Liberal gun bullshit

what about when that 'trained' police officer kills a student???? does it become too expensive then?

Police spend weeks every year training to be the best they can with their sidearm.

You think someone with a couple hours a month at the shooting range is going to perform with anywhere near the same accuracy while some crazed nutbar is firing bullets at their students?

Seriously? I am a liberal who grew up in the 1950's and 60's. There is no one on this board who is more anti establishment than me. The problem with you right wing turds, is you don't know who the establishment is. Now, a right wing turd like you has the gall to throw up an attempt by the coal miners to unionize being crushed by big coal corporations who PAID "private detectives" and public law enforcement agents to crush union organizers and innocent college students being murdered by National Guardsmen?

I have had numerous arguments with conservatives about the Kent State killings on other boards. EVERY SINGLE conservative sided with the government and the Guardsmen. Many even said the students DESERVED their fate.

Educate yourself. Maybe you can grow your little pea to the size of a grape. It would put you at the top of the list in right wing intelligence.
Yours is the "all or nothing" argument, a fallacy.

Please answer this question. School A has signs that say "gun free zone". School B has signs that teachers may be armed. Which school do you think the psycho will be more likely to target?

By the way this exact policy was enacted by a school district in TX after the VA Tech massacre. Guess how many massacres happened there since then.

Big whoop.

The school my daughter goes to has been open since the VA Tech massacre and has only "gun free zone" signs.

It also hasn't had any massacres, so your theory about the signs making a difference is wrong.
Seriously? I am a liberal who grew up in the 1950's and 60's. There is no one on this board who is more anti establishment than me. The problem with you right wing turds, is you don't know who the establishment is. Now, a right wing turd like you has the gall to throw up an attempt by the coal miners to unionize being crushed by big coal corporations who PAID "private detectives" and public law enforcement agents to crush union organizers and innocent college students being murdered by National Guardsmen?

I have had numerous arguments with conservatives about the Kent State killings on other boards. EVERY SINGLE conservative sided with the government and the Guardsmen. Many even said the students DESERVED their fate.

Educate yourself. Maybe you can grow your little pea to the size of a grape. It would put you at the top of the list in right wing intelligence.

Not since Dixie have so many words been typed that completely avoid a statement. Did American civilians get killed purposefully as a result of American military intervention, yes or no?
Seriously? I am a liberal who grew up in the 1950's and 60's. There is no one on this board who is more anti establishment than me. The problem with you right wing turds, is you don't know who the establishment is. Now, a right wing turd like you has the gall to throw up an attempt by the coal miners to unionize being crushed by big coal corporations who PAID "private detectives" and public law enforcement agents to crush union organizers and innocent college students being murdered by National Guardsmen?

I have had numerous arguments with conservatives about the Kent State killings on other boards. EVERY SINGLE conservative sided with the government and the Guardsmen. Many even said the students DESERVED their fate.

Educate yourself. Maybe you can grow your little pea to the size of a grape. It would put you at the top of the list in right wing intelligence.

You saw that too?

I read his link to the Blair Mountain massacre and the fist thing I thought was "he didn't read this".
Police spend weeks every year training to be the best they can with their sidearm.
No they don't. They practice a couple times a year.

You think someone with a couple hours a month at the shooting range is going to perform with anywhere near the same accuracy while some crazed nutbar is firing bullets at their students?

You sure seem to to think so if you're calling the cops.
Big whoop.

The school my daughter goes to has been open since the VA Tech massacre and has only "gun free zone" signs.

It also hasn't had any massacres, so your theory about the signs making a difference is wrong.

Nice try at avoiding my question. I'll repeat it for you. School A has signs that say "gun free zone". School B has signs that teachers may be armed. Which school do you think the psycho will be more likely to target?
Police spend weeks every year training to be the best they can with their sidearm.

You think someone with a couple hours a month at the shooting range is going to perform with anywhere near the same accuracy while some crazed nutbar is firing bullets at their students?

And back in August outside the Empire State Building NYPD killed a man who fired at them...and SHOT NINE BYSTANDERS.
No they don't. They practice a couple times a year.

You sure seem to to think so if you're calling the cops.

You know as well as I that gun range training isn't the ONLY training officers receive to prepare them for situations like the Newtown massacre.
And back in August outside the Empire State Building NYPD killed a man who fired at them...and SHOT NINE BYSTANDERS.

