Liberal lies listed

20. June 7, 2017: In a supposed "fact-check" story, AP reported that Trump had misread the potential cost to a family with insurance under the Affordable Care Act who wanted care from their existing doctor.

The report was false.

21. June 8, 2017: The New York Times’ Jonathan Weisman reported that James Comey testified that Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered Comey not to call the "Russian" fishing expedition “a matter.”

The instruction had nothing to with the Russian collusion witch-hunt, and did not come from Sessions.

Actually, it was Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch who instructed Comey to refer to the Hillary Clinton email probe as “a matter” instead of “an investigation.”
22. June 22, 2017: CNN’s Thomas Frank reported that Congress was investigating a “Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials.”

The report was later retracted.

Frank and two other CNN employees resigned.
This thread needs to keep going; it illustrates the stupidity of the left to repeat the FAKE media lies while claiming Trump is the liar.
23. December 2, 2017: ABC News’ Brian Ross reported that former Trump official Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn was going to testify that candidate Trump had directed him to contact “the Russians.”

Even though such contact would not be a violation of law, the news was treated as an explosive indictment of Trump, and the stock market fell on the news.

ABC later corrected the report to reflect that Trump had already been elected when he asked Flynn to contact "the Russians about working together to fight ISIS".

Ross was suspended.
This thread needs to keep going; it illustrates the stupidity of the left to repeat the FAKE media lies while claiming Trump is the liar.

There's a pattern, TD.

The DEMOCRAT-infested media tells a lie, and then, after it's proven false - usually much later and with almost no fanfare - the lie is "corrected" or "retracted".
There's a pattern, TD.

The DEMOCRAT-infested media tells a lie, and then, after it's proven false - usually much later and with almost no fanfare - the lie is "corrected" or "retracted".

That's a fact; and it is despicable. I believe a majority of Americans realize this and it will be reflected in the midterms.

24. July 6, 2017: Newsweek’s Chris Riotta and others reported that Poland’s First Lady had refused to shake Trump’s hand.

Newsweek’s later “update” admitted that the First Lady had shaken Trump’s hand after all, as clearly seen on video.
25. July 6, 2017: The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, CNN and numerous outlets had long repeated, as a fact, the Hillary Clinton claim that a total of "17 American intelligence agencies concluded that Russia orchestrated election year attacks to help get Trump elected".

In reality, only three agencies, not 17, had actually done so.
26. Aug. 31, 2017: NBC News’ Ken Dilinian and Carol Lee reported that a Trump official’s notes about a meeting with a Russian lawyer included the word “donation,” as if there were discussions about suspicious campaign contributions.

NBC later "corrected" the report to reflect that the word “donation” didn’t appear, but still claimed the word “donor” did.

Later, Politico admitted that the word “donor” wasn’t in the notes, either.
27. Sept. 5, 2017: CNN’s Chris Cillizza and other news outlets declared Trump “lied” when he stated that Trump Tower had been wiretapped.

It later turned out there were numerous wiretaps involving Trump Tower.

At least two Trump associates who had offices in or frequented Trump Tower were also wiretapped.
28. Sept. 7, 2017: The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman claimed DEMOCRAT leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi had called President Trump about an immigration issue.

In fact, Trump actually made the call to Pelosi.
29. Nov. 6, 2017: CNN’s Daniel Shane edited a Trump statement to make it appear as though Trump didn't know that Japanese manufacturers build cars in the U.S.

However, the transcript of Trump’s entire statement made it clear that he does.
30. Nov. 6, 2017: CNN edited a video to make it appear that Trump impatiently dumped a box of fish food into the water while feeding fish during a state visit to Japan.

The New York Daily News, the Guardian and others wrote stories accusing Trump of being childish, ignorant, gauche and impetuous.

The full video showed that Trump had emptied his box of fish food the same way that Japan’s Prime Minister had moments before.
There is no end to the media lies; I believe that after Trumps second term, the media will poll at the same low level as Congress, lawyers and Used Car Salesmen.
31. Nov. 29, 2017: Newsweek’s Chris Riotta claimed that Ivanka Trump “plagiarized” one of her own speeches.

In fact, plagiarizing one’s own speech is impossible.

Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s work and passing it off as your own.

32. Dec. 4, 2017: The New York Times’ Michael S. Schmidt and Sharon LaFraniere and other outlets reported that Trump Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland supposedly contradicted herself or "lied" about another official’s "contacts with Russians".

CNN, MSNBC, CBS News, New York Daily News and Daily Beast picked up the story about McFarland’s alleged “lies.”

Only after complaints were lodged was the story was heavily and repeatedly amended as the facts became known.