There never, and I mean never, was a surplus. And the reality is the war spending was outside the budgets, the spending was high before the war spending. Every year he made a budget.
I don't have "talking points", it is simple observation.
Year 1, that budget was passed by Clinton.
Year 2, that spending was almost all proposed and promoted by Bush before the war ever ramped up and wasn't due to the war.
So on...
Bush projected, on average, $150 Billion deficits in each budget, then had continuing resolutions for the war spending. He never made an effort to balance a budget.
His actions tell me he was no conservative.
Tell me his conservative "bonafides" that are somewhere listed in your fantasy. If the list consists of "was against abortion and stem cell research"... well, that's simply not enough. One isn't conservative solely because they believe in an invisible sky magician and think the book of spells tells them not to kill a zygote. Constitutionally limited government is what makes a conservative, and that man made no effort to protect the constitution from draconian power grabs in the name of the "War on Terrorism".