Let's Run Government On Credit; And Not Collect Enough Taxes - It'll Be Great!

But the fact is you did not call out rich old men of all races,...ONLY old White men. Say what you want, but to me thats pretty telling.

Put it this way. If I witnessed 4 young black men , a young white man and a young Hispanic all pull a robbery together I wouldnt proclaim that young black men are committing too many robberies. Would you?


STFU old rich Blacks aren't running this country and haven't since you racist fucks stole it from the Native Americans. Old rich, racist, republican white men RUN THIS COUNTRY.

PoliTalker should just tell you to fuck off with the false comparison. But he/she likes to give racist the benefit of the doubt.
Hello cawacko,

Put a tax on stock market trades.

Make a wealth tax.

Raise the top income tax rate.

Tax large capital gains at a higher rate.

The money is there. We need to go after it.

Tax religion
Tax the NFL
Tax farmers
Tax Corporations
Tax the police unions
Infact....anyone who makes a profit off the american people should pay taxes PEROIT!
Hello cawacko,

Man, if you didn't have any spending, you wouldn't have a country.


There is nothing wrong with spending per se.

Spending is what everybody does to get everything they want or need.

We want a government that works for we the people, and that means spending.

Hell yeah, we are going to spend. We are going to spend on some overdue needed things and some important ones. You got that right.

We are not afraid of spending, as is "the case with most folks. "

The only difference is we have a way to pay for it. TAX THE RICH!

Democrats have a record of lower deficits than Republicans. ("Just the facts, ma'am." As Sergeant Joe Friday would have said.)

The really crazy thing is: This should be a really popular idea. Most people are not rich.

The question is: Why are so many non-rich people supporting what the rich want?

We, the non-rich, outnumber them 10 to 1.

The only thing standing between we the non rich people, and getting what we want, is the Republican party.

And my what a great con that whole party is, to convince so many people to vote for policy that helps not them but the rich.

This should be a slam-dunk.

There are so many more struggling households in America than there are mansions.

It is a testament to the power of propaganda, that's for sure. Wow.


Because they like the racism and hate more than their circumstance. If you get rid of niggas, specs and ragheads, their life will be so much better.

It's been the MO of the right for decades.
Hello cawacko,

You're way off base in your perception of my thinking.

You'd be far better off to take me at my word and try to dispute what I actually say, instead of making up false claims about it.

If you could.

Problem is: you know I am right, and you have no way to dispute what I actually say, so you have to make up a bunch of BS and pretend I said what you made up.

You got a bit thing wrong about my position, and your whole argument is based on it.

In what fictitious post of mine did I ever say: "you claim people want no spending. " None. I didn't say it.

Here's what I did say:

"Hell yeah, we are going to spend. We are going to spend on some overdue needed things and some important ones. You got that right.

We are not afraid of spending...

The only difference is we have a way to pay for it. TAX THE RICH!"

The problem is you've got this false belief that the only way to reduce the deficit is to reduce spending. Oh yeah, that will do it, but the problem is what do you cut? And you're stuck on that. You're willing to cut some strongly needed services for the disadvantaged, even though you are not disadvantaged, yourself. The one thing you are ignoring is hanging around like a giant white elephant in the room. There is another way to cut the deficit. Increase the revenue. You don't have to cut spending if you increase the revenue. All that is needed is to ask the American people to pay for the government they've got. Now who among the American people is most able to absorb higher taxes? Only one answer. The rich.

Logically, we can tax the rich and we don't have to cut spending.

Hell, tax 'em more and we can have more spending and a lower deficit.

That would be a win-win for America.

You have to twist what I say to make your argument work, but I can take you at your word and trash your argument on the basis of merit alone. The only honest thing for you to do is to admit I am actually right. I would if I was in your position.

That's true. People yell how terrible somebody's proposals are with the assumption they can actually pass those programs. We won't have Medicare for All, free college, forgiving college loans, or the environmental policies. Just as any rational person knew we wouldn't have Mexico pay for the wall, abolish Obamacare on day 1, or balance the budget.

The difference is the america people actually want what Bernie is proposing, but it's CONGRESS - mainly the racists republican right who does everything in it's power to make sure it doesn't pass.

See, we could vote in representatives and senators who agree with Bernie's agenda and it will get passed.

As long as we have the same ole republican, moderate, bluedog, dems in the party who represent "middle america" it won't happen.

If we build our base from the ground up, change will occur.

We just need to ignore "middle america" and the republicans. We have been catering to them far too long. We've tried it their way........time to move on.

Only racist whites wanted that fucking wall.
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The difference is the america people actually want what Bernie is proposing, but it's CONGRESS - mainly the racists republican right who does everything in it's power to make sure it doesn't pass.

