Letter showing Pope Pius XII had detailed information from German Jesuit about Nazi

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
crimes revealed

ROME (AP) — Newly discovered correspondence suggests that World War II-era Pope Pius XII had detailed information from a trusted German Jesuit that up to 6,000 Jews and Poles were being gassed each day in German-occupied Poland. The documentation undercuts the Holy See’s argument that it couldn’t verify diplomatic reports of Nazi atrocities to denounce them.

The documentation from the Vatican archives, published this weekend in Italian daily Corriere della Sera, is likely to further fuel the debate about Pius’ legacy and his now-stalled beatification campaign. Historians have long been divided about Pius' record, with supporters insisting he used quiet diplomacy to save Jewish lives while critics say he remained silent as the Holocaust raged.

Corriere is reproducing a letter dated Dec. 14, 1942 from the German Jesuit priest to Pius’ secretary which is contained in an upcoming book about the newly opened files of Pius’ pontificate by Giovanni Coco, a researcher and archivist in the Vatican’s Apostolic Archives.

crimes revealed

ROME (AP) — Newly discovered correspondence suggests that World War II-era Pope Pius XII had detailed information from a trusted German Jesuit that up to 6,000 Jews and Poles were being gassed each day in German-occupied Poland. The documentation undercuts the Holy See’s argument that it couldn’t verify diplomatic reports of Nazi atrocities to denounce them.

The documentation from the Vatican archives, published this weekend in Italian daily Corriere della Sera, is likely to further fuel the debate about Pius’ legacy and his now-stalled beatification campaign. Historians have long been divided about Pius' record, with supporters insisting he used quiet diplomacy to save Jewish lives while critics say he remained silent as the Holocaust raged.

Corriere is reproducing a letter dated Dec. 14, 1942 from the German Jesuit priest to Pius’ secretary which is contained in an upcoming book about the newly opened files of Pius’ pontificate by Giovanni Coco, a researcher and archivist in the Vatican’s Apostolic Archives.

I am not surprised. It is a singular failure of The Church in the face of evil. Ironic that the Church, when faced with REAL EVIL, sat on its hands. Same with the crises of various stories of sexual predator priests. The Church couldn't be bothered to do the right thing. But gosh they sure have a good history of finding witches.
I am not surprised. It is a singular failure of The Church in the face of evil. Ironic that the Church, when faced with REAL EVIL, sat on its hands. Same with the crises of various stories of sexual predator priests. The Church couldn't be bothered to do the right thing. But gosh they sure have a good history of finding witches.

I am not surprised, the experts said during the 1970's that there was no doubt that Rome knew what the NAZI's were doing, and refused to speak.
I am not surprised, the experts said during the 1970's that there was no doubt that Rome knew what the NAZI's were doing, and refused to speak.

And it is SO FRUSTRATING. I'm an atheist but I understand that the Church CAN BE A FORCE FOR GOOD. They do good things and help a lot of people. But when the chips are down and the big evil shows up it feels like the Church can't do anything (won't).

It points up the painful reality that religious faith never kept anyone from doing whatever evil they truly wanted to do and atheism never kept anyone from doing whatever good they wanted to do.
And it is SO FRUSTRATING. I'm an atheist but I understand that the Church CAN BE A FORCE FOR GOOD. They do good things and help a lot of people. But when the chips are down and the big evil shows up it feels like the Church can't do anything (won't).

It points up the painful reality that religious faith never kept anyone from doing whatever evil they truly wanted to do and atheism never kept anyone from doing whatever good they wanted to do.

Is the West dying because Christianity is dying or is Christianity dying because it is Western and all of the West is dying?

This is where I am, I see no reason to expect a rejuvenation of Christianity, if it was going rejuvenate and revitalize it would have happened by now..
He was the pope when I was a boy and still being dragged to church by parents who really should have know better.
As an adult, I spoke to them about that.

It didn't last long,
once I got too big to drag into the car,

and that's around the time that Ol' Pious bought the farm as well
if I remember correctly.

Fuck him if he was too scared shitless to speak up
or if he was actually OK with it--either way.
Is the West dying because Christianity is dying or is Christianity dying because it is Western and all of the West is dying?

This is where I am, I see no reason to expect a rejuvenation of Christianity, if it was going rejuvenate and revitalize it would have happened by now..

