Letter showing Pope Pius XII had detailed information from German Jesuit about Nazi

I am not surprised, the experts said during the 1970's that there was no doubt that Rome knew what the NAZI's were doing, and refused to speak.

Or worse as in the 1970's it was "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia when it came to documents from WW II where the Catholic Church brokered Islam oil for Holocaust deaths while SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 Islamidiotocracy Bicentennial celebration of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists ChristHitler national religion of suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming politics.
Drunken woman beater said:
Buckle up. Regime. Revolution. Woke. China. Buckle up. Recession. Woke. Buckle up. Hyperinflation. Depression. Deep state. Woke. Buckle up.... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

I won't name names, though.
crimes revealed

ROME (AP) — Newly discovered correspondence suggests that World War II-era Pope Pius XII had detailed information from a trusted German Jesuit that up to 6,000 Jews and Poles were being gassed each day in German-occupied Poland. The documentation undercuts the Holy See’s argument that it couldn’t verify diplomatic reports of Nazi atrocities to denounce them.

The documentation from the Vatican archives, published this weekend in Italian daily Corriere della Sera, is likely to further fuel the debate about Pius’ legacy and his now-stalled beatification campaign. Historians have long been divided about Pius' record, with supporters insisting he used quiet diplomacy to save Jewish lives while critics say he remained silent as the Holocaust raged.

Corriere is reproducing a letter dated Dec. 14, 1942 from the German Jesuit priest to Pius’ secretary which is contained in an upcoming book about the newly opened files of Pius’ pontificate by Giovanni Coco, a researcher and archivist in the Vatican’s Apostolic Archives.


The Catholic church has a long history of unspeakable atrocities. They are a cancer on mankind.
crimes revealed

ROME (AP) — Newly discovered correspondence suggests that World War II-era Pope Pius XII had detailed information from a trusted German Jesuit that up to 6,000 Jews and Poles were being gassed each day in German-occupied Poland. The documentation undercuts the Holy See’s argument that it couldn’t verify diplomatic reports of Nazi atrocities to denounce them.

The documentation from the Vatican archives, published this weekend in Italian daily Corriere della Sera, is likely to further fuel the debate about Pius’ legacy and his now-stalled beatification campaign. Historians have long been divided about Pius' record, with supporters insisting he used quiet diplomacy to save Jewish lives while critics say he remained silent as the Holocaust raged.

Corriere is reproducing a letter dated Dec. 14, 1942 from the German Jesuit priest to Pius’ secretary which is contained in an upcoming book about the newly opened files of Pius’ pontificate by Giovanni Coco, a researcher and archivist in the Vatican’s Apostolic Archives.


I attended a general audience with Pius XII at Castel Gandolfo in 1956. It was an interesting and moving experience back when I still had a religious inclination.

The story at that time was that the Pope considered it to be a more reasonable way to handle the Nazi excesses by quieter means than in a more forceful way. The Pope and his advisors felt they would be putting many more people (especially clerical) in danger if the Church's reaction to Hitler and the Nazis were more vociferous.

Looking at it after the war, the choice was unfortunate, although most scholars agree that no matter the tone or vehemence of the Church's reaction...nothing would have appreciable changed in what the Nazis were doing. They were no more inclined to listen to the Pope than to Roosevelt or Churchill.

I suspect there was a lot of quiet help offered by people of all faiths for the Jews who were being massacred by Hitler. He was a truly disgusting individual. I hope we never see the likes of him again.
I attended a general audience with Pius XII at Castel Gandolfo in 1956. It was an interesting and moving experience back when I still had a religious inclination.

The story at that time was that the Pope considered it to be a more reasonable way to handle the Nazi excesses by quieter means than in a more forceful way. The Pope and his advisors felt they would be putting many more people (especially clerical) in danger if the Church's reaction to Hitler and the Nazis were more vociferous.

Looking at it after the war, the choice was unfortunate, although most scholars agree that no matter the tone or vehemence of the Church's reaction...nothing would have appreciable changed in what the Nazis were doing. They were no more inclined to listen to the Pope than to Roosevelt or Churchill.

I suspect there was a lot of quiet help offered by people of all faiths for the Jews who were being massacred by Hitler. He was a truly disgusting individual. I hope we never see the likes of him again.

I hope that you enjoyed your break, Frank.

In 1956, you had a general audience with the pope,
but I got an autographed baseball from Ted Williams.

You apparently remember the audience,
and I still have the ball.
I hope that you enjoyed your break, Frank.

In 1956, you had a general audience with the pope,
but I got an autographed baseball from Ted Williams.

You apparently remember the audience,
and I still have the ball.

Ahhh...the Splendid Splinter. One of my favorite players of that day.

