yeah yeah we were totally "ruined" by Bush...and the Hugo Obama savior is saving us, we now have over 10% unemployment, over trillions dollars of new dept by this administration, that our great grand kids won't be able to pay off...

But who the hell cares, we now have "the Obama" to make foreigners give a shit about us...:rolleyes:

so if bush did not ruin the USA, what did he do? What did the fool achieve? C'mon, what did this idiot actually do?
Oh, wait a minute. Better discount his major achievements..... KILLING PEOPLE!!!

One more time, for the cheap seats:

That means you will not earn export revenue. That means your industry will suffer. That means the chances of getting your unemployment figures down to something approaching respectability are reduced towards zero.
Complicated stuff, huh?
So now that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel perhaps your government might stop doling it out.
actually, I think I'm on record as making that suggestion months ago....

Perhaps people, like you who know what to do, should do it instead of whining and moaning.
???? I resemble a congressman to you?.....

Because they BUY the stuff you produce

apparently you have us confused with China now.....

The unemployment spiral started well before Obama came into office. That makes it Bush's fault, not Obama's.

Also, the trillians in dollars spent have to do with funding the wars your man started (but kept off the budgets - they were all funded by emergency supplementals) and bailing out the banking institutions ravaged by deregulation.

You guys are hopeless. Srlsly. Kill yourself.
I'm sorry you've slept through the last ten months, ibbie, but all that stuff you keep blaming Bush for? was small potatoes next to the fuck up Obama's been handing us........
actually, I think I'm on record as making that suggestion months ago....

Good for you

???? I resemble a congressman to you?.....

What does a congressman look like?

apparently you have us confused with China now.....

Not really. Here are a few of your declining exports:
•Audio and video media ... US$584.3 million (down 67.5% from 2006, down 56.6% from 2003)
•Metalworking machine tools ... $6.7 billion (down 29.3%, down 27.8%)
•Computer accessories ... $29.4 billion (down 18.7%, down 6.1%)
•Manufactured tobacco ... $1.2 billion (down 15.1%, down 38.5%)
•Complete military aircraft ... $4 billion (down 10.5%, up 85%)
•Textile apparel and household goods ... $4.7 billion (down 9.3%, down 20.5%)
•Cotton fiber cloth ... $2.9 billion (down 9%, up 2.2%)
•Military apparel and footwear ... $654.3 million (down 5.6%, down 22.6%)
•Pulp and paper machinery ... $2.7 billion (down 5.4%, up 13.7%)
•Aircraft launching gear ... $329.8 million (down 4.4%, up

You have growing exports too.
Exports ARE quite important. It may surprise you to know that one of the ways your government promotes itself is by the teaching of the American language. Of course there are still the discerning people who like to speak English and they like to buy English too.
???? I resemble a congressman to you?.....

What does a congressman look like?

A Congressman looks like someone who has the power to stop the doling out of money, as opposed to a voter who only has the power four years later to vote against the idiots doling out the money......
so why dont you become a congressman?

I already have a good congressman who votes against excessive spending....Pete Hoekstra.....he's standing down this year to run for governor.....a state representative who is a member of the same church I am is running for his position....he also is against excessive spending.....

why would I compete against the few intelligent congressmen there?.......
palin is not a good choice for republicans....she is a weak leader, gives stupid interviews and quit her executive position....
except the previous 8 years didn't do ten months Obama has added $9trillion more to the federal deficit, nearly matching the combined totals of every other president that we've ever had at $11trillion....

it doesn't matter how damaged the goods were when Obama inherited them, he's managed to damage them more than anyone else ever has....

and the source is Obama's own estimate, which you well know, and are pretending to have forgotten.....from the "fair and balanced" NYT.....

According to the Times article, the Budget Office didn't say the budget was increased 'BY' $9 trillion, it said the debt was increased 'TO' $9 trillion from the February estimate. It can be safely said that the Feb estimate was still a bush deficit estimate, and, the fact is, that the 2009 fiscal year until October was still under a bush budget. Yes, it was increased by $2 trillion, including the 3/4 trillion bush TARP, since the 1/20 inauguration but that doesn't reach the number you would have us believe.
Your statement "It doesn't matter" is curious since most of the spending including bush's own TARP, has been aimed at an attempt to rescue the country from the downward spiraling bush/GOP abyss it was in on 1/19/2009, that and the still off-budget bush War.
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According to the Times article, the Budget Office didn't say the budget was increased 'BY' $9 trillion, it said the debt was increased 'TO' $9 trillion from the February estimate. It can be safely said that the Feb estimate was still a bush deficit estimate, and, the fact is, that the 2009 fiscal year until October was still under a bush budget. Yes, it was increased by $2 trillion, including the 3/4 trillion bush TARP, since the 1/20 inauguration but that doesn't reach the number you would have us believe.
Your statement "It doesn't matter" is curious since most of the spending including bush's own TARP, has been aimed at an attempt to rescue the country from the downward spiraling bush/GOP abyss it was in on 1/19/2009, that and the still off-budget bush War.

bullshit...."it doesn't matter" because the lib's defense that it was Bush's fault doesn't recognize that fact that this IS Obama's spending.....the deficit increased by $9trillion due to the effects of what Obama has pushed through since January and the libs don't give a shit, because they have never seen a spending plan they didn't want to increase.....
You're not making any sense.

