Liberal gun bullshit

So...all we have to do is arm teachers, the Slurpee kiosk kid at the mall, and the kid who pops popcorn at theaters.
Yes, as this will prevent or reduce the killings. Malls can be protected by average citizens who carry concealed.
Nobody's answered my question on this. Maybe you will.

The airline pilots are furnished the gun and a week's training at FLETC in New Mexico.

Who is going to foot the bill for this for our 6.6 million teachers?

Suddenly a lib is worried about spending too much money.

A concealed carry course is 16 hours at your local gun range; secondary training for the school would probably be a third day. Many would do this voluntarily but lets assume that we pay them for this time.

Eliminate the federal Dept. of Education and there will be plenty of cash to pay for this.

Nobody's answered my question on this. Maybe you will.

The airline pilots are furnished the gun and a week's training at FLETC in New Mexico.

Who is going to foot the bill for this for our 6.6 million teachers?

and another howey lie

i've answered your question at least 3 times

stop being a drama queen

and cite who said every teacher should be armed mr. strawman
Suddenly a lib is worried about spending too much money.

A concealed carry course is 16 hours at your local gun range; secondary training for the school would probably be a third day. Many would do this voluntarily but lets assume that we pay them for this time.

Eliminate the federal Dept. of Education and there will be plenty of cash to pay for this.

So it's ok for the airline pilots to attend a week long course to learn how to shoot terrorists but teachers should only take a 16 hour course to learn how to shoot a child?



and another howey lie

i've answered your question at least 3 times

stop being a drama queen

and cite who said every teacher should be armed mr. strawman

You have not answered my question. You have also repeated the refrain "Give the teachers guns", so are you now saying "Don't give all the teachers guns"?

So how do we determine which teachers to give guns to and which ones not to give guns to?

Wouldn't the next mass murderer favor the teacher without the gun?

Sorry, Yurtie. We have to give all 6.6 million of our teachers a gun. And provide the training.
So it's ok for the airline pilots to attend a week long course to learn how to shoot terrorists but teachers should only take a 16 hour course to learn how to shoot a child?


I don't think it requires a week at a specialized facility to train pilots. But regardless, he's defending against a trained specialist, not a psycho who has trouble tying his own shoes in the morning. And the teacher isn't trying to fly a plane at the same time.

I'm still amused at how you, a liberal, is suddenly is concerned about spending money.
The Communist Chinese government, via its state-run media front Xinhua, has called for Americans to be disarmed, arguing that the Sandy Hook school massacre demands “no delay for U.S. gun control.”

Xinhua is virtually the press agency for the Communist Chinese government. The organization, “is subordinate to the State Council and reports to the Communist Party of China’s Propaganda and Public Information Departments.” lease the Democrats of the US have some international support from their friends and allies overseas.....
No surprise here.....
The Communist Chinese government, via its state-run media front Xinhua, has called for Americans to be disarmed, arguing that the Sandy Hook school massacre demands “no delay for U.S. gun control.”

Xinhua is virtually the press agency for the Communist Chinese government. The organization, “is subordinate to the State Council and reports to the Communist Party of China’s Propaganda and Public Information Departments.” lease the Democrats of the US have some international support from their friends and allies overseas.....
No surprise here.....

Christ on a stick!

The Communist Chinese government, via its state-run media front Xinhua, has called for Americans to be disarmed, arguing that the Sandy Hook school massacre demands “no delay for U.S. gun control.”

Xinhua is virtually the press agency for the Communist Chinese government. The organization, “is subordinate to the State Council and reports to the Communist Party of China’s Propaganda and Public Information Departments.” lease the Democrats of the US have some international support from their friends and allies overseas.....
No surprise here.....

Ya know...when I see shit like this, then see it comes from Infowars, and is all over every crazy conspiracy blog out there and highlighted by none other than BREITBART, it's pretty easy to realize the story isn't really what's being told.

Here's the story from China:

Twenty-eight innocent people, including 20 primary students, have been slaughtered in a mass shooting at an elementary school in the U.S. state of Connecticut. Their blood and tears demand no delay for the U.S. gun control.

The massacre has triggered a new debate on gun control in the United States. However, this time, the public feels somewhat tired and helpless.

The past six months have seen enough shooting rampages in the United States. Just three days ago, three people were shot dead at a shopping mall in Oregon. Two weeks ago, a football player shot his girlfriend dead and then committed suicide. Five months ago, 12 people were killed and 58 wounded in a shooting spree at a midnight screening of a Batman film in Colorado.

However, these are only part of the gun violence which has drawn the whole country's attention. Every time a tragedy occurs, there are renewed appeals for gun regulation. However, the calls disappointingly always fail.

Regulation of private gun ownership has been a sensitive issue in the U.S. for a long time. Americans own 280 million guns, with 34 percent of U.S. families possessing the deadly weapon. Gun lobbies, such as the National Rifle Association (NRA), are very influencial.

Centering on issues such as whether citizens can bear arms, and whether the government has the right to ban guns, the opposing camps have debated hotly for years.

Electoral politics is another important reason for the failure of gun control efforts. The Democratic Party has historically paid a price for its gun control efforts.

The Clinton government launched a series of gun control policies at the end of last century. And the Democrats lost the Congressional election in 1994 and the presidential election in 2000, with the shadow of the NRA present in both defeats.