Now imagine the carnage we'd have witnessed if we'd had three or four weekend warriors firing indiscriminately while everyone around them panics.
You know as well as I that gun range training isn't the ONLY training officers receive to prepare them for situations like the Newtown massacre.

Yeah, that IS most of the training they receive. Cops spend FAR more time learning search techniques and how to get people to admit guilt to crimes than they do in any form of weapons training. Most PDs require you to qualify once a year, and often that requirement gets waived. People who carry/are hobbyists are AT LEAST as good as (and almost always BETTER than) police. If you were talking about a SWAT team it might be a different story, but they're not first responders.
Police spend weeks every year training to be the best they can with their sidearm.

You think someone with a couple hours a month at the shooting range is going to perform with anywhere near the same accuracy while some crazed nutbar is firing bullets at their students?
I would love to understand where you were told that cops spend all of this time at the range and training. All the cops I know in my area spend 3 days a year for qualification. that's it. I spend that much time in a month. there's no tactical training for a cop unless they are full time SWAT. please stop believing that tired old myth that cops are trained to be superheroes because they just aren't.
Seriously? I am a liberal who grew up in the 1950's and 60's. There is no one on this board who is more anti establishment than me.
say what?????

The problem with you right wing turds, is you don't know who the establishment is.
like OCCUPY believing that protesting wall street will get congress to change their laws???

Now, a right wing turd like you has the gall to throw up an attempt by the coal miners to unionize being crushed by big coal corporations who PAID "private detectives" and public law enforcement agents to crush union organizers and innocent college students being murdered by National Guardsmen?

I have had numerous arguments with conservatives about the Kent State killings on other boards. EVERY SINGLE conservative sided with the government and the Guardsmen. Many even said the students DESERVED their fate.
why do you continually toss ME in that same group of people if you are supposed to be so smart???
Nice try at avoiding my question. I'll repeat it for you. School A has signs that say "gun free zone". School B has signs that teachers may be armed. Which school do you think the psycho will be more likely to target?

I have no way of knowing and neither do you.

You then go on to imply that a school district in Texas hasn't endured any massacres because they hung signs saying teachers might be armed...which of course is bullshit.

It makes just as much sense for me to claim that my daughter's school hasn't been attacked because the school colors are blue and gold.
I would love to understand where you were told that cops spend all of this time at the range and training. All the cops I know in my area spend 3 days a year for qualification. that's it. I spend that much time in a month. there's no tactical training for a cop unless they are full time SWAT. please stop believing that tired old myth that cops are trained to be superheroes because they just aren't.

If police are called to a school shooting, who would respond to a "man with a gun" call at a school...SWAT?

Or some ordinary beat cops?

Cops with extensive weapons training or beat cops with 3 days of qualification?
If police are called to a school shooting, who would respond to a "man with a gun" call at a school...SWAT?

Or some ordinary beat cops?

Cops with extensive weapons training or beat cops with 3 days of qualification?
depends on how fast you'd like that response to be. SWAT teams take days to plan and prepare for a search warrant and deal with days of logistics, still not getting it right half the time. If you want an immediate response (I'm assuming we'd all prefer that) you're getting beat cops from all over the place in the district, all with just 3 days a year qualifications.
I have no way of knowing and neither do you.

You then go on to imply that a school district in Texas hasn't endured any massacres because they hung signs saying teachers might be armed...which of course is bullshit.

It makes just as much sense for me to claim that my daughter's school hasn't been attacked because the school colors are blue and gold.

Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of human behavior knows the answer to my question. I assure you that I do.

These psychos are cowards; that's why they go after the most innocent among us. They are also anti-establishment and seek to openly defy rules, regulations and laws. They are therefore much more likely to attack "gun free zones".

This is a fact, and the history of mass murderer proves it.
Economists John Lott and William Landes conducted a groundbreaking study in 1999, and found that a common theme of mass shootings is that they occur in places where guns are banned and killers know everyone will be unarmed, such as shopping malls and schools.
If police are called to a school shooting, who would respond to a "man with a gun" call at a school...SWAT?

Or some ordinary beat cops?

Cops with extensive weapons training or beat cops with 3 days of qualification?

Beat cops would be the first. SWAT teams set things up like a chess game and take a long amount of preparation. That's why you don't hear about them in these shootings. That's not the situation they're trained for.