Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

I don't get what's wrong with being woke.


" woke adjective
chiefly US slang
: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"

Sounds like a good thing!

Surely, being well informed is preferable to being poorly informed...

Any dispute on that? Seems to be pretty straightforward. Knowledge is power. So what's the deal?

It is logical that a society comprised mostly of individuals who are aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues, especially issues of racial and social justice, would be a great society to be a part of. That would result in low crime and minimized hatred, a society where people respected one another and got along fine, happy and content, pleased to be a part of something bigger than them, something really great.

Most people already think America is a great country.

Wanna make America greater?

A woke America would be a greater America.

Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

Hi Politalker.

James Carville strongly disagrees with you. He calls wokeness stupid.

James Carville blasts 'stupid wokeness': Democrats need a detox

Ad hominem and a genetic fallacy, about par for the course. As usual, the second the Left is hit with actual facts and information, they fold and their argument becomes totally irrelevant. You started off with this drivel:

I responded by offering to take you up on those issues. You've responded with first an anecdotal fallacy, then ad hominem and a genetic fallacy. I produced an academic study, a video, and other evidence of how the Left and radical Left are the ones that are racist and bigoted, and are in fact, the ones stirring racial tensions.

You got nothing so far. Can you do any better?

You posted stuff that you had to dig hard for, probably found on a Reichwing blog, and hold it out as representative of every "leftist" professor, university, thinker, and analyst. Then you dismissed the fact that I and almost every single other left-leaning person has derived their POV regarding racial injustice from the time-honored methods of observation, experience, and witness. You desperately need to believe that colleges and universities are teaching the nonsense you posted about. Why is that?

I know why it is. It's because you (group you) want to find a way to justify racism, and a way to discourage young people from higher education on the specious reasoning that they're all teaching white kids to hate themselves.

It's laughable, really.
Well, so far I just hear the usual "woke whining"...no solutions....just complaining...I'll wait, though...;)
People who care about others are Not "woke" and don't have to be....They're simply caring, compassionate neighbors, friends, and family....Great Americans understand that "No relationship, no change...Know relationship, know change."...MB
"Try to assume the best of other people because you will help bring it out in them." ....Nelson Mandela

Mandela is an asshole. Leader of the South African Communist party. Fuck him.

He wasn't in prison for fighting Apartheid, he was in prison for being a terrorist asshole and killing innocent people.

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You posted stuff that you had to dig hard for, probably found on a Reichwing blog, and hold it out as representative of every "leftist" professor, university, thinker, and analyst. Then you dismissed the fact that I and almost every single other left-leaning person has derived their POV regarding racial injustice from the time-honored methods of observation, experience, and witness. You desperately need to believe that colleges and universities are teaching the nonsense you posted about. Why is that?

I know why it is. It's because you (group you) want to find a way to justify racism, and a way to discourage young people from higher education on the specious reasoning that they're all teaching white kids to hate themselves.

It's laughable, really.

Actually, I have some of those books sitting on a shelf in my office. I really do read what I consider the enemy writes and even have annotated them to make it easier to refute their positions. I dismiss the Left so offhandedly because the bulk of their ideas are juvenile tripe. Their arguments in those books are so superficial and vacuous that it's easy to refute them.

I don't want to justify anything. What I want to do is stop the spread of stupidity, and that's what the radical Left spreads. Of course, there's hatred, racism, bigotry, class envy, wealth envy, success envy, you-name-it to go along with that. I posted that video of that "professor" at Rutgers making a racist rant that if you changed the target from White to Black would have made any Klan member proud. She's hardly the only one either.
Actually, I have some of those books sitting on a shelf in my office. I really do read what I consider the enemy writes and even have annotated them to make it easier to refute their positions. I dismiss the Left so offhandedly because the bulk of their ideas are juvenile tripe. Their arguments in those books are so superficial and vacuous that it's easy to refute them.

I don't want to justify anything. What I want to do is stop the spread of stupidity, and that's what the radical Left spreads. Of course, there's hatred, racism, bigotry, class envy, wealth envy, success envy, you-name-it to go along with that. I posted that video of that "professor" at Rutgers making a racist rant that if you changed the target from White to Black would have made any Klan member proud. She's hardly the only one either.

It's always amusing when someone claims to know what the other side thinks, but truly has absolutely no clue at all. That would be you, of course. If you want to stamp out stupidity, your side has cornered the market. Start there.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Exactly. We're not even supposed to discuss privilege because it's racist to white ppl. :rolleyes:

Have you also noticed how the Reichwingers can find a single person of color who will agree with their bigoted stance on racial issues, and use them to claim that that person represents how *all* people of color feel? It's only the (D)s who are stirring up racial tensions. :rolleyes:

Stereotyping is extremely common in political discussions.

