. Once they have disarmed America, controlling the masses is easy, if we get out of line or protest, they can mow us down and dump us in mass graves, like they did in the Soviet Union and other totalitarian countries through history. In true Marxist Socialist form, they seek to do this incrementally, not all at once, because they know the public would never stand for it all at once. They exploit tragedies such as this, to implement their policies and remove us from our guns and liberties even further, and this will not stop.
On this point we agree. The goal is incremental, the old boiling the live frog trick.
That's why Darla and Big Fucking Goofy Nerd's bleating "we don't want to take all guns" is so fucking funny. Neither of them will feel safe until only cops have guns. Then, maybe they will personally understand the sentiment; cops are just criminals with badges. Unfortunately, though no recourse will be available then.