Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

Hello McRocket,

In my opinion, there has not been 'systemic racism' in America since the 1990's.
Pockets here and there.
But systemic?
Not a chance.

BLM is about 50 years too late.
They seem to be largely about progressives trying to use 'racism' as a reason to whine/lash out at people because they are failures/unhappy.

Once again we disagree.
You are entitled to your own opinion.

Here is solid evidence which shows there is absolutely systemic racism in America:

"African-American men serve longer sentences than white men for the same crime, a new study by the U.S Sentencing Commission shows.

The commission's analysis of demographic prison data from 2012 to 2016 found that black men serve sentences that are on average 19.1 percent longer than those for white men for similar crimes.

The Sentencing Project also found that black men are nearly six times as likely as white men to be incarcerated, and Hispanic men are 2.3 times as likely. For black men in their 30s, one in every 10 is in prison or jail on any given day, according to 2015 data cited by the organization."

Sorry folks.
If you are over 30 and living in poverty in America in 2021?
Than it is almost certainly your own fault.
No matter how much melanin is in your skin.

Consider this. A black person was raised in poverty by a parent / parents who do not know how to be successful, nor how to impart the wisdom of success. They are told as a child they would never amount to anything. There is peer pressure to support all of that.

They would have to break away from everything they know and do something different than all of their friends in order to be successful.

Nobody ever told them the three most important decisions they make in life are 1. How much education to get, 2. Whether or not to have children, how many, or when to become a parent, and 3. Who they marry.

You could add a 4th major decision: 4. What job they will work.

Unsuccessful people do not understand the importance of these major life decisions. Often times they make them too early in life, such as having children too young, which severely limits the options available for the rest of the big decisions.

Successful people do a superior job of planning / managing their lives. They make good goals, methodically pursue them.

Impoverished people think differently. More in the moment. They don't have enough self-confidence to make goals or figure out how to pursue them because they don't really believe it is possible to achieve them.

People who are raised to be impoverished generally become impoverished adults.

People who are raised to be successful generally become successful adults.

Poverty is more prevalent in blacks because so many black families have been discriminated against for so many years they often simply don't know any better. They have been systematically consigned to poverty be generations of racism.

It is nobody's fault if they are born into poverty and can't escape it by age 30. Some do. Most don't.
Is somebody scared to explain why they advocate for tyranny or something?

Motherfucker! When you advocate for something that affects every-fucking-body, hell fucking yeah you need to be forcibly explaining your motivation and reasoning for doing so...

and furthermore! It should be up to the people if they want to decide to go along with it or not.

^Said no leftist ever and just a handful of Democrats.

Forcibly explaining something is very different than forcing them to explain.
Hello Flash,

"Claiming." Do you deny that privilege exists in being white?

I have no doubt such privilege exists.

Do you think most black people would choose to be white if they could switch?

I just don't like emotion laden terms like "privilege" when it is difficult to measure or prove and has so many different connotations that differ by the individual.

Why can't we use "prejudice" or "discrimination"? It is because those are not the latest buzz words that are repeated endlessly with no real agreement to its meaning?

It falls into the category of "we are going to make you admit something because we don't think you are sympathetic enough to the cause." Many black and Asian people are more privileged than some white people--it is not an absolute as some people want to make it.
Hello Flash,

Do you think most black people would choose to be white if they could switch?

I just don't like emotion laden terms like "privilege" when it is difficult to measure or prove and has so many different connotations that differ by the individual.

Why can't we use "prejudice" or "discrimination"? It is because those are not the latest buzz words that are repeated endlessly with no real agreement to its meaning?

It falls into the category of "we are going to make you admit something because we don't think you are sympathetic enough to the cause." Many black and Asian people are more privileged than some white people--it is not an absolute as some people want to make it.

OK, let's set the big heavy soundbyte aside.

How about if I ask the question differently.

Do you agree that an individual born into a successful white family is more likely to be successful than an individual born into an impoverished black family?

Well, naturally, the operative words there are 'successful' and 'impoverished,' rather than black or white. But more black families are impoverished, and that came at the hands of white racist redlining, generations ago. Discrimination produced poverty. As it did, it also produced a built-in advantage to being white. Today's generations of successful whites have benefited from that. Do you agree or disagree, and why?
White people today who wonder if they have white privilege should consider how different their life might be if their parents or grandparents had never been able to get a mortgage or become homeowners.

That one act of racial discrimination changed the course of wealth acquisition for millions of black families who got shut out of the number one way that Americans build wealth.

Because paying most income into rent every month builds no wealth, but paying it into a mortgage does.
As a proud member of PollyAnna's "PERMANENTLY Ignore" list,
I wish him/her/it the merriest of Christmases
with the complete confidence that he/she/it will never see it.
Hello Flash,

OK, let's set the big heavy soundbyte aside.

How about if I ask the question differently.

Do you agree that an individual born into a successful white family is more likely to be successful than an individual born into an impoverished black family?

Well, naturally, the operative words there are 'successful' and 'impoverished,' rather than black or white. But more black families are impoverished, and that came at the hands of white racist redlining, generations ago. Discrimination produced poverty. As it did, it also produced a built-in advantage to being white. Today's generations of successful whites have benefited from that. Do you agree or disagree, and why?

Yes. An individual born into a successful white family is more likely to be successful than a person born into an impoverished black family.

