Liberal gun bullshit

If your beloved NRA and the right wing absolutists hadn't struck down the assault weapons ban, Lanza wouldn't have had a legal weapon of mass destruction to murder those 1st graders. Maybe he would have had to use a hand gun, which is much less accurate. And he wouldn't have been able to fire off as many rounds without reloading. ALL opportunities for someone to intervene.

The blood is on your beloved NRA and the right wing absolutists.

do you hold liquor and auto makers responsible for DUI deaths and injury?

additionally, the AWB was not struck down by anyone, it expired of its own accord due to the sunset provision. might to get your facts straight before spouting off hate filled rants.
additionally, the AWB was not struck down by anyone, it expired of its own accord due to the sunset provision. might to get your facts straight before spouting off hate filled rants.

You are so full of shit.

The facts? The NRA bought the end of the ban and many honest democrat congressmen lost their jobs as a result.
You know freak, if you take a step back and read all the postings on the 2nd amendment threads here, there is not ONE liberal or Democrat who is calling for banning ALL guns. Even Senators and Congressmen with A ratings from the NRA are calling for sensible gun laws. And behold you and your counterparts. YOU are the extremists, the zealots, the absolutists. What it is boiling down to is YOU are defending Adam Lanza's right to eviscerate a whole classroom of 1st graders.
what I have seen you liberals and democrats call for though are banning everything but muskets, squirrel guns, and single shot shotguns. a complete betrayal of the founders and the constitution.
Glad to see you're still supporting gunning down innocent little children. How proud your mother should be of you, traitor!
and you're still a traitorous fucktard. you glibly hope that gun owners are killed when you ban and confiscate our guns, but get all pissy in your panties when we talk of retaliation. typical lib traitor.
Behold the childlike response, the polarized, absolutist argument. There is no moderate adult position that they don't see as taking ALL their guns.

NO right is absolute. The 1st amendment doesn't mean you can scream fire in a crowded theater, or show pornography to children.

Grow the fuck up you right wing pea brains.
you still haven't read the debunking of that tired old totalitarian decision, have you???
If your beloved NRA and the right wing absolutists hadn't struck down the assault weapons ban, Lanza wouldn't have had a legal weapon of mass destruction to murder those 1st graders. Maybe he would have had to use a hand gun, which is much less accurate. And he wouldn't have been able to fire off as many rounds without reloading. ALL opportunities for someone to intervene.

The blood is on your beloved NRA and the right wing absolutists.
would you like to know how stupid you sound right now???? the assault weapons ban didn't actually ban many weapons at all. It only banned certain cosmetic features. All weapons makers had to do was change certain features of the weapons while retaining their functionality. The sale of the AR15 increased 500% after the 'ban' was put in to place.
Prove it fag. It expired. Democrat congress did not reauthorize

Aww...calling names! Does your mommy suck her girlfriends bloody monthly discharge?

Here ya go, Yurtie.

Now, the assault weapons ban. The ten-year-old law expires at midnight tonight. It outlaws 19 types of military- style semiautomatic assault weapons, as well as ammunition clips holding more than ten rounds.

Republican congressional leaders declined to bring reauthorizing legislation to the floor for debate or vote, saying there were not enough votes to pass it.
would you like to know how stupid you sound right now???? the assault weapons ban didn't actually ban many weapons at all. It only banned certain cosmetic features. All weapons makers had to do was change certain features of the weapons while retaining their functionality. The sale of the AR15 increased 500% after the 'ban' was put in to place.

Hah. My link got to disprove you too! Plus...

He added that sales of AR-15 rifles went up in 2004, after the expiration of the assault weapons ban, and again in 2008.

Can't you two dumbfucks get anything right??????????????????????????????
what I have seen you liberals and democrats call for though are banning everything but muskets, squirrel guns, and single shot shotguns. a complete betrayal of the founders and the constitution.


I'm a Liberal me where I've ever made that claim.

It's just more outlandish hyperbole designed to cloud the issue.
There is in the Declaration of Independence, from your beloved Jefferson:
this is why you liberals look retarded. you seem to totally ignore the fact that the Declaration and the Constitution are documents that tell the government what they can and cannot do. your right to life is supposed to be protected FROM the government, not BY the government. try to learn the distinction.
Hah. My link got to disprove you too! Plus...

Can't you two dumbfucks get anything right??????????????????????????????

from your link:

And they cite statistics indicating that unlike handguns or shotguns, rifles of any type account for only a fraction of homicides in the United States — of 12,664 murder victims last year, 323 were killed with rifles, according to the F.B.I.’s Uniform Crime Report.

all this liberal panty wetting seems quite silly in light of the above.

and btw...your link does not disprove his claim. idiot.
so i was correct and you were not. it did in fact expire automatically and no one bought anything.


lol, indeed stoop stuperson! It wasn't renewed because the republican congress didn't want to after all the political donations from the NRA!

no it didn't retard. you conveniently left out how sales went up before and during the ban. your anti gun biased site is worthless.

Good God. I even bolded it for you Barney!

He added that sales of AR-15 rifles went up in 2004, after the expiration of the assault weapons ban

Can you see it now, traitor?
lol, indeed stoop stuperson! It wasn't renewed because the republican congress didn't want to after all the political donations from the NRA!

Good God. I even bolded it for you Barney!

Can you see it now, traitor?

and howey lies again. this is what you said earlier:

The NRA bought the end of the ban

now you're claiming that only bought the non-renewal of the ban. that what happens when you lie howey, you can't remember all the little made up bullshit you spew.

thanks for proving that you're full of shit that the NRA bought "the end of the ban"