Of course, of course. Bring back blundering bush, the most intelligent American who ever screwed up.
Your contention that Obama has damaged your country is twaddle, sir. Absolute twaddle.
(Now, I am sure, you will find an example and ignore the fact that the rest of the world is beginning to listen to you again after eight long years.)

this has nothing to do with Bush.....Obama needs no help to be helpless....
......a calculated $9trillion dollars added to the national debt over the next ten years???.....heard about it?.......

Heard about the previous 8 years doing far worse to peace, the economy, national pride, etc, and also adding huge amounts to the debt? It would be fair to say Obama inherited damaged goods wouldn't it?

The source for your $9 trillion amount? Does that amount include the amount left at the end of the bush budgets(and their future projections) and the bush emergency TARP?
We want to be fair and clear don't we?
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Heard about the previous 8 years doing far worse to peace, the economy, national pride, etc, and also adding huge amounts to the debt? It would be fair to say Obama inherited damaged goods wouldn't it?

The source for your $9 trillion amount? Does that amount include the amount left at the end of the bush budgets(and their future projections) and the bush emergency TARP?
We want to be fair and clear don't we?

except the previous 8 years didn't do ten months Obama has added $9trillion more to the federal deficit, nearly matching the combined totals of every other president that we've ever had at $11trillion....

it doesn't matter how damaged the goods were when Obama inherited them, he's managed to damage them more than anyone else ever has....

and the source is Obama's own estimate, which you well know, and are pretending to have forgotten.....from the "fair and balanced" NYT.....

The Obama administration’s Office of Management and Budget raised its 10-year tally of deficits expected through 2019 to $9.05 trillion, nearly $2 trillion more than it projected in February.
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except the previous 8 years didn't do ten months Obama has added $9trillion more to the federal deficit, nearly matching the combined totals of every other president that we've ever had at $11trillion....

it doesn't matter how damaged the goods were when Obama inherited them, he's managed to damage them more than anyone else ever has....

and the source is Obama's own estimate, which you well know, and are pretending to have forgotten.....

.... and had he not?
I hope hate filled morons like you don't invest in the recovery, that way when I laugh in your face I'll be that much more wealthy vs you than I already am.:good4u:

lol, TS.....this may surprise you but I don't envy your wealth, even if it exists....even if I am poorer than you, at least I'm not as stupid as you are.....
and if he had not we'd be in a lot better shape right now....

given the information he had to hand and the previous eight years of risking and ruining your nation by the man recognised by the vast majority of the world's population as the most stupid president ever to sit in ANY house let alone the Whitehouse, what would YOU have done?
And, putting the debt to one side for a moment, don't you agree that your reluctant allies are beginning once again to believe in you? Or, like the really dumb yanks, don't you care as long as you can carry a gun and look at big tits?
Any "normal" person that doesn't have a leftie brain realizes all the above was Smears and that is why they are still calling for her to run for President...

and you can see by the smears today that the Progressives and liberals are VERY AFRAID of her running...

time will tell...Go Sarah, Michelle Bachman, Liz Cheney...

Afraid of her running? I welcome her running! I want her to run in the worst way! And I hope her running mate is rick santorum. :D
My old man would bury you Low. Much love to you but keepin it real. No disrepect to you sir but he made it in Brit real estate and millions more off Hong Kong and China. We laugh at socialist folk. It's all good though sir. I ain't him so I know you've probably got the ladies working it UK style and I would love to party it up with you when I come overseas!

IOW, biting the hand that feeds you... :(
given the information he had to hand and the previous eight years of risking and ruining your nation by the man recognised by the vast majority of the world's population as the most stupid president ever to sit in ANY house let alone the Whitehouse, what would YOU have done?
And, putting the debt to one side for a moment, don't you agree that your reluctant allies are beginning once again to believe in you? Or, like the really dumb yanks, don't you care as long as you can carry a gun and look at big tits?
I'm sorry, Low, but if you think that all we care about is carrying a big gun and looking at big tits, then yes, I don't give a fuck what you think about us, because you aren't bright enough to understand....we could never win the approval of an audience so shallow.....

those that had a negative view of us over the last 8 years based upon the lunacy that has been voiced by our left shows tells us that the left isn't bright enough to understand....

and if Obama took the information at hand, which was that the population of the US was angry over wasteful spending in Washington, and proceeded to act upon that information by engaging in wasteful spending that made the previous eight years look like a penny arcade, then the majority of the world should awake to the fact that Bush has never been the most stupid president, but that Obama is.....
I'm sorry, Low, but if you think that all we care about is carrying a big gun and looking at big tits, then yes, I don't give a fuck what you think about us, because you aren't bright enough to understand....we could never win the approval of an audience so shallow.....

those that had a negative view of us over the last 8 years based upon the lunacy that has been voiced by our left shows tells us that the left isn't bright enough to understand....

and if Obama took the information at hand, which was that the population of the US was angry over wasteful spending in Washington, and proceeded to act upon that information by engaging in wasteful spending that made the previous eight years look like a penny arcade, then the majority of the world should awake to the fact that Bush has never been the most stupid president, but that Obama is.....

I can see I will have to use this little device when addressing you ; :rolleyes:

On a more serious note. You seem to be blaming Washington for everything. That is quite a common reaction by people who have not spent much time or effort on the truth. Of course Washington takes part of the blame, it takes the plaudits too. Wasteful spending happens with every government. Economies are seldom affected.
A question for you: All these gazillions of dollars with which Obama injtends to kick start your economy; has it all actually left the coffers and been delivered to those for whom it has been promised? Unlikely. So now that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel perhaps your government might stop doling it out. Perhaps they might review the assistance given to financial institutions and put a cap on how they distribute their obscene riches. Perhaps people, like you who know what to do, should do it instead of whining and moaning.

One more thing and here I would like to address more than just your goodself.
For goodness sake, America, save your pennies and by an air ticket to another part of the globe. Look at your country from outside the woods. Read foreign media. Stop discounting everything you don't understand as garbage.

Your great and respected country was almost totally ruined by bush and his peanut brained PNAC idiots. You now have the first chance in eight long and painful years, to start to claw back the respect you once had. Don't give a shit about 'furrin' countries? Sad. Because they BUY the stuff you produce and if they dont like you they will NOT buy from you. Is that too difficult to understand?
yeah yeah we were totally "ruined" by Bush...and the Hugo Obama savior is saving us, we now have over 10% unemployment, over trillions dollars of new dept by this administration, that our great grand kids won't be able to pay off...

But who the hell cares, we now have "the Obama" to make foreigners give a shit about us...:rolleyes:
yeah yeah we were totally "ruined" by Bush...and the Hugo Obama savior is saving us, we now have over 10% unemployment, over trillions dollars of new dept by this administration, that our great grand kids won't be able to pay off...

But who the hell cares, we now have "the Obama" to make foreigners give a shit about us...:rolleyes:


The unemployment spiral started well before Obama came into office. That makes it Bush's fault, not Obama's.

Also, the trillians in dollars spent have to do with funding the wars your man started (but kept off the budgets - they were all funded by emergency supplementals) and bailing out the banking institutions ravaged by deregulation.

You guys are hopeless. Srlsly. Kill yourself.