I completely agree with you that it is a matter of opinion. Two people can view the job someone did two completely different ways. I just don't get much solace out of the fact that Bush sucked less than his competitors would have.
But this is the nature of the political beast; when will you EVER have the person you REALLY wanted? I would say it will always be a choice of the least of two or three evils and you hold your nose and vote.
Being from California as I am, we are usually stuck with whoever was already chosen back east; so it is especially egregious for us AND the fact that our votes are meaningless in the President is decided long before our votes are counted and that California is an automatic for Democratic candidates.
I had high hopes when he took office that he would learn from mistakes his father made and he was going to be a great President. Clearly didn't happen.
Based on his reaction and response to the recession handed to him, his grace towards other former and present Presidents and his response dealing with Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, I would place him in the pretty good category.
I supported us going into Iraq. Clearly the execution and handling of the war was awful.
This again, in my opinion, is a talking point. What war is perfectly conducted; answer; NONE. What war is fought with a surplus; answer: NONE.
One cannot begin to fathom the mistakes made in WWI, WWII, the Korean conflict and Vietnam. Yet suddenly the American sheeple think that wars can be fought like ordering McDonalds from the drive thru and be conducted perfectly without error or loss.
It’s a moronic viewpoint from the historically challenged in my opinion.
That essentially cost Bush his Presidency, the Republicans Congress and helped propel Obama into the White House along with the financial crisis. The financial crisis is not Bush's fault but you are going to get blamed if it happens on your watch, that's the nature of the beast. Bush essentially continued Clinton's housing policies though which did lead to the collapse.
Republicans in Congress oversight attempted reform; they were stopped by Democrats using the racist meme.
The Republicans in Congress during the '90's fought tooth and nail with Clinton over the budget which is how we got close to a balanced budget on paper. Once Bush took over the Republicans in Congress went on a massive spending binge and all fiscal restraint went out the window. It completely defeated the purpose of them being in power.
This is untrue; they had to deal with the devastating effects of 9-11 and the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
When Democrats took over the Senate and the House, the deficit had been managed down to $161 billion. Shortly after elections Democrats went on a spending binge never seen by any Congress.
Now we see some Republicans again in Congress fighting spending because it is a Democratic President. Will they put up the same fight if a Republican wins office in '16?
Let’s hope they would be consistent in principle; and if not, they should rightly lose their jobs.
I, on the other hand, would like to see REAL reform by repealing the tax code and supplanting it with a Fair Tax or a Flat Tax and implementing permanent term limits and a balanced budget requirement.
But chances of any of that EVER happening is slim to none with the current level of ignorance displayed by the American sheeple.