It is a very common tendency to extrapolate the views/statements of one person into representing the entire other side.

It is a mistake. It leads to misunderstandings. It should be avoided.

And it happens on both sides.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Stereotyping is extremely common in political discussions.

It is a very common tendency to extrapolate the views/statements of one person into representing the entire other side.

It is a mistake. It leads to misunderstandings. It should be avoided.

And it happens on both sides.

but if /when a stereotype is in manifested in an instance of actual occurence, that should be acknowledged.
Hello cawacko,

Kind of random but I’m curious how far you’re willing to go in support of this. On your LinkedIn profile are you willing to add white privilege next to your pronouns? So it would look like PoliTalker (he/him/white privilege).

It is not possible to be white and avoid benefiting from white privilege. Denial of that fact is unrealistic. Admission of it is woke, and that is a good thing. As far as talking about me, personally? That is off limits. I come here to talk about politics. In my view, our personal lives are not part of that. You'll notice I avoid talking about myself or the other posters here. If someone tries too hard to make the discussion about me, personally, and a gentle reminder does not sway the discussion away from that, I consider that to be rude. I am not into having rude discussions. I come here to talk about just plain politics.
So what proof of this nonsense do you have, Lion? Links?

"In a tweet earlier this month, Square Enix announced a $250,000 donation in addition to matching employee donations to the Black Lives Matter organization and other charities."

"Gaming company Ubisoft says that the company will donate $100,000 to the NAACP and Black Lives Matter organization and encouraged others to donate."

Gap brands pledged a total of $250,000 in donations to the NAACP and Embrace Race on behalf of the brand that includes Athleta, Old Navy and Gap.

Warby Parker

Eyewear manufacturer Warby Parker committed $1 million to fight systemic racism, although the brand didn't disclose which organizations it will give to.


Athletic wear brand Lululemon originally announced a $100,000 donation to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, but due to an abundance of donations, "we have been asked to channel our resources into other foundations standing for change. We contributed a total of $250,000 to local Minneapolis organizations Rebuild Lake Street and Friends of Hennepin County Library (East Lake Library), as well as national organizations NAACP, Black Lives Matter and Reclaim the Block."

View this post on Instagram

We haven’t always got it right. Over the years it made us question if we had a right to speak up. And we are privileged to have a voice and a platform. So… Know we are not indifferent. Far from it. We are passionate about every single human being valued. For this to happen we need to take action. We are making a $100,000 donation to the Minnesota Freedom Fund. And we know that to be a stand against inequity and injustice of any kind, we all need to do so much more. You have our commitment we will. Update: Due to an overwhelming outpour of financial support for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, we have been asked to channel our resources into other foundations standing for change. We contributed a total of $250K to local Minneapolis organizations Rebuild Lake Street and Friends of Hennepin County Library (East Lake Library), as well as national organizations NAACP, Black Lives Matter and Reclaim the Block.
A post shared by lululemon (@lululemon) on May 29, 2020 at 7:10pm PDT

Nike promises to donate $40 million over the course of four years to social justice organizations that support the Black Lives Matter movement.
Food brands


Fast-food giant McDonalds is committing $1 million to the NAACP and the National Urban League, according to Business Insider.

Wen dy's a $500,000 donation "to support social justice, the youth and education in the black community starting with the Thurgood Marshall College Fund."
We’re about putting our money where our mouth is. So here’s our money and here’s our mouth. We are committed to donating $500k to support social justice, the youth and education in the Black community starting with the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and we’ll have receipts.
— Wendy's (@Wendys)

Coca-Cola released a statement titled "Where we stand on social justice," and committed $2.5 million in grants from Coca Cola foundation to the NAACP, Equal Justice Initiative, and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights."


Chanel and Apple got looted:


A lot of smaller stores got looted, black-owned businesses...

The looters target luxury stores, too. This is nationwide.


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Hello Sirthinksalot,

Hi Politalker.

James Carville strongly disagrees with you. He calls wokeness stupid.

I don't know / don't care who that is. I'm sure there are plenty of people who think disparagingly of woke. I do not listen to them. I know that being aware of racial differences and sensitivities is the first step to easing racial tensions, so that is the route I am taking. And I am glad it is part of a social movement.

The right likes their white privilege just the way it is. The right is going to resist anything which challenges that, no matter who insensitive it makes them appear, or how impossible it may be to ease racial tension without learning about the dynamics of racial issues.