The terrifying mass shooting in Colorado happened in an election year. As a result, neither of the Democratic nor the Republican party were willing to step up gun control, due to possible political ramifications.

For all that, the latest heartbreaking deaths of the 20 schoolchildren aged five to 10 have made the crime especially unbearable. Many people can't help but turn to the dim hope once again: the gunman's cruelty and evil may provide a strong momentum and broader public support for the restart of gun control efforts. Moreover, with no re-election pressure, President Obama is currently in the best position to promote it.

Obama said of the latest tragedy the country had "been through this too many times," and it was time to put aside political differences and "take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this."

Some people have noticed Obama's tougher tone this time, compared to the Colorado shooting, when he called for "prayer and reflection."

Action speaks louder than words. If Obama wants to take practical measures to control guns, he has to make preparation for a protracted war and considerable political cost

Hardly a call to rip the guns out of the hands of all Americans, isn't it?

Look, dumbfuck. When a story, as I noted, is found everywhere but legitimate sources, it's bound to not be true.
So it's ok for the airline pilots to attend a week long course to learn how to shoot terrorists but teachers should only take a 16 hour course to learn how to shoot a child?


You have not answered my question. You have also repeated the refrain "Give the teachers guns", so are you now saying "Don't give all the teachers guns"?

So how do we determine which teachers to give guns to and which ones not to give guns to?

Wouldn't the next mass murderer favor the teacher without the gun?

Sorry, Yurtie. We have to give all 6.6 million of our teachers a gun. And provide the training.

seriously, what is your problem?

i said what exactly? prediction #36 for howey - he will never answer this question

for the FOURTH time....i have said they can pay privately if they choose to arm themselves.

this is the fifth time howey. i never said "give the teachers guns". that is flat out lie. we don't have to give all the teachers guns dopey. i never said that and i never said the schools should.

pay attention for pete's sake
I love the gun afficianados scolding people for having opinions about guns without being experts on gun terminology. Reminds me of the dicks that pulled rank when people criticized how Romeny earned his millions: You don't know how private equity works.

Dont you think it would to know a little something about a topic before you discuss it or do you prefer ignorance?
Christ on a stick!

Ya know...when I see shit like this, then see it comes from Infowars, and is all over every crazy conspiracy blog out there and highlighted by none other than BREITBART, it's pretty easy to realize the story isn't really what's being told.

Here's the story from China:

Hardly a call to rip the guns out of the hands of all Americans, isn't it?

Look, dumbfuck. When a story, as I noted, is found everywhere but legitimate sources, it's bound to not be true.

The ChiComs are on your side Howey......why so rattled...? all communists, throughout the world are probably cheering for your team

Poor Howey.....
so there is no law you could put in place that would have prevented him from doing what he did.

Yes, there is. A law forbidding people to own guns who have a mentally ill person living with them. He tried to buy a gun and was denied so he just picked up his mother's weapons.

Show me evidence that Adam Lanza had ever been treated for, or diagnosed with "mental illness."
Yes, as this will prevent or reduce the killings. Malls can be protected by average citizens who carry concealed.

You know what you bunch of right wing gun licking pea brains, if I am a teacher, or the Slurpee kiosk kid at the mall, or the kid who pops popcorn at theaters, and you want me to be armed and protect all the citizenry that enters the facility I work at; I want to get PAID BIG BUCKS. I'm not going to put a target on my back for $40,000 per year, or minimum wage.

You right wing turds are MORONS.
Time needed to reload. I think ten dead people before reloading to be a satisfying number, how about you? Or is fifty better?

If they are coming after my guns, I think 100 is best. I don't want to have to reload.
The more hostile anti-gun liberals I can kill per clip, the better, in my opinion.
A law forbidding people to own guns who have a mentally ill person living with them.

Here's a 'compromise' for ya... First we remove all the laws prohibiting involuntary commitment, so that whenever a person is mentally disturbed, their family can have them put in a mental hospital away from the public. THEN, if they opt to NOT do this, and instead choose to care for them in their homes, it can only be under the conditions no firearms are in the house. If the people make this decision and are willing to sacrifice their right to bear arms, that's up to them. See, I can be perfectly reasonable!
You know what you bunch of right wing gun licking pea brains, if I am a teacher, or the Slurpee kiosk kid at the mall, or the kid who pops popcorn at theaters, and you want me to be armed and protect all the citizenry that enters the facility I work at; I want to get PAID BIG BUCKS. I'm not going to put a target on my back for $40,000 per year, or minimum wage.

You right wing turds are MORONS.

Good, we won't hire you.
you're kidding, right?? they felt threatened and panicked? kids themselves??? then what the hell were THEY doing with guns? why do you anti gun idiots hold such a double standard every single time???

Good question! LESS guns would have saved lives.

The Kent State incident forced the National Guard to re-examine its methods of crowd control. The only equipment the guardsmen had to disperse demonstrators that day were M1 Garand rifles loaded with .30-06 FMJ ammunition, 12 Ga. pump shotguns, and bayonets, and CS gas grenades. In the years that followed, the U.S. Army began developing less lethal means of dispersing demonstrators (such as rubber bullets), and changed its crowd control and riot tactics to attempt to avoid casualties amongst the demonstrators. Many of the crowd-control changes brought on by the Kent State events are used today by police and military forces in the United States when facing similar situations, such as the 1992 Los Angeles Riots and civil disorder during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. wiki