What could possibly go wrong?
Debt is just a word, right?
We're old white men. We don't care. We'll be dead when the bill comes due.
Besides. We've got you fooled that this economy can last forever like this!
Enjoy it while you can. We sure are....................
Oh and btw: We are also killing all regulations. We don't care what they do. They are all alike, and we don't like them because they cost us money. And we can't get enough money.
So: No more regulations!
What could possibly go wrong?
Don't tell us. We don't care.
Simple solution......stop spending money that you don't have. FYI: the US has been a credit Keynesian economy since King Roosevelt introduced the pseudo system during the decade he resided over the worst economy this nation has ever seen. Do you comprehend just how much money has been wasted on the Great Society Programs with no apparent results since the 1960s?
Just over 50 years ago LBJ decided to purchase the BLACK VOTE by introducing the "Great Society Programs". Johnson said, "...we will give every citizen an escape from the crushing weight of poverty". 22 Trillion dollars later......you still have the impoverished among us, hat in hand requesting "MORE SOUP PLEASE....."
There have been 80 welfare programs stimming from these programs. How are we doing today as a result of having spent 22 TRILLION on welfare...that's trillion with a "T"?
Material poverty indeed has declined.....in fact most families being declared "IMPOVERISHED" today have air conditioning, cable tv, phones, cars (some more than 1), internet access, personal computers...etc., They would be affluent in many 3rd world nations.
The problem.....many people are satisfied with government welfare....to the point that over 40% of the US population now depend upon government support in one form or another. Why work for min. wage when you can suck on the tit of the US TAXPAYER?
Instead of promoting wellness in the family.....generational welfare has all but destroyed the core family unit in the US. There is "negative" incentive to actually work. Take for example a single mother can receive greater benefits from Uncle Same by divorcing their children's father and shacking up with them on the sly.
Today......in impoverished areas of the US....the NORAML is a household without a father.
No wonder you are bitching about needing HIGHER TAXES...you have almost 1/2 of the US population that pay no federal taxes....with the top 1% of the wealth earners...paying over 80% of the entire tax burden. Yet you want MORE SOUP PLEASE?
Right now.....the US government collects about 7 trillion dollars a year in taxes, from local, state and federal taxes. If you can't run a nation on 7 trillion dollars a year......its time to look at the root cause of the being in debt over 20 trillion dollars. THE US DOES NOT HAVE A TAX PROBLEM....it has a spending problem. When the left found out they could purchase votes by making promises to spend more money.....the US began its steady decline toward being a nation depending upon credit instead of Work and Production.