I was a Yankee fan...so being a fan of his was a bit of a problem. But then again, I wwas a die-hard NY football GIANTS fan...and my favorite player back then was Jim Brown...of Cleveland.

Ya gotta choose when you have a choice.

I envy the signed ball.

Yeah, the break was needed. Gonna see how things go...by easing into things.
The Catholic church has a long history of unspeakable atrocities. They are a cancer on mankind.

Wonder how long it will take for "one nation under God with equal justice under law" from this Christain Nation SCOTUS diatribe George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam in that "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia national religion of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement Fourth Reich July 9/11 patriot act of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists ?
Ahhh...the Splendid Splinter. One of my favorite players of that day.

I was a Yankee fan...so being a fan of his was a bit of a problem. But then again, I wwas a die-hard NY football GIANTS fan...and my favorite player back then was Jim Brown...of Cleveland.

Ya gotta choose when you have a choice.

I envy the signed ball.

Yeah, the break was needed. Gonna see how things go...by easing into things.

Back in the days after Eisenhower said "Never Again" yet SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 precedent of Islam business of "serve the Pope or die" with the Catholic Church supercedes "one nation under God with equal justice under law" .....
Back in the days after Eisenhower said "Never Again" yet SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 precedent of Islam business of "serve the Pope or die" with the Catholic Church supercedes "one nation under God with equal justice under law" .....

I am sure there was something you wanted me to consider there, Salty...but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is.

I've read your comment over four times...and I just cannot understand what you are saying. If you want to give it another try, I will respond.
I am sure there was something you wanted me to consider there, Salty...but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is.

I've read your comment over four times...and I just cannot understand what you are saying. If you want to give it another try, I will respond.

Did you lose your Ovaltine decoder ring, Frank?:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Did you lose your Ovaltine decoder ring, Frank?:laugh::laugh::laugh:

I had one...or at least, I had a decoder. I don't remember it being a ring, but more a badge of some sort. I was a super Captain Midnight fan...Ivan Shark was my personal enemy.

The messages were bullshit...but every kid I knew had one.
There’s a reason he’s known as “Hitler’s Pope”.

Yeah...mostly because of people who hated Catholicism and who were haters in general.

Pius was operating under circumstances that precluded making any kind of rash actions toward Hitler or Mussolini. He was in Vatican City...and the entire of that City State could have been wiped from the face of the Earth easily by the Axis forces. Modern scholars recognize that Pius did lots to help Jews during the Holocaust...but that much of it, wisely, was done clandestinely.
Yeah...mostly because of people who hated Catholicism and who were haters in general.

Pius was operating under circumstances that precluded making any kind of rash actions toward Hitler or Mussolini. He was in Vatican City...and the entire of that City State could have been wiped from the face of the Earth easily by the Axis forces. Modern scholars recognize that
during the Holocaust...but that much of it, wisely, was done clandestinely.
Recently unearthed documents have shown that is not the case

“The newly unearthed documents — some imbued with anti-Semitic language — are shedding light on the pontiff's behavior during the Nazis' massacre of Jews. They also reveal the pope's role in preventing orphans of Holocaust victims from being reunited with their relatives.
The historian found two documents that reveal an intense debate was under way in the Vatican in 1943, when the Nazi occupiers of Rome rounded up more than 1,000 Jews and detained them in a military college 800 yards from St. Peter's Square before packing them off to the Auschwitz concentration camp. As the German ambassador to the Vatican reported to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, the roundup occurred under the pope's "very windows." Only 16 of the deportees survived.“


A good book on the subject
[FONT=&quot]Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XIII by John Cornwall[/FONT]
Recently unearthed documents have shown that is not the case

“The newly unearthed documents — some imbued with anti-Semitic language — are shedding light on the pontiff's behavior during the Nazis' massacre of Jews. They also reveal the pope's role in preventing orphans of Holocaust victims from being reunited with their relatives.
The historian found two documents that reveal an intense debate was under way in the Vatican in 1943, when the Nazi occupiers of Rome rounded up more than 1,000 Jews and detained them in a military college 800 yards from St. Peter's Square before packing them off to the Auschwitz concentration camp. As the German ambassador to the Vatican reported to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, the roundup occurred under the pope's "very windows." Only 16 of the deportees survived.“


A good book on the subject
[FONT="]Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XIII by John Cornwall[/FONT]

The reason that Pius is called Hitler's Pope...is because of hatred of Catholicism by non-Catholics, most notably, by Protestants.

