Liberal Woman says Most Masculine men are Conservatives

You can pretty much always tell the ones surreptitiously consulting google without giving attribution here, because the details they give are strangely just way to specific.

I have taken several English history classes, and I wouldn't have a prayer naming the precise location of these English counties off the top of my head -->

Maybe I've been watching Lost Kingdom and JUST saw all this history...
I have taken several English history classes,

Jeeeeesus... do you EVER get tired of stroking your ego for everyone to see? You've taken a zillion art history classes. You've taken a zillion english history classes. You've read the Dao De Ching, you've read the Bhagavad Gita, you've read this and that.

Give it a rest. NO ONE CARES HOW SMART YOU THINK YOU ARE. It shows when you actually speak in your own voice that all you have are quotes from other people. Learn how to synthesize information.
You can pretty much always tell the ones surreptitiously consulting google without giving attribution here, because the details they give are strangely just way to specific.

That's how I knew you googled freezing point depression. You went straight to the "entropic" concept which isn't how most people who are familiar with the topic refer to it. Most people just discuss the role of ions disrupting the ability of the water to form it's usual hexagonal crystal structure. Sure it IS, technically, an entropic effect but you don't have that level of skill in the art. You overplayed your hand and it was OBVIOUS you had googled.

See? It's fun when people point out your hypocrisy isn't it?
Not surprising at all, since most customers one might see at a Starbucks are effeminate liberal men and liberal feminist women.

Not so, most of them are metrosexual Republicans like Donald Trump.

Who are willing to stand in line at Starbucks to pay 8 bucks for a cup of coffee, while complaining about the price of gas at the same time.

If I am to pay 8 bucks for a cup of coffee, I better be getting a topless lap dance, at my table to boot from the waitress.
Nice rant, Hater. All you are doing is confirming that you have a desire for violence but I'm not sure you have the ability to become violent.

Your lies about me being a Democrat are just more proof you're a liar, Hater. The fact you vehemently hate Lefties and Democrats indicates you would seek to be violent against me. IMO, you are nuts and, hopefully, protected from your violent tendencies.

Libhater is just a typical frightened, ignorant, small minded Trump cultist. Nothing more, nothing less. Garden variety. There are twenty posters here who are identical to him. There is literally no daylight between their positions. You can pick out the socks ONLY because they use the same wording, it isn't their positions that separate them.
Not so, most of them are metrosexual Republicans like Donald Trump.

Who are willing to stand in line at Starbucks to pay 8 bucks for a cup of coffee, while complaining about the price of gas at the same time.

If I am to pay 8 bucks for a cup of coffee, I better be getting a topless lap dance, at my table to boot from the waitress.

That's one cheap stripper :)
I have a desire for violence, and I have violent tendencies? LOL! The violent people can be found in any major blue city across the nation. Does the violence by dem mobs during the summer of 2020 give you the least bit of a clue as to who or what politically oriented people are violent? Again, I don't hate lefties, dems or any of you commies, but I do hate your actions/ideology and anti Americanism. So, if you're not a democrat or a proud commie, then are you entertaining the idea of becoming a proud pro American Republican-Conservative so as to help in your RED state to stop the flow of illegals that biden has welcomed into our nation?

:laugh:You probably are like Trump with violent tendencies towards only Women.

You probably keep your mouth shut around other men- when you are not on the internet!

It's not guns that make a man a man anyway- like you may think!
You can pretty much always tell the ones surreptitiously consulting google without giving attribution here, because the details they give are strangely just way to specific.

I have taken several English history classes, and I wouldn't have a prayer naming the precise location of these English counties off the top of my head -->
That's how I knew you googled freezing point depression. You went straight to the "entropic" concept which isn't how most people who are familiar with the topic refer to it.

The effect of entropy on freezing points is straight out of introductory college chemistry, and is familiar to anyone who took freshman inorganic chemistry.

Since you lied about having a chemistry PhD, I am not surprised you aren't aware of this very basic fact.

The precise location of English countries isn't known off the top of the head even to people who have had English history classes. I have had several English history classes, and there's no way I could identify the precise location of most English counties without googling.

If I have to google anything I try to acknowledge it.

I have a voluminous collection of video courses and books covering science, history, philosophy, art, religion, literature.

This is my collection of chemistry courses. Inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science. These are just the ones I own, and don't I included streaming courses I have taken.

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Libhater is just a typical frightened, ignorant, small minded Trump cultist. Nothing more, nothing less. Garden variety.

There are twenty posters here who are identical to him. There is literally no daylight between their positions.

You can pick out the socks ONLY because they use the same wording, it isn't their positions that separate them.
Agreed. IMO, there’s a little age-related dementia and paranoia going on there too.

Agreed on the numbers; it’s common on JPP.

Agreed on socks.
The effect of entropy on freezing points is straight out of introductory college chemistry, and is familiar to anyone who took freshman inorganic chemistry.

Since you lied about having a chemistry PhD, I am not surprised you aren't aware of this very basic fact.

The precise location of English countries isn't known off the top of the head even to people who have had English history classes. I have had several English history classes, and there's no way I could identify the precise location of most English counties without googling.

If I have to google anything I try to acknowledge it.

I have a voluminous collection of video courses and books covering science, history, philosophy, art, religion, literature.

This is my collection of chemistry courses. Inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science. These are just the ones I own, and don't I included streaming courses I have taken.

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Why do you continue to lie? You and I both know you googled. You didn't even know the concept when you first spoke then you tried to sound like you did after you googled.

ALSO: I NEVER ONCE SAID I had a Chemistry PhD. Not once. NEVER. Yet more lies from you.

It is ironic that you lie so much while complaining that other people lie.

I wish you could be honest. But apparently it is too important for you to make everyone think you are smart.


ARe those mommy's books? Yeah, I suspect so.

Also: you appear to have bought one several times over. Does that make you feel like you have learned MORE?