The same is true regardless of the race of either. A person who grows up in a home with two biological parents is more successful and has fewer problems (school, relationship, etc.) than someone who grows up in a two-parent family with a step-parent or a single parent family.

I agree with your last paragraph, but I do not believe those past patterns keep a black person from being successful today even though they might face prejudice and discrimination.

The black poverty rate hit an all time low in 2019 of 18.8% (vs. 40% in 1965) compared to 7.3% among whites.

So, it appears 81% of blacks are not impoverished today and have cut their poverty rate by 50% in 54 years. Today, the best way to predict poverty is not by race but by those who did not have children until they finished school and who work full-time.
Hello Flash,

Yes. An individual born into a successful white family is more likely to be successful than a person born into an impoverished black family.

The same is true regardless of the race of either. A person who grows up in a home with two biological parents is more successful and has fewer problems (school, relationship, etc.) than someone who grows up in a two-parent family with a step-parent or a single parent family.

I agree with your last paragraph, but I do not believe those past patterns keep a black person from being successful today even though they might face prejudice and discrimination.

The black poverty rate hit an all time low in 2019 of 18.8% (vs. 40% in 1965) compared to 7.3% among whites.

So, it appears 81% of blacks are not impoverished today and have cut their poverty rate by 50% in 54 years. Today, the best way to predict poverty is not by race but by those who did not have children until they finished school and who work full-time.

Thank you. I agree with everything in this post.

I would like to expound a bit on one point.

"...I do not believe those past patterns keep a black person from being successful today even though they might face prejudice and discrimination."

I agree with that in the tense it is posed, but would disagree if the tense is modified to apply to black people in general. It's a subtle difference, but a crucial one. That would lead us to this statement:

Past patterns do keep black people from being successful today because they do face prejudice and discrimination.

But I don't think that's the only reason. I don't even see that as the major reason. I think the discrimination exists, it's real, it is a factor, but the larger factor in preventing black success is past discrimination.

It is highly improbable that a child raised by an impoverished parent or parents will go on to achieve success.

And it is even more improbable without government assistance programs.

I believe in those programs. I think they make a huge difference.

The improvement in black poverty rates you cited is a direct result of government intervention.

It is critical race theory in action, producing results.

It is government stepping in and offsetting the black disadvantage of white privilege and the lingering effects of past white privilege.

I’m from the Bronx. Can I see?

self-contained underwater breathing apparatus

The name of the mill in Bushwick was called Lamb Knitting.
The building is now a rental. He organized it, that the kids run
the outdoor bar restaurant across the street with the Dutch oven.
A can of beer is five dollars. It’s very good atmosphere and why
is that? These are young college graduates. This area when I
was a teenager was infested with drugs, hookers and violent crime.

Lets ask the salute.

Nobody said you couldn’t do it. I didn’t hire Bruce. Kraut boy! Your work isn’t good enough for me. ;)
In my opinion, there has not been 'systemic racism' in America since the 1990's.
Pockets here and there.
But systemic?
Not a chance.

BLM is about 50 years too late.
They seem to be largely about progressives trying to use 'racism' as a reason to whine/lash out at people because they are failures/unhappy.

Sorry folks.
If you are over 30 and living in poverty in America in 2021?
Than it is almost certainly your own fault.
No matter how much melanin is in your skin.

You have some of that correct but the real reason blm exists is the fact they extort millions from large corporations that are afraid of offending them. Oddly enough, it is that very same group that repeatedly loots and then sets fire to those very establishments.
Be woke, go broke.
Anything involving a nation moving further to the Left is a sure loser. Woke means moving to the Left. That makes woke a sure loser.

Woke is slang!

It is not about moving closer to one side or the other.

We better all get a hold of our personal hatreds and start moving towards the middle.

If you have personal vendettas- THAT's on you!

Sometimes you have to reach out and extend your own hand to make a difference and set the example you would like to see followed.

I'm just going to say this- Hate Begets Hate.

And the only thing in this world to really hate- IS HATRED ITSELF!
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Which is why people hate racism

It’s a recipe for failure in any society

Being woke is the only way to bring this nation back together

Accepting facts and listening to the other people in your society

By trashing the idea of being woke you support hate and racism
You have some of that correct but the real reason blm exists is the fact they extort millions from large corporations that are afraid of offending them. Oddly enough, it is that very same group that repeatedly loots and then sets fire to those very establishments.
Be woke, go broke.

as usual you are pushing a debunked lie
And Russia has been massaging these fools for years now all over the planet

Not just here

They have been using the internets to create fake personas that puff up the fools who are drawn to these evil ideas

Convincing silly people to go along

To convince the racists that their numbers are far greater than they are

Getting them to speak violence and sometimes even acting on that violence talk
Hello Geeko Sportivo,

Woke is slang!

It is not about moving closer to one side or the other.

We better all get a hold of our personal hatreds and start moving towards the middle.

If you have personal vendettas- THAT's on you!

Sometimes you have to reach out and extend your own hand to make a difference and set the example you would like to see followed.

I'm just going to say this- Hate Begets Hate.

And the only thing in this world to really hate- IS HATRED ITSELF!

That's good, but I would go one better.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
MLK was correct....Being woke is hate....and so perpetuates racism.... Don't be woke....