Liberals hate seeing things like this

Looks like "copy and paste" has moved off his fantasizing about big tits as the common denominator in defining patriotism, but now he has substituted Trump, bone spur Trump, next has to be having a talk radio show
Must be "truthie" agrees, fantasying over big tits is a Trumpkin definition of patriotism, don't want to even imagine the conversation that occurs at their MAGA Hat luncheons
Indeed, TD. The sight of the US flag seems to have a similar effect. They just can't hide their repugnance for these things, can they?

They always HATE America.....until their people are in power; then America is okay. They are America hating hypocrites and liars.
They always HATE America.....until their people are in power; then America is okay. They are America hating hypocrites and liars.

Didn't Michael Obama admit that he was never proud to be American until guilty white liberals gave the presidency to B. Hussein?