Liberal gun bullshit

With all respect Rana, he's a perfect example of what a tyrannicle government can do to a person.

No different than 1776. act like we are living under the rule of Pol Pot or someone similar.

Please explain how the current government is as tyrannical as King George was in the 18th century.

Be specific.

What we live under isn't tyranny and in NO WAY tyrannical...but making outrageous, hyperbolic statements and pretending it is allows crazies like STY to justify their eagerness to kill their fellow countrymen.
I have no problem with reasonable laws Rana. We already have many. Yet this is a situation where, as you stated, the laws did not stop the crazy person from committing a heinous act.

My problem is with those who keep harping that we need more reasonable measures and yet they cannot elaborate at ALL on what the hell they are referring to.

I propose a reasonable measure to help prevent further action and I got pure nonsense from Bfgrn... I do believe you know the post, you thanked him for it.

WHAT reasonable measures do you think we need?

We continue hearing from you and others lovely straw men positions the 'right' has supposedly taken, yet none have. No one is saying we can't have reasonable laws. We are asking you WHAT you would propose that is reasonable.

I have stated before what I consider reasonable, and, if you expect me to remember all posts I thank, than surely you remember my recommendations for gun laws. act like we are living under the rule of Pol Pot or someone similar.

Please explain how the current government is as tyrannical as King George was in the 18th century.

Be specific.

What we live under isn't tyranny and in NO WAY tyrannical...but making outrageous, hyperbolic statements and pretending it is allows crazies like STY to justify their eagerness to kill their fellow countrymen.
I made a post last week the detailed just a few. i've mentioned a few today. why do you ignore them now? oh, it's not tyranny because it's under democrat control?????
The US spends more per capita on education than almost every other country on the planet, yet the performance is not there. This is separate issue, so I don't want to derail the thread, but in short, the waste in spending comes in the insane amount of admin the school systems have. That money would be better spent on the teachers and students. There are 435 house seats to run the government. There are over 15000 school districts... each with its own Superintendent etc...

Also, put the issue forth to the taxpayers... I bet it passes overwhelmingly.

and thanks... I do appreciate legit questions like that...

I think this is an issue we all agree upon.
See what I mean? Another perfect example of the extreme polarized mind where sensible gun laws is changed by the right wing fear infested mind into Nazis and gun grabbers.
It was your logic, not mine. Nice self-pwnage on your part though.
I made a post last week the detailed just a few. i've mentioned a few today. why do you ignore them now? oh, it's not tyranny because it's under democrat control?????

It's not tyranny PERIOD.

Terrified Righties did just what Benjamin Franklin warned everyone of...they traded freedom for security...and this is what we got.

It's not the USA of the founders, but claiming we live under a tyrannical Government is just plain crazy talk.
How long ago were the nazi attrocities? You act like it was ancient history. My father watched his father's gun get taken. When the guns were gone, the attrocities began. Push your eyewool on your fellow sheep, you are not selling any here.

I have to offer you a olive branch.
We seem to differ on certain areas; but when it comes down to it, it does appear that you do have America's best interest at heart.
There are those who want to act like the Holocaust never happened.
I hope your Grandfather survived; but if he didn't, you and your father have my sympathies.
Rana? Zappa? Bfgrn? Anyone?

I think we better define tryanny. I don't think I have the same definition as yourself. I see tryanny as an evil, abusive, harsh government. I do not think the USA is at the point of tryanny. I would not define our leaders as tyrants.
It's not tyranny PERIOD.

Terrified Righties did just what Benjamin Franklin warned everyone of...they traded freedom for security...and this is what we got.

It's not the USA of the founders, but claiming we live under a tyrannical Government is just plain crazy talk.

I agree, I am sorry, I do not fear my government. I do not think I seriously have to worry about storm troopers coming to my door, at least not today!
i'm wondering if just explaining simple tactics to you here would be worth it, or I should just start another thread about it.

two words.....guerrilla warfare. Do you honestly believe that we would do anything so stupid as to try to go toe to toe with a armored unit? no, we wouldn't even try. you'd see nothing but sniper fire, IEDs, even the cruelest and most medieval barbaric booby traps known to man. we would do everything and more to demoralize the military, like sending prisoners home, but castrated...missing fingers or toes, maybe even eyes. it would be no holds barred until the military just stopped out of fear.

I guess they have no idea of how a sticky can disable an armored vehicle and turn it into a meat can.
Then reasonable gun sense should be possible if we really are a first world country. There should be no claims of a slippery slope to tyranny.
Here's a reasonable gun policy: we have the right to bear arms of the same type that a government would use to take them away from us.
The gun owners making the most noise likely lied on NICS forms, have something in the record which would disqualify them, or regularly violate federal gun laws.

They are scared shitless that their name will be added to NICS, or that they will be caught breaking a law lose all their guns.

You have no proof of this, it's nothing but an ASSumption on your part, and all it does is show your level of stupidity.
I think we better define tryanny. I don't think I have the same definition as yourself. I see tryanny as an evil, abusive, harsh government. I do not think the USA is at the point of tryanny. I would not define our leaders as tyrants.

Only because they haven't disarmed us yet!!!!
I have stated before what I consider reasonable, and, if you expect me to remember all posts I thank, than surely you remember my recommendations for gun laws.

I have not seen it, thus cannot recall that which I have not seen.

Could you reiterate some of your ideas?
It's not tyranny PERIOD.

Terrified Righties did just what Benjamin Franklin warned everyone of...they traded freedom for security...and this is what we got.

It's not the USA of the founders, but claiming we live under a tyrannical Government is just plain crazy talk.

what did 'terrified righties' trade that you are referring to?
I think we better define tryanny. I don't think I have the same definition as yourself. I see tryanny as an evil, abusive, harsh government. I do not think the USA is at the point of tryanny. I would not define our leaders as tyrants.
You define it differently that I do. To me, anyone who ignores the constitution is a tyrant. That leaves few office holders who are not tyrants.
It's not tyranny PERIOD.

Terrified Righties did just what Benjamin Franklin warned everyone of...they traded freedom for security...and this is what we got.

It's not the USA of the founders, but claiming we live under a tyrannical Government is just plain crazy talk.

tyranny is in the eye of the beholder. when I see millions of non violent people imprisoned for decades for a victimless 'crime', that's tyranny. when innocent people are killed by the 'lawful' actions of our police forces, that's tyranny. when the government is exempt from laws that prohibit actions by citizens, that's tyranny. YOU may think that it isn't tyranny simply because it's the LEFT BOOT on your face, but left or right doesn't matter when it's a BOOT on your face.