Liberal lies listed

33. Dec. 4, 2017: ABC News’ Trish Turner and Jack Date reported that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort had "recently worked with a Russian intelligence-connected official.”

On investigation, it was revealed that the Russian in question wasn't an “official,” and wasn't "intelligence-connected."
34. Dec. 5, 2017: Bloomberg’s Steven Arons and the Wall Street Journal’s Jenny Strasburg reported the "blockbuster" that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had subpoenaed "Trump’s" bank records.


It wasn’t true.
35. Dec. 8, 2017: CNN’s Manu Raju and Jeremy Herb reported that Donald Trump Jr. had conspired with WikiLeaks in advance of the publication of DEMOCRAT party and Clinton campaign emails.

Many other publications followed suit.


After complaints were made, they admitted changing the date in their story.

WikiLeaks and Trump Junior were never in contact before the emails were published.
36. Jan. 3, 2018: Talking Point Memo’s Sam Thielman reported that a" Russian social media company provided documents to the Senate about communications with a Trump official".

The story was later corrected.

The reporter actually had no idea how the Senate received any documents and had no evidence to suggest a Russian company was cooperating with the Mueller fishing expedition.
37. Jan. 12, 2018: Mediaite’s Lawrence Bonk, CNN’s Sophie Tatum, the Guardian, BBC, US News and World Report, Reuters and Buzzfeed’s Adolfo Flores reported a “bombshell”— that President Trump had "backed down" from his demand for a wall along the entire Southern border.

Trump had actually repeated the same demand dozens of times, on MSNBC, in the National Journal, and on FOX Business’ Mornings with Maria.
38. Jan. 15, 2018: AP’s Laurie Kellman and Jonathan Drew reported that a "new report" showed "trust in the media had fallen during the Trump presidency".

The report that AP cited was actually over a year old and was conducted while Obama was president.
39. Feb. 2, 2018: AP’s Eric Tucker, Mary Clare Jalonick and Chad Day reported that ex-British spy Christopher Steele’s "piss dossier" was funded by a conservative publication, the Washington Free Beacon.

AP corrected its story after it was pointed out that Steele only joined the project after DEMOCRATS began funding it.

40. March 8, 2018: The New York Times’ Jan Rosen reported on a hypothetical family whose tax bill would "rise nearly $4,000 under Trump’s tax plan".

It turned out his calculations were off: the couple’s taxes would go actually go down $43; not up $4,000.
41. March 13, 2018: The New York Times’ Adam Goldman, NBC’s Noreen O’Donnell and AP’s Deb Riechmann reported that Trump’s pick for CIA Director, Gina Haspel, had "waterboarded" a particular Islamic extremist terrorist "dozens of time at a secret prison"; and that she had "mocked his suffering".

In fact, Haspel wasn't even at the prison until after that detainee had left.

ProPublica originally reported the incorrect details in Feb. 2017.
42. March 15, 2018: AP’s Michael Biesecker, Jake Pearson and Jeff Horwitz reported that a "Trump advisory board official" had been a "Miss America contestant" and had "killed a black rhino".

She actually was a Mrs. America contestant and had shot a nonlethal tranquilizer dart at a white rhino.
43. April 1, 2018: AP’s Nicholas Riccardi reported that the Trump administration had ended a program to admit foreign entrepreneurs.


It wasn't true.
44. April 30, 2018: AP reported that the NRA had "banned guns during Trump and Pence speeches" at the NRA’s annual meeting.

AP was later forced to correct their story after it was revealed that the ban had been put in place by the U.S. Secret Service.
45. May 3, 2018: NBC’s Tom Winter reported that the government had wiretapped Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen.


NBC only corrected the story after three senior U.S. officials said there was no wiretap.
46. May 7, 2018: CNBC’s Kevin Breuninger reported that Trump’s personal lawyer, Cohen, "paid $1 million in fines" related to "unauthorized cars in his taxi business", had been "barred from managing taxi medallions", had "transferred $60 million offshore to avoid paying debts", and is "awaiting trial on charges of failing to pay millions in taxes".

A later correction admitted that none of that was true.
47. May 16, 2018:The New York Times’ Julie Hirschfeld Davis, AP, CNN’s Oliver Darcy and others excerpted a Trump comment to make it appear as if he had referred to all immigrants generally as “animals.”

Trump had specifically referred to members of the murderous criminal gang MS-13.


Corrections were later issued by some media outlets.
48. May 28, 2018 The New York Times’ Jake Silverstein and CNN’s Hadas Gold shared a story with photos of immigrant children "in cages" as if they were new photos taken under the Trump administration.

The photos were actually taken in 2014 under the Obama administration.
49. May 29, 2018: The New York Times’ Julie Davis reported the size of a Trump rally audience to be "1,000".


There were actually at least 5 times that number in attendance.
I need to archive this thread.....very time a lying leftist on the forum whines about Trump lies, this is a reminder of who is really lying.
50. June 1, 2018: In a story about Trump tariffs, AP reported the dollar value of Virginia’s farm and forestry exports to Canada and Mexico as $800.

It’s $800 million.
I need to archive this thread.....very time a lying leftist on the forum whines about Trump lies, this is a reminder of who is really lying.

Why bother? They'll likely just lie some more, ignore the facts, and/or do what grandpa katzgutz did in this thread. :dunno:

See the pattern?

1. The DEMOCRAT-infested media concocts and spreads a lie with great fanfare.
2. Liberals like Jarod repeat the lie delightedly without fact-checking.
3. When the lie is disproven, the DEMOCRAT-infested media issues a "correction" or "retraction" at a later date, and few if any people see it.
4. If confronted with evidence that the DEMOCRAT-infested media lied, liberals claim the source of the information is partisan and unreliable.

Rinse, repeat.
