Liberal gun bullshit

I have no fear of guns. That is a false statement. And I have already answered your 'questions'. You're just to lazy or inattentive to read and follow along.

Post 217

If your beloved NRA and the right wing absolutists hadn't struck down the assault weapons ban, Lanza wouldn't have had a legal weapon of mass destruction to murder those 1st graders. Maybe he would have had to use a hand gun, which is much less accurate. And he wouldn't have been able to fire off as many rounds without reloading. ALL opportunities for someone to intervene.

The blood is on your beloved NRA and the right wing absolutists.

The claim that the weapons ban that expired would have stopped this is 100% absolutely false. He did this with two handguns, no rifle went into the school at all. Zero, nada, none. The only rifles that went into that school went in with cops after he had already wacked himself. The one rifle he brought along had to stay in the car like the redheaded stepchild it was. No "Assault weapons ban" would have stopped this, not even one small amount.

Let me say it to you again, the guy did this without "assault weapons" and your ban would have no effect on the outcome of this situation.
A rifle is more accurate at any distance past the barrel length.

To a degree this is true, but the accuracy is not much different at close range.

Plus it is capable of holding more ammo than a pistol.

It is also harder to conceal and carry than two pistols. The two 9mm's he held together hold the same number as the Bushmaster he used.

To change a magazine also requires the shooter to divert his attention away from his target. It requires him to use one hand that is now OFF THE WEAPON to grab the next cartridge.

Which again is quite meaningless in the grand scheme of events. Especially if he had multiple weapons, which he did.

There is no perfect here. There is only possibilities for a less severe outcome and small opportunities for intervention.

again, the gun free zone ensured he would have no meaningful intervention, regardless of the small opportunities. Would it not be safer to teach the teachers gun safety and proficiency than arbitrarily pulling some number out of ones ass and saying 'this is the maximum clip size'???

One trained teacher could have stopped him far faster than limiting the clip size.
There are other, more important, guarantees in the Constitution. One of them being "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The parents of 20 dead children have been denied that right at the hands of gun advocates.


20 children are dead because the government restricted the teachers from having guns at their school. The government didn't do anything but show up late.Which is normal.
The claim that the weapons ban that expired would have stopped this is 100% absolutely false. He did this with two handguns, no rifle went into the school at all. Zero, nada, none. The only rifles that went into that school went in with cops after he had already wacked himself. The one rifle he brought along had to stay in the car like the redheaded stepchild it was. No "Assault weapons ban" would have stopped this, not even one small amount.

Let me say it to you again, the guy did this without "assault weapons" and your ban would have no effect on the outcome of this situation.

I thought they said the Bushmaster was his primary weapon???
The claim that the weapons ban that expired would have stopped this is 100% absolutely false. He did this with two handguns, no rifle went into the school at all. Zero, nada, none. The only rifles that went into that school went in with cops after he had already wacked himself. The one rifle he brought along had to stay in the car like the redheaded stepchild it was. No "Assault weapons ban" would have stopped this, not even one small amount.

Let me say it to you again, the guy did this without "assault weapons" and your ban would have no effect on the outcome of this situation.

Damo, that is what I thought too, in fact it was told to me by a retired cop friend, but apparently it isn't true.
Behold the childlike response, the polarized, absolutist argument. There is no moderate adult position that they don't see as taking ALL their guns.

NO right is absolute. The 1st amendment doesn't mean you can scream fire in a crowded theater, or show pornography to children.

Grow the fuck up you right wing pea brains.

To bad you don't have half a brain.
A rifle is more accurate at any distance past the barrel length. Plus it is capable of holding more ammo than a pistol. To change a magazine also requires the shooter to divert his attention away from his target. It requires him to use one hand that is now OFF THE WEAPON to grab the next cartridge.

There is no perfect here. There is only possibilities for a less severe outcome and small opportunities for intervention.

But that is not the issue with 'YOU PEOPLE', is it Rune. You have added your support to the ignorant far right wing conspiracy theory of the slippery slope. And you have forever exposed yourself for what you really are. Best of luck with any credibility Dixie Rune.

See post #282 for needed corrections.

If you note, since you brought up my "credibility" I debate with ALL comers here, not just those who vote GOP.
Accuracy lends credibility, which you are lacking.
If your beloved NRA and the right wing absolutists hadn't struck down the assault weapons ban, Lanza wouldn't have had a legal weapon of mass destruction to murder those 1st graders. Maybe he would have had to use a hand gun, which is much less accurate. And he wouldn't have been able to fire off as many rounds without reloading. ALL opportunities for someone to intervene.

The blood is on your beloved NRA and the right wing absolutists.

These children are dead because the government restricted the teachers from having guns in their school. People like you are the reason the government have been able to restrict schools from self defense. People with your mindset are the reason why so many are dead at that school.
The claim that the weapons ban that expired would have stopped this is 100% absolutely false. He did this with two handguns, no rifle went into the school at all. Zero, nada, none. The only rifles that went into that school went in with cops after he had already wacked himself. The one rifle he brought along had to stay in the car like the redheaded stepchild it was. No "Assault weapons ban" would have stopped this, not even one small amount.