Let me try to help your lack of comprehension.

Pmp said that Obama damaged the country more than bush, and he quantified the damage at "......a calculated $9trillion dollars added to the national debt over the next ten years???.." You responded that the number might be on the low side (I'm paraphrasing here).

My point, and I suspect belme's and zap's, is that the damage done to this country by bush et. al. could be measured in wars, loss of lives, loss of jobs, loss of prestige, etc. and that money is only one element of it. My own opinion is that the needless loss of lives-- American, coalition, Iraqi and Afghan, trumps any increase in the debt.
bullshit...."it doesn't matter" because the lib's defense that it was Bush's fault doesn't recognize that fact that this IS Obama's spending.....the deficit increased by $9trillion due to the effects of what Obama has pushed through since January and the libs don't give a shit, because they have never seen a spending plan they didn't want to increase.....

I realize you are the master debater and I am but a novice, "always on the wrong side", but your math is a deception. You are trying to mislead by claiming the deficit was '0' when Obama took office. According to your own link the number increased from the estimate of the bush deficit in February, $7 trillion, to the revised amount of $9 trillion. Since 2009 was, until October, still a bush budget, the Iraq supplemental still belongs to bush and you, wrongly, give Obama full credit for the $3/4 trillion bush requested emergency TARP.
9 - 7=2!
Dance a jig all you want, hate Obama all you want, but math is math and facts are facts, and your, obviously misinformed, opinion cannot change facts. All you need do is read and digest the link you provided. I also dislike deficits, but I hate dishonest hypocrisy.
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I realize you are the master debater and I am but a novice, "always on the wrong side", but your math is a deception. You are trying to mislead by claiming the deficit was '0' when Obama took office. According to your own link the number increased from the estimate of the bush deficit in February, $7 trillion, to the revised amount of $9 trillion. Since 2009 was, until October, still a bush budget, the Iraq supplemental still belongs to bush and you, wrongly, give Obama full credit for the $3/4 trillion bush requested emergency TARP.
9 - 7=2!
Dance a jig all you want, hate Obama all you want, but math is math and facts are facts, and your, obviously misinformed, opinion cannot change facts. All you need do is read and digest the link you provided. I also dislike deficits, but I hate dishonest hypocrisy.
the deficit was $11trillion when Bush left office, he had contributed around $5-6 of that....Obama has added another $9.....the TARP money was already accounted for in the $ can deflect with your "hypocrisy" claims all you want but the obvious fact is you don't want to acknowledge the fact that Obama has already outspent Bush, after being elected on promises of fiscal responsibility......
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Let me try to help your lack of comprehension.

Pmp said that Obama damaged the country more than bush, and he quantified the damage at "......a calculated $9trillion dollars added to the national debt over the next ten years???.." You responded that the number might be on the low side (I'm paraphrasing here).

My point, and I suspect belme's and zap's, is that the damage done to this country by bush et. al. could be measured in wars, loss of lives, loss of jobs, loss of prestige, etc. and that money is only one element of it. My own opinion is that the needless loss of lives-- American, coalition, Iraqi and Afghan, trumps any increase in the debt.

Bingo! On top of which they then manipulate the numbers to fit a resulting invalid conclusion.
the deficit was $11trillion when Bush left office, he had contributed around $5-6 of that....Obama has added another $9.....the TARP money was already accounted for in the $ can deflect with your "hypocrisy" claims all you want but the obvious fact is you don't want to acknowledge the fact that Obama has already outspent Bush, after being elected on promises of fiscal responsibility......

From your link, quote:
"Estimate for 10 year deficit raised to $9 trillion".

From the copy:
"Office of Management and Budget raised its 10 year talley of deficits it expects through 2019 to $9.05 trillion, nearly 2 trillion more than it projected in February."

OMB raised it "TO $9.05 trillion, nearly 2 trillion more than it projected in February." The February estimate is the $7 trillion bush estimate handed to Obama in late January. Your math conveniently gives Obama credit for the entire deficit, not the increase since he became President and that is the hypocrisy. You manipulate the math to fortify your point. If you can't start with correct numbers, how can you properly discuss the issue? You also ignore issues regarding the condition of the economy and the cost of the steps needed to fix it once your boys left.
You also ignore issues regarding the condition of the economy and the cost of the steps needed to fix it once your boys left.

and you ignore the fact that the very worst thing we could have done to fix the economy was to engage in MORE deficit ignore it because you like want more spending....cap and trade, health care, the next thing to come along.....more spending for anything you can think of......
and you ignore the fact that the very worst thing we could have done to fix the economy was to engage in MORE deficit ignore it because you like want more spending....cap and trade, health care, the next thing to come along.....more spending for anything you can think of......

No mention of your dishonest numbers, instead you throw up a smoke screen covering the dishonesty.
Start with honest numbers and we can discuss what I like or dislike, until then your veracity is questionable.
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and you ignore the fact that the very worst thing we could have done to fix the economy was to engage in MORE deficit ignore it because you like want more spending....cap and trade, health care, the next thing to come along.....more spending for anything you can think of......

We should change the names to cap and tax and Obamacare tax.