The West is for sure becoming more secular and has been for some time now. I don't think it means the West is "dying", though. The West had problems that were pretty awful when the Church was the defacto center for most people's community.

The Church was in charge when countless innocent people were slaughtered throughout most of Europe's history and it actually aided and abetted quite a lot of that. I don't see the Church as an absolutely NECESSARY aspect to our society.

But by the same token I know the Church HAS ALSO BEEN A FORCE FOR GOOD in the world. It's literally like everything that humans do can be both good and evil, sometimes at the same time.

To that end I don't see the move to a more secular society as necessarily being a bad thing. It doesn't mean we have lost morals or ethics, it just means we've changed the basis for said ethics. And maybe if we understand our ethics better maybe we can do a better job of not being evil. But that's asking a lot of humans.
The West is for sure becoming more secular and has been for some time now. I don't think it means the West is "dying", though. The West had problems that were pretty awful when the Church was the defacto center for most people's community.

The Church was in charge when countless innocent people were slaughtered throughout most of Europe's history and it actually aided and abetted quite a lot of that. I don't see the Church as an absolutely NECESSARY aspect to our society.

But by the same token I know the Church HAS ALSO BEEN A FORCE FOR GOOD in the world. It's literally like everything that humans do can be both good and evil, sometimes at the same time.

To that end I don't see the move to a more secular society as necessarily being a bad thing. It doesn't mean we have lost morals or ethics, it just means we've changed the basis for said ethics. And maybe if we understand our ethics better maybe we can do a better job of not being evil. But that's asking a lot of humans.

No, humans need to believe in something, the decline of Christianity has been filled with the regressive very shit quality WOKE religion.

We have not lost morals and ethics? You have no idea what reality looks like if you honestly believe this.
No, humans need to believe in something, the decline of Christianity has been filled with the regressive very shit quality WOKE religion.

OK. Got it.

We have not lost morals and ethics? You have no idea what reality looks like if you honestly believe this.

So was the world a better place when gay people were beaten or killed unless they remained quiet, black people and other minorities should be kept out of neighborhoods and Jews were iffy as to whether they should be allowed to stay alive?

If you think "Woke" is bad....you should look at history.
OK. Got it.

So was the world a better place when gay people were beaten or killed unless they remained quiet, black people and other minorities should be kept out of neighborhoods and Jews were iffy as to whether they should be allowed to stay alive?

If you think "Woke" is bad....you should look at history.

The masses are being enslaved.....this is a dark age....if you dont understand this then you are nowhere.
Every breath this life will be taken as a Free Man.

I refuse to be enslaved as I watch the ignorant coward Modern Morons walk towards their chains.

Hate to break it to you but you aren't as free as you imagine. Those chains are already on you but because you were born into them you don't notice them.
Hate to break it to you but you aren't as free as you imagine. Those chains are already on you but because you were born into them you don't notice them.

I dont imagine, I am not a fantasyland creature, I know, thats what the education was for.
Hate to break it to you but you aren't as free as you imagine. Those chains are already on you but because you were born into them you don't notice them.

We're whatever our sub-atomic particles happen to be doing.
Freedom isn't even in the equation.

One sick joke that evolution played on us, however, is a conscious mind.
We don't need it.
We can't accomplish anything of importance with it.

But we can observe life happening to us, rarely a good thing,
all with the distorted view that we may be calling some of the shots.

The MOST we can accomplish
if we ride that conscious mind very, very hard
is finally realize that we're just passengers on the ride.
We're whatever our sub-atomic particles happen to be doing.
Freedom isn't even in the equation.

One sick joke that evolution played on us, however, is a conscious mind.
We don't need it.
We can't accomplish anything of importance with it.

But we can observe life happening to us, rarely a good thing,
all with the distorted view that we may be calling some of the shots.

The MOST we can accomplish
if we ride that conscious mind very, very hard
is finally realize that we're just passengers on the ride.

"Yield to your chains, resistance is futile"
We're whatever our sub-atomic particles happen to be doing.
Freedom isn't even in the equation.

One sick joke that evolution played on us, however, is a conscious mind.
We don't need it.
We can't accomplish anything of importance with it.

But we can observe life happening to us, rarely a good thing,
all with the distorted view that we may be calling some of the shots.

The MOST we can accomplish
if we ride that conscious mind very, very hard
is finally realize that we're just passengers on the ride.

"Learning is impossible, think and do as you are told".