See, we could vote in representatives and senators who agree with Bernie's agenda and it will get passed.

As long as we have the same ole republican, moderate, bluedog, dems in the party who represent "middle america" it won't happen.

If we build our base from the ground up, change will occur.

We just need to ignore "middle america" and the republicans. We have been catering to them far too long. We've tried it their way........time to move on.

Only racist whites wanted that fucking wall.

Everybody wants free stuff if somebody else has to pay for it. The American people did not want Bernie enough to nominate him in 2016 (or South Carolina). If you ignore middle America and the Republicans you have eliminated 2/3 of the voters.
Everybody wants free stuff if somebody else has to pay for it. The American people did not want Bernie enough to nominate him in 2016 (or South Carolina). If you ignore middle America and the Republicans you have eliminated 2/3 of the voters.

You're always going to have people on the right and left that demand ideological purity. I'm sure at times I've fallen into that trap myself. But if your goal is to win national elections you'll never get it. Hell even in California, where Democrats control every state wide office and have a super majority, there is still inter party turmoil on some issues and they can't get things passed.
You're always going to have people on the right and left that demand ideological purity. I'm sure at times I've fallen into that trap myself. But if your goal is to win national elections you'll never get it. Hell even in California, where Democrats control every state wide office and have a super majority, there is still inter party turmoil on some issues and they can't get things passed.

Some of the worst fights are within the same group or party. Libertarians are a good example; and, they quibble over the silliest things. In Texas when the Democrats controlled the state the fights were between the dominant conservative wing and liberal wing.
Some of the worst fights are within the same group or party. Libertarians are a good example; and, they quibble over the silliest things. In Texas when the Democrats controlled the state the fights were between the dominant conservative wing and liberal wing.

I'm obviously a Bay Area guy and many of my Facebook "friends" are from here as well. So I find it interesting to read their political discussions on the site. Of the ones that make political posts in my feed a large majority are on the left. But within that there is definitely not monolithic thinking. I see the passionate Bernie supporters and I see the 'moderate' anti-Bernie Democrats as well. (Now to me these 'moderates' are still very liberal but they just aren't Bernie left.) So it gives me comfort there will never be a Bernie revolution nationally.
What could possibly go wrong?

Debt is just a word, right?

We're old white men. We don't care. We'll be dead when the bill comes due.

Besides. We've got you fooled that this economy can last forever like this!

Enjoy it while you can. We sure are....................




Oh and btw: We are also killing all regulations. We don't care what they do. They are all alike, and we don't like them because they cost us money. And we can't get enough money.

So: No more regulations!

What could possibly go wrong?

Don't tell us. We don't care.

Simple solution......stop spending money that you don't have. FYI: the US has been a credit Keynesian economy since King Roosevelt introduced the pseudo system during the decade he resided over the worst economy this nation has ever seen. Do you comprehend just how much money has been wasted on the Great Society Programs with no apparent results since the 1960s?

Just over 50 years ago LBJ decided to purchase the BLACK VOTE by introducing the "Great Society Programs". Johnson said, "...we will give every citizen an escape from the crushing weight of poverty". 22 Trillion dollars later......you still have the impoverished among us, hat in hand requesting "MORE SOUP PLEASE....."

There have been 80 welfare programs stimming from these programs. How are we doing today as a result of having spent 22 TRILLION on welfare...that's trillion with a "T"?

Material poverty indeed has declined.....in fact most families being declared "IMPOVERISHED" today have air conditioning, cable tv, phones, cars (some more than 1), internet access, personal computers...etc., They would be affluent in many 3rd world nations.

The problem.....many people are satisfied with government welfare....to the point that over 40% of the US population now depend upon government support in one form or another. Why work for min. wage when you can suck on the tit of the US TAXPAYER?

Instead of promoting wellness in the family.....generational welfare has all but destroyed the core family unit in the US. There is "negative" incentive to actually work. Take for example a single mother can receive greater benefits from Uncle Same by divorcing their children's father and shacking up with them on the sly.

Today......in impoverished areas of the US....the NORAML is a household without a father.

No wonder you are bitching about needing HIGHER TAXES...you have almost 1/2 of the US population that pay no federal taxes....with the top 1% of the wealth earners...paying over 80% of the entire tax burden. Yet you want MORE SOUP PLEASE? :palm:

Right now.....the US government collects about 7 trillion dollars a year in taxes, from local, state and federal taxes. If you can't run a nation on 7 trillion dollars a year......its time to look at the root cause of the being in debt over 20 trillion dollars. THE US DOES NOT HAVE A TAX PROBLEM....it has a spending problem. When the left found out they could purchase votes by making promises to spend more money.....the US began its steady decline toward being a nation depending upon credit instead of Work and Production.
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