Let me say it to you again, the guy did this without "assault weapons" and your ban would have no effect on the outcome of this situation.

Totally inaccurate Damo. The ONLY weapon he used to kill the 20 children and the six teachers and staff was the assault rifle. He fired one shot with a handgun, into his own head.

Law enforcement officials said that Adam Lanza was armed with four firearms when he started his rampage at a Connecticut elementary school Friday that ended in the deaths of 20 children and seven adults, but nearly all the killing was done with just one of the guns: a .223 caliber Bushmaster semiautomatic rifle.

Lanza used the rifle, a modified civilian version of the military's M-16 similar to the popular AR-15, as he stalked through the school and opened fire on children as young as five. Dr. H. Wayne Carver, the medical examiner who investigated the massacre, told reporters over the weekend that all of Lanza's victims had been shot more than once.

The killing ended when Lanza took his own life, this time using a handgun, officials said.
Totally inaccurate Damo. The ONLY weapon he used to kill the 20 children and the six teachers and staff was the assault rifle. He fired one shot with a handgun, into his own head.

Law enforcement officials said that Adam Lanza was armed with four firearms when he started his rampage at a Connecticut elementary school Friday that ended in the deaths of 20 children and seven adults, but nearly all the killing was done with just one of the guns: a .223 caliber Bushmaster semiautomatic rifle.

Lanza used the rifle, a modified civilian version of the military's M-16 similar to the popular AR-15, as he stalked through the school and opened fire on children as young as five. Dr. H. Wayne Carver, the medical examiner who investigated the massacre, told reporters over the weekend that all of Lanza's victims had been shot more than once.

The killing ended when Lanza took his own life, this time using a handgun, officials said.

Doesn't matter. The rifle didn't make any difference.
Fuck you asshole. You don't know what I believe. The only 'incremental' is in the fear infested mind of people like you whose whole existence is controlled by fear.

I am a liberal who doesn't own a gun, but I still support the 2nd amendment. I believe every citizen has the right to defend their family and property. Every citizen has the right to hunt, skeet and trap shoot. I have fired numerous weapons myself. I have gone trap shooting many times with my friends. I have been deer hunting with customers and friends (I didn't shoot). I even strapped a deer they shot to the roof of my SUV.

There is no slippery slope, except the one you right wing fear filled morons have created in your tiny little brains.

BUT, you folks are creating a REAL slippery slope for yourselves and what you claim is your philosophy. You are exposing the real danger of people whose philosophy is totally based on an emotion, the strongest human emotion...FEAR.
you talk real big about certain rights, but why don't you believe in the right to defend freedom from a tyrannical central government?????
To a degree this is true, but the accuracy is not much different at close range.

It is also harder to conceal and carry than two pistols. The two 9mm's he held together hold the same number as the Bushmaster he used.

Which again is quite meaningless in the grand scheme of events. Especially if he had multiple weapons, which he did.

again, the gun free zone ensured he would have no meaningful intervention, regardless of the small opportunities. Would it not be safer to teach the teachers gun safety and proficiency than arbitrarily pulling some number out of ones ass and saying 'this is the maximum clip size'???

One trained teacher could have stopped him far faster than limiting the clip size.

Really, why stop with teachers? Why doesn't America just cave to the ultra conservatives like you. We can model our society after the most ultra conservative cultures on the planet. Muslim countries.


Find a war anywhere in the Third World, and you’ll find children with guns. It almost seems like a throwback to primitive times when children were last in the pecking order, first to do without food when survival was threatened. Darwin obviously knew about this.

The children of Hamas (Life photo) can pull triggers as well as an adult. They can carry bombs too.
Really, why stop with teachers? Why doesn't America just cave to the ultra conservatives like you. We can model our society after the most ultra conservative cultures on the planet. Muslim countries.


Find a war anywhere in the Third World, and you’ll find children with guns. It almost seems like a throwback to primitive times when children were last in the pecking order, first to do without food when survival was threatened. Darwin obviously knew about this.

The children of Hamas (Life photo) can pull triggers as well as an adult. They can carry bombs too.

Not much hyperbole going on there.
Find a war anywhere in the Third World, and you’ll find children with guns. It almost seems like a throwback to primitive times when children were last in the pecking order, first to do without food when survival was threatened. Darwin obviously knew about this.

We're not the third world; we're the first world. We believe in the teachings of Christ. This tolerance or other religions manages conflicts to the point where conflict and war are relatively rare.
you talk real big about certain rights, but why don't you believe in the right to defend freedom from a tyrannical central government?????

We are a nation of laws. We, the People are the government. You are a whack job conspiracy nut bag. If the military in this country ever turns on We, the People, there is no longer an America. It is so ridiculous and absurd that I have to suggest you see a psychiatrist. You have a very serious mental illness. And you should not be allowed to own a pea shooter.
Word of advice: Before y'all put your stupid ass feet in your stupid ass mouths, remember that I am far superior intelligently to you. I check, and often double check, everything I write on here regardless.
This is hilarious, with the stumbling grammar.