Yes, we did.
Nobody wants to do away with the second amendment, but neither should the right to keep arms infringe upon the rights of others. What is sacrosanct is the right of our children to live a full and prosperous life - "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".
The fact is the NRA has strayed from it's original purpose of training and educating our youth on how to handle guns safely. It's now become the crack dealer to those who believe, wrongly, their right to keep and bear arms surpasses the rights of everybody else. The propaganda of the NRA has fueled the gun owner's habit and created a monster of payola to politicians in order to push the agenda of the gun owner. At the expense of sanity.
It's not going to be easy, but something needs to be done and will be done. Whether because of political correctness, or lawsuits, or lack of government funding, or societal stigma...the victims of mental illness are the loved ones who fear for themselves and the person with a disease. We HAVE to make it easier for ppl to get treatment - whether they think they want it or not. That does not, however, call for permanent institutionalism of our mentally ill. We can't lock them up and throw away the keys.
We need a concerted, uniform, federally funded dialogue on mental health focusing on identifying problems before they happen and taking appropriate action keeping the rights of the patient in mind.
We need to get rid of automatic and semi-automatic weapons of death designed for use by the military and law enforcement who's only purpose is to kill. There is no need for the hunter to use an AK-47 to shoot a deer or a homeowner to use a Glock to protect his family. The rights of the hunter and the family will be retained.
There are several local programs right now, nationwide, that involve turning in these weapons meant to kill in exchange for gift cards or other items. Why not expand them to include the ability to turn in the weapon and get a certificate for another, safer one (or whatever else the gun owner wants that's reasonable) worth the value of gun, say...$ not meant to kill as many people as possible in as little time as possible? Make the program voluntary at first, gradually increasing it's scope to make it mandatory with criminal sanctions, including substantial fines, for those who refuse to comply after a given period of time.
All of this will cost money, lots of money our government just doesn't have. So how will we pay for it?
A surcharge, or tax, on ammunition and guns sufficient to handle the cost of mental health care and awareness, and to provide replacements for weapons turned in. Increase the aforesaid fines on criminals accused of using these weapons to insure compliance.
There's more I don't have time to detail, but it's got to be done. Let's quit the partisan sword-rattling and get this done. At least for the children!