Let's split up already. GOP POTUS's suck!

It isn't happening, but for conversation purposes, it would be interesting to see the nation divided up between Red/Blue States, three entities, West Coast, NE plus the Middle Atlantic States, and all the remaining Red States inbetween.

The majority of the population, financial hubs, cultural centers, wealth, and prominent individuals will be the Blue States, with strip malls, boulevards, chain stores, and a lot of concrete block architecture in the Red States, oh, and guns, lot of guns. Love to see those ranchers from Montana and Wyomimg have to deal with the good ole boys to get anything done

I have no problem with it......but won't you miss your social security checks?......
Ah, the 17th Amendmemt has nothing to do with the point, it is not 1912, to repeat, every election in America other than the Presidency is based on the concept of true democracy, and you are telling us you don't support true democracy, so you are telling us you oppose the manner inwhich we select ninety nine percent of our leaders


Except very few offices require a majority to win meaning a person can be elected although a majority vote against them contrary to a true democracy. Actually, in a true democracy there are not elected representatives; rather, the citizens make policy directly.

In most representative democracies of the world the public does not vote directly for the president.
I just posted this on a thread but it's worthy of a thread of it's own.

We need to split up and cut the red states and Republicans loose. They deliver HORRIBLE presidencies. The destruction of the middle class started with Ray-gun and his trickle down poison, the two unpaid for illegal wars and the crash of 2008 belongs to Bush and now the abomination that is a traitor like Trump. Think about the better more modernized, prosperous and cleaner place the USA would be without any of these gifts from the Republi-cons.

Well okay, as long as we don't let an aberration like 2016 keep Michigan from staying with the good blue guys. What about Wisconsin? We mostly like them and they have cheese. And a (D) governor now.
Well okay, as long as we don't let an aberration like 2016 keep Michigan from staying with the good blue guys. What about Wisconsin? We mostly like them and they have cheese. And a (D) governor now.

I never said there would not be the finer details to work out. LOL

As for Wisconsin, I never got over the fact that they were not successful in recalling Scott Walker the Koch tool.
"Tyranny of the majority" as the Founders called it because it allows one group to impose its will on the rest.

Could call it democracy. That can be justified. However, getting into office with fewer votes is tyranny of the minority. Justify that.