seen. Colleges have turned away speakers who opposed reparations (or affirmative action) because of student protests claiming it is insensitive to the needs of minorities. I have seen it on JPP. I was called a racist because I don't favor trying to make white people admit they have white privilege. It is trying to beat down a person because they oppose measures which are counter-productive.

As I have said, there are good exercises that demonstrate prejudice or show how it hurts people (of any race) that are more effective than sitting in a diversity training session being told they are privileged because their hair care products are not on a separate aisle like some black hair products. Trying to shame people into accepting someone's exact political views is juvenile.
Hello AProudLefty,

I will sign a petition to have TIA thread banned in this thread.

Somebody else would have to do it. I don't use the threadban feature. Just place them on Ignore.

I think the threadban feature hurts the site. Threadbanned posters start copycat threads which confuse everything and just poison good discussions. Better to just stick 'em on ignore. The copycat threads are against the rules, but it's not enforced to my knowledge.

Here is the ho-hum rule which, if enforced, would solve the problem:

"3. Please do not flood the board with multiple same-subject Threads. Multiple threads will be merged, when I have the energy... and deleted when I don't."

If that was enforced, the threadban feature might be useful.
Hello AProudLefty,

Somebody else would have to do it. I don't use the threadban feature. Just place them on Ignore.

I think the threadban feature hurts the site. Threadbanned posters start copycat threads which confuse everything and just poison good discussions. Better to just stick 'em on ignore. The copycat threads are against the rules, but it's not enforced to my knowledge.

Here is the ho-hum rule which, if enforced, would solve the problem:

"3. Please do not flood the board with multiple same-subject Threads. Multiple threads will be merged, when I have the energy... and deleted when I don't."

If that was enforced, the threadban feature might be useful.

That's another thing I brought up long time ago. Legion keep flooding the board with multiple same subject threads.

No warning. No nothing.
Hello Flash,

That was just an example, but one I have seen. Colleges have turned away speakers who opposed reparations (or affirmative action) because of student protests claiming it is insensitive to the needs of minorities. I have seen it on JPP. I was called a racist because I don't favor trying to make white people admit they have white privilege. It is trying to beat down a person because they oppose measures which are counter-productive.

As I have said, there are good exercises that demonstrate prejudice or show how it hurts people (of any race) that are more effective than sitting in a diversity training session being told they are privileged because their hair care products are not on a separate aisle like some black hair products. Trying to shame people into accepting someone's exact political views is juvenile.

White privilege is real, but people don't realize they have it because it is not mentioned when it is exercised. Does a refusal to admit that mean they are a racist? That depends on the definition of the word and how it is perceived.

People get hung up on the word racist. Does it make someone a racist if they do or say something that is racist one time? Even if it was subconscious or simply an omission? Is it possible to make a mistake and unknowingly discriminate, but not be a racist?

Can someone inadvertently do something that is racist, but not be one?

What if someone is a racist, but they do not realize it, or wish to admit it to themselves or anyone else?

When we think of what a racist is, we think of someone who specifically treats black people differently because of their color. Or someone who speaks disparagingly of blacks, or joins a known white supremacy group. Most people can agree those are definitely racists.

But what about racism in it's softer forms?

White privilege extends to all whites, whether they do or say specifically racist things or not.

Not getting pulled over. Not getting arrested when there is doubt. Being charged with fewer or lessor crimes. Getting a job when not knowing if a black person of equal or better qualifications was not hired. Getting an apartment that a black person was told is unavailable. Getting a lower loan rate, or getting the loan in the first place.

Those are all examples of white privilege. If a person disagrees that any of that exists, is that a racist thing to say? Does that make that person a racist?

I realize there are as many questions here as answers. Black and white issues become gray at the boundary.
Hello Flash,

White privilege is real, but people don't realize they have it because it is not mentioned when it is exercised. Does a refusal to admit that mean they are a racist? That depends on the definition of the word and how it is perceived.

People get hung up on the word racist. Does it make someone a racist if they do or say something that is racist one time? Even if it was subconscious or simply an omission? Is it possible to make a mistake and unknowingly discriminate, but not be a racist?

Can someone inadvertently do something that is racist, but not be one?

What if someone is a racist, but they do not realize it, or wish to admit it to themselves or anyone else?

When we think of what a racist is, we think of someone who specifically treats black people differently because of their color. Or someone who speaks disparagingly of blacks, or joins a known white supremacy group. Most people can agree those are definitely racists.

But what about racism in it's softer forms?

White privilege extends to all whites, whether they do or say specifically racist things or not.

Not getting pulled over. Not getting arrested when there is doubt. Being charged with fewer or lessor crimes. Getting a job when not knowing if a black person of equal or better qualifications was not hired. Getting an apartment that a black person was told is unavailable. Getting a lower loan rate, or getting the loan in the first place.

Those are all examples of white privilege. If a person disagrees that any of that exists, is that a racist thing to say? Does that make that person a racist?

I realize there are as many questions here as answers. Black and white issues become gray at the boundary.

That is why I stick with the terms "prejudice" and "discrimination." They can be measured without attributing ambiguous subjective motivations to those involved as a way to denigrate them. Demonstrating there is more discrimination against some groups is more descriptive and constructive than claiming the other is "privileged."
I don't get what's wrong with being woke.


" woke adjective
chiefly US slang
: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"

Sounds like a good thing!

Surely, being well informed is preferable to being poorly informed...

Any dispute on that? Seems to be pretty straightforward. Knowledge is power. So what's the deal?

It is logical that a society comprised mostly of individuals who are aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues, especially issues of racial and social justice, would be a great society to be a part of. That would result in low crime and minimized hatred, a society where people respected one another and got along fine, happy and content, pleased to be a part of something bigger than them, something really great.

Most people already think America is a great country.

Wanna make America greater?

A woke America would be a greater America.

Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

Woke people don't think America is great, they think America is full of racist old wypipo that owe them and there's 72 different genders and you should go to jail for not getting someone's gender right even though people have a 1 in 72 chance of doing so. Woke people think it's OK to steal as much as they can as long as they don't get caught and prosecuted.
Woke says it's OK for young black boys, raised on free government food, to knock out old white men that risked their lives to secure freedom for future Americans, because them old white men are racist and owe them. :rolleyes:

Shove that "woke" right up your colon, PoliTalker.

Let's about drawing and quartering. That's what needs to be happening to these pieces of shit more.