Update on view: I briefly looked at who Carville is. A conservative Democrat. Part of the Clinton administration. I voted for Ross Perot. I was not impressed with Clinton. He sold us out to China. And you think I am supposed to be influenced by this guy because he is a Democrat? Guess again. I disagree with him if he thinks woke is dumb.
Being "woke" is being racist...
What's happening in schools is the perfect example.... When did getting the right answer become too much to expect of minority students? Good attendance, showing up on time, raising your hand, being respectful to teachers and classmates.... how is this suddenly too much to expect of minority students? Is math racist? Now music theory is apparently racist. Are Standardized tests racist? Grades are racist? Do minority students only experience success being taught by minority teachers....?
Hello Sirthinksalot,

I don't know / don't care who that is. I'm sure there are plenty of people who think disparagingly of woke. I do not listen to them. I know that being aware of racial differences and sensitivities is the first step to easing racial tensions, so that is the route I am taking. And I am glad it is part of a social movement.

The right likes their white privilege just the way it is. The right is going to resist anything which challenges that, no matter who insensitive it makes them appear, or how impossible it may be to ease racial tension without learning about the dynamics of racial issues.

Update on view: I briefly looked at who Carville is. A conservative Democrat. Part of the Clinton administration. I voted for Ross Perot. I was not impressed with Clinton. He sold us out to China. And you think I am supposed to be influenced by this guy because he is a Democrat? Guess again. I disagree with him if he thinks woke is dumb.

Have you considered emphasizing similarities among Americans instead? "Woke" is designed to divide Americans by race, and that in and of itself is racism.
Being "woke" is being racist...
What's happening in schools is the perfect example.... When did getting the right answer become too much to expect of minority students? Good attendance, showing up on time, raising your hand, being respectful to teachers and classmates.... how is this suddenly too much to expect of minority students? Is math racist? Now music theory is apparently racist. Are Standardized tests racist? Grades are racist? Do minority students only experience success being taught by minority teachers....?

I learned music from an old black woman. :laugh:

There was no "woke" back then and she was very prim and proper. Great teacher, though.
I learned music from an old black woman. :laugh:

There was no "woke" back then and she was very prim and proper. Great teacher, though.
I imagine she was great...and you probably weren't late to class...or disrespectful...at least without consequence....There should be no "woke" now.... Oh for The "good old days"....we're not doing kids any favors these days with no rules or accountability....
Hello cawacko,

It is not possible to be white and avoid benefiting from white privilege. Denial of that fact is unrealistic. Admission of it is woke, and that is a good thing. As far as talking about me, personally? That is off limits. I come here to talk about politics. In my view, our personal lives are not part of that. You'll notice I avoid talking about myself or the other posters here. If someone tries too hard to make the discussion about me, personally, and a gentle reminder does not sway the discussion away from that, I consider that to be rude. I am not into having rude discussions. I come here to talk about just plain politics.

You’re willing to say who you vote for, which is a personal thing, so you’re not afraid to discuss what you do personally. The point of my post is how we back words with action. Should people acknowledge their white privileged publicly, like in their LinkedIn profile, is what I’m asking. People put pronouns in their work emails now, should we acknowledge white privilege there as well?

I’m trying to get an understanding of where you would like this to go.
If anyone knows about hate and racism, it's you. Remember how you pretended to be married to a black guy so you wouldn't be accused of bigotry when you told racist jokes, and post in "Ebonics"? *

I'm sure you can explain to us how being aware of injustices (what you Reichtards call "woke") is "hate." Then you can waddle off and cry about TDS and "this thread is mine." lol

* https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?89448-Oprah-for-Prez&p=2165895#post2165895

"Got an ethnic job joke for you TR..." Priceless.
Or doesn't slap down the word "retard" as an insult?
Unfortunately, many working class Bostonians use the word "retard" as a synonym for "person I don't particularly like or care about."

It's pronounced, re_tahd, however, always preceded by "fuckin'."
You can easily imagine Mark Wahlberg or Matt Damon saying it, can't you?
Unfortunately, many working class Bostonians use the word "retard" as a synonym for "person I don't particularly like or care about."

It's pronounced, re_tahd, however, always preceded by "fuckin'."
You can easily imagine Mark Wahlberg or Matt Damon saying it, can't you?

Oh yeah, and I don't have to imagine. I hear it IRL the same as on JPP. But my comment referred to TOP saying she's a retired special ed teacher, and I expect those people to be more sensitive about it.