Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

I don't get what's wrong with being woke.


" woke adjective
chiefly US slang
: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"

Sounds like a good thing!

Surely, being well informed is preferable to being poorly informed...

Any dispute on that? Seems to be pretty straightforward. Knowledge is power. So what's the deal?

It is logical that a society comprised mostly of individuals who are aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues, especially issues of racial and social justice, would be a great society to be a part of. That would result in low crime and minimized hatred, a society where people respected one another and got along fine, happy and content, pleased to be a part of something bigger than them, something really great.

Most people already think America is a great country.

Wanna make America greater?

A woke America would be a greater America.

Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

Unfortunately woke is the opposite of being informed. It's one sided history with an anti America anti white agenda.
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

Unfortunately woke is the opposite of being informed. It's one sided history with an anti America anti white agenda.

It is very unfortunate for America that the right has to have a different language than the rest of the country.

It only means what you think to Trump sympathizers.

The word means two entirely different things to the left and the right. The original version of the word is what the left understands and embraces. The right has turned it into something else to suit their narrative.
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

It is very unfortunate for America that the right has to have a different language than the rest of the country.

It only means what you think to Trump sympathizers.

The word means two entirely different things to the left and the right. The original version of the word is what the left understands and embraces. The right has turned it into something else to suit their narrative.

So IYO the original version of history is America bad and white man worse.
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

So IYO the original version of history is America bad and white man worse.

If we really want to be honest, we have to understand that America was taken from the indigenous people and turned into a nation by white invaders. They used slaves imported from Africa to build an imperial empire. It was all justified at the time by believing the non-whites were inferior, and that this progress was actually doing them a favor.

That wasn't really justification at all. It was BS.

Now we are here and we are not going back. We are not the people who did those things. We find our selves as part of a nation born out of lies, and we are trying to figure out how to deal with that reality. The right wants to maintain the superiority ruse. The left wants to be honest about it, deal with it in a compassionate way, and forge a way forward from here without fooling ourselves.

And that is our big national impasse in a nutshell.

Oh, also add that the right doesn't want to talk about it honestly because that totally spoils their narrative.

Yes, it's a big pickle.
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

If we really want to be honest, we have to understand that America was taken from the indigenous people and turned into a nation by white invaders. They used slaves imported from Africa to build an imperial empire. It was all justified at the time by believing the non-whites were inferior, and that this progress was actually doing them a favor.

That wasn't really justification at all. It was BS.

Now we are here and we are not going back. We are not the people who did those things. We find our selves as part of a nation born out of lies, and we are trying to figure out how to deal with that reality. The right wants to maintain the superiority ruse. The left wants to be honest about it, deal with it in a compassionate way, and forge a way forward from here without fooling ourselves.

And that is our big national impasse in a nutshell.

Oh, also add that the right doesn't want to talk about it honestly because that totally spoils their narrative.

Yes, it's a big pickle.

And Australia was uninhabited before Europeans got there and Canada's indigenous people happily gave their land away and what is now Mexico welcomed Spain with open arms and........
Hello Sawyerloggingon

And Australia was uninhabited before Europeans got there and Canada's indigenous people happily gave their land away and what is now Mexico welcomed Spain with open arms and........

And that is fallible reasoning because it is based on the misconception that two wrongs make a right.

"Oh a bad things was done before, so that makes it OK now for us to do it."

At least we can tell ourselves those things.

But verbally saying something in words does not make a an incorrect thing correct. It doesn't magically turn wrong into right.

Wrong is still wrong.

Ancient history is ancient history. The world is trying to progress into a new era where national boundaries are established, and it is considered wrong to take rightful lands from others by force.
For racists and bigots on the right, the term woke has simply become a disparaging remark to refer to the left.

For everyone else in the world it means aware and socially sensitive of racial issues.
The Selfish Californian

So too all of California’s poor and lower middle classes who could not afford to flee and now cannot afford shelter, food, fuel, and safety, due to decades of policies that zoned away new home construction, strangled the gas, timber, and mining industries, taxed and regulated gas and diesel to the point of unaffordability, neglected the needs of the state’s once rich farming industry, and loved fish far more than people. Apparently, these well-educated and self-declared Socrateses believed that Californians could drink Facebook, eat Google, drive Twitter, and live on Snapchat.

The far-left Atlantic’s various contributors for years have been cheerleading most of the policies adopted by the Bay Area elite—defunding the police, decriminalizing an array of crimes, appeasing homelessness, ignoring dangerous drug use and dealing, and urging more redistributive taxation and entitlement.

But now Atlantic essayist Nellie Bowles warns us that San Francisco is a “failed city.” And she is correct in that the city is increasingly medieval. Its downtown is emptying, filthy, toxic, dangerous, and pre-civilizational—perhaps an unfair term since it was rare in pre-Roman Gaul or nomadic North Africa for tribal residents to sleep in the village pathways, fornicate and defecate openly among children, and violently attack random passersby.

In truth, the implosion of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and California more broadly is no accident. Destroying all the bounty that was inherited from far better and far-seeing generations was the logical result of deliberate policies—reflecting the self-interest of a few million rich, educated professionals. They apparently decided that their genius and superior morality had transcended worries over ancient challenges of food, water, shelter, transportation, and received law and custom.
So, in a word, California’s debacle was the work of the self-absorbed.

The self-declared most caring, virtuous, and moral in the end proved the most narcissistic, selfish, and self-centered. Yes, the rich left-wing California elites are many things, but utterly selfish explains what they do unto others.
Hello Sawyerloggingon

And that is fallible reasoning because it is based on the misconception that two wrongs make a right.

"Oh a bad things was done before, so that makes it OK now for us to do it."

At least we can tell ourselves those things.

But verbally saying something in words does not make a an incorrect thing correct. It doesn't magically turn wrong into right.

Wrong is still wrong.

Ancient history is ancient history. The world is trying to progress into a new era where national boundaries are established, and it is considered wrong to take rightful lands from others by force.
Your childish cliche response aside it's called context. European countries colonized all the new world and no European country of today hasn't been conquered by some invading force and it's borders moved or created and yes this included slavery of the vanquished. America is no different than the rest of the world of that period in world history and making that your primary focus of what America is today and in more recent history is dishonest and destructive and serves no purpose other than what it's intended to do which is to demoralize and divide.
Your childish cliche response aside it's called context. European countries colonized all the new world and no European country of today hasn't been conquered by some invading force and it's borders moved or created and yes this included slavery of the vanquished. America is no different than the rest of the world of that period in world history and making that your primary focus of what America is today and in more recent history is dishonest and destructive and serves no purpose other than what it's intended to do which is to demoralize and divide.

Brutality in the past doesn't justify brutality in the present or future, dumbass.

BTW, Walls don't work.
