Liberal gun bullshit

Right, because nothing could ever change, like the Patriot Act, etc. As we speak drones are following cars (in American airspace) for practice for "future actions" Pull your head out of your ass.

So, do you fear your government? Are they following you? Do you think the average citizen has to worry about government observation?

Do you believe there are tyrants in your government who are willing to committ atrocities on the average law abiding citizens.

I agree there is a need to monitor and restrict government activities, but saying we live in tryanny is hyperbole.
I got some news for might not sit too well so be ready.

If the Government ever decided to come for everyone's guns, there wouldn't be a blessed thing you or anyone of your "survivalist" friends could do to even slow them down let alone stop them.

You think the pitiful little "stockpile" you or any of the other paranoid gun nuts have been busy stashing away will be a match for the might of the ENTIRE US military?

Two words...

Bunker Buster.

You're dead and your "resistance" is over that fast.

Do they have 100,000,000 bunker busters? Better yet, do you have confidence they can FIND my bunker?

I got news for you... You're full of shit.
I think we better define tryanny. I don't think I have the same definition as yourself. I see tryanny as an evil, abusive, harsh government. I do not think the USA is at the point of tryanny. I would not define our leaders as tyrants.

Of COURSE you are right.

The supposed tyrannical government we live under is a concoction of the fevered, paranoid minds who see conspiracy everywhere.
I agree, I am sorry, I do not fear my government. I do not think I seriously have to worry about storm troopers coming to my door, at least not today!

I think his question was not 'do we have a tyrannical government today'... but rather, 'is it not a slippery slope that we are on?'

Does saying 'we will JUST take away guns with high numbers of rounds in the mags' lead to 'now we will take JUST the guns with semi auto features'... etc...

Does the killing of JUST one US Citizen without trial lead to JUST ten... etc...
I think we better define tryanny. I don't think I have the same definition as yourself. I see tryanny as an evil, abusive, harsh government. I do not think the USA is at the point of tryanny. I would not define our leaders as tyrants.

I am talking about a direction, a slippery slope. You don't think the president ordering the illegal death of an american is evil?

Remember when it was illegal for a president to order an assasination? Wasn't that long ago was it? Ford?
Remember when an american could not be held without due process? Remember when we were free in our homes and persons from search and seizure without warrent?
We are sliding and fast.
So, do you fear your government?
anyone who has read my postings about police brutality, and no accountability for those brutal acts, and isn't afraid of their government is too stupid to be let out in public!!!!

Are they following you? Do you think the average citizen has to worry about government observation?
drones, domestic surveillance, wiretapping and email sharking ring a bell??

Do you believe there are tyrants in your government who are willing to committ atrocities on the average law abiding citizens.
again, read my posts!

I agree there is a need to monitor and restrict government activities, but saying we live in tryanny is hyperbole.
and yet it is the reality of today
Of COURSE you are right.

The supposed tyrannical government we live under is a concoction of the fevered, paranoid minds who see conspiracy everywhere.

I would hate to live that way, but I am one of those nutty people who believe our thoughts manifest our future, so I try to live as paranoia free as possible, I try to avoid manifesting negative events in my life. Itry to be aware of my surroundings, but I don't fear them.
tyranny is in the eye of the beholder. when I see millions of non violent people imprisoned for decades for a victimless 'crime', that's tyranny. when innocent people are killed by the 'lawful' actions of our police forces, that's tyranny. when the government is exempt from laws that prohibit actions by citizens, that's tyranny. YOU may think that it isn't tyranny simply because it's the LEFT BOOT on your face, but left or right doesn't matter when it's a BOOT on your face.

It's also tyranny when you're forced to do something (like Obamacare) you don't want to do.
Then my memory sucks... :)

I would like a restriction placed on military style automatic weapons and the number of rounds in a clip. I know total gun restriction is not realistic, but some restrictions are necessary.

I would also like better enforcement of current gun laws and stricter sentences or people who use Gus in the omission of a crime. Will it stop all crime, no, but we can't just let gun ownership run rampant, either!
I would hate to live that way, but I am one of those nutty people who believe our thoughts manifest our future, so I try to live as paranoia free as possible, I try to avoid manifesting negative events in my life. Itry to be aware of my surroundings, but I don't fear them.
one has to wonder if the polish looked at life that way before they were invaded. ignorance doesn't help anyone live a full life.
So, do you fear your government? Are they following you? Do you think the average citizen has to worry about government observation?

Do you believe there are tyrants in your government who are willing to committ atrocities on the average law abiding citizens.

I agree there is a need to monitor and restrict government activities, but saying we live in tryanny is hyperbole.

Ask the FBI why I am on a list, and when I leave the country I need to sit at customs for 2 hours longer than anyoe else, while they try to find out why I am on the list.
Ask them why they will not tell me why I am on their list.
Because I have some blogs? So much for the first ammendment, now it's the second, who knows what tommorow.
I would like a restriction placed on military style automatic weapons and the number of rounds in a clip. I know total gun restriction is not realistic, but some restrictions are necessary.

I would also like better enforcement of current gun laws and stricter sentences or people who use Gus in the omission of a crime. Will it stop all crime, no, but we can't just let gun ownership run rampant, either!
and who are you to define the rights of others???
I think his question was not 'do we have a tyrannical government today'... but rather, 'is it not a slippery slope that we are on?'

Does saying 'we will JUST take away guns with high numbers of rounds in the mags' lead to 'now we will take JUST the guns with semi auto features'... etc...

Does the killing of JUST one US Citizen without trial lead to JUST ten... etc...

Then all laws basically lead to tryanny according to this line of thinking...
I would like a restriction placed on military style automatic weapons and the number of rounds in a clip. I know total gun restriction is not realistic, but some restrictions are necessary.

I would also like better enforcement of current gun laws and stricter sentences or people who use Gus in the omission of a crime. Will it stop all crime, no, but we can't just let gun ownership run rampant, either!

Rana, automatic weapons were outlawed in 1934. Do some reasearch.