In any case, Christianity, in toto, has ALWAYS considered that Jesus actually suffered and died as a result of Jewish intervention. The Romans were the only ones who actually could decree death as a penalty for anything in a Roman province, but the Romans were very accommodating of the desires of the peoples of the areas they conquered. Jesus would never have been put to death because his teachings conflicted with the teaching of the Jews of his day. The Romans could not have cared less about that. Jesus, if he ever existed, was condemned because the Jewish hierarchy insisted on that punishment. So it would not be unreasonable for ANY pope (EVERY POPE) to be speaking in derogatory terms about Jews and Judaism. That same sentiment was part of the great schism called the Reformation...and contaminated the immediate Reformation churches to the same degree as it did the Catholic church.

Pius work sub-rosa to defeat Hitler...who was born, baptized and confirmed a Catholic. (He probably abandoned Catholicism and Christianity in general early in life...probably before his 20's.) He did it sub-rosa in order to provide safety to "his flock" who would have suffered greatly if he had spoken more freely on the subject.

But, if it makes you and others feel better to consider Pius to be evil and a supporter of Hitler and Mussolini, fine with me. It is possible there are no gods...and it also is possible there is at least one god. It is possible that if there is at least one god...that one of the religions of the Earth has correctly identified it...and it is also possible none has.

It appears to me that one religion hating others is a great net plus for society...so far be it from me to dissuade anyone from engaging in that kind of thing.
The reason that Pius is called Hitler's Pope...is because of hatred of Catholicism by non-Catholics, most notably, by Protestants.

In any case, Christianity, in toto, has ALWAYS considered that Jesus actually suffered and died as a result of Jewish intervention. The Romans were the only ones who actually could decree death as a penalty for anything in a Roman province, but the Romans were very accommodating of the desires of the peoples of the areas they conquered. Jesus would never have been put to death because his teachings conflicted with the teaching of the Jews of his day. The Romans could not have cared less about that. Jesus, if he ever existed, was condemned because the Jewish hierarchy insisted on that punishment. So it would not be unreasonable for ANY pope (EVERY POPE) to be speaking in derogatory terms about Jews and Judaism. That same sentiment was part of the great schism called the Reformation...and contaminated the immediate Reformation churches to the same degree as it did the Catholic church.

Pius work sub-rosa to defeat Hitler...who was born, baptized and confirmed a Catholic. (He probably abandoned Catholicism and Christianity in general early in life...probably before his 20's.) He did it sub-rosa in order to provide safety to "his flock" who would have suffered greatly if he had spoken more freely on the subject.

But, if it makes you and others feel better to consider Pius to be evil and a supporter of Hitler and Mussolini, fine with me. It is possible there are no gods...and it also is possible there is at least one god. It is possible that if there is at least one god...that one of the religions of the Earth has correctly identified it...and it is also possible none has.

It appears to me that one religion hating others is a great net plus for society...so far be it from me to dissuade anyone from engaging in that kind of thing.
You obviously have emotional ties to the church, I am just reporting the facts. I was raised a Catholic, I don’t hate the church, I just feel it’s a very flawed organization, who like many institutions and governments turned a blind eye to Hitler’s genocide.
You obviously have emotional ties to the church, I am just reporting the facts.

It is my opinion that Catholic "beliefs" like the "beliefs" of every other religious group...are nothing more than blind guesses about the true nature of the REALITY of existence. EVERY "belief" in this area is just a blind guess. There is no way one can substantiate the existence or non-existence of a GOD or gods.

I do have emotional ties to the Church...just as I have very deep emotional ties to the Jewish predicament, which I see as almost universal hatred (or distrust) for Jews MOSTLY because of jealousy. Jews are achievers...and always have been. They just achieve...and that seems to set off buttons in non-Jews. So I defend both the Church...and Jews...whenever I see them being unfairly put upon. And, I defend Pius XII, in part because I managed to attend a general audience with him shortly before his death (an emotional experience); because he was a childhood acquaintance of my maternal grandmother; and because I think the best way for him to handle the Church's dealings with Hitler and the Nazis in war-torn Europe...was to do it as cautiously as possible. By being more precipitous with the problem, he might easily have increased it to include Catholics.

You are not reporting facts as much as you are giving your personal feelings about what you see as "the facts."

I was raised a Catholic, I don’t hate the church, I just feel it’s a very flawed organization, who like many institutions and governments turned a blind eye to Hitler’s genocide.

I was raised a Catholic, and like you, I do not hate the Church, but do consider it a very flawed organization. I do not suppose that it turned a blind eye to Hitler's genocide at all...but I respect your subjective feelings that it did. Once again, NOT facts, but rather subjective feelings.
No, humans need to believe in something, the decline of Christianity has been filled with the regressive very shit quality WOKE religion.

We have not lost morals and ethics? You have no idea what reality looks like if you honestly believe this.
Why can’t humans replace religion with science, you can believe in science and still have morals and awe in the Universe.