Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

Brutality in the past doesn't justify brutality in the present or future, dumbass.

BTW, Walls don't work.


Woke is not about now it's about condemning America in the present for things it did in history that are no different from what all countries did in that era.
Woke is not about now it's about condemning America in the present for things it did in history that are no different from what all countries did in that era.

I have no idea WTF "woke" is anymore than you do "CRT". You're singling out a couple of nutjobs to represent an entire idea.

BTW, do you agree that all traitors, terrorists and their supporters should face the harshest justice? I do.

If you're not a fan of DT, you want to be woke.

If you buy into the lies, then woke is something you make fun of because you do not know the truth, and mock it.