Liberals hate seeing things like this

None of those except Venezuela is a socialist country. They do have some socialism (so do we), but their wealth is derived from capitalism. Evil capitalism...

But you said government helping people is Socialism. These countries all have generous welfare programs, like the kind I want in America.
Soooo is that Socialism? Or is it only Socialism if it's Marxism?
But you said government helping people is Socialism. These countries all have generous welfare programs, like the kind I want in America.
Soooo is that Socialism? Or is it only Socialism if it's Marxism?

There are degrees of socialism, obviously. I want less of it, and you want more. Apparently much more.

Instead of using political power to force the residents of all 50 states to give you what you want, why not choose one of the 50 to move to and enjoy its brand of socialism? I moved out of new York because I wanted less of it. You don't see me trying to force my brand of limited government on them.
There are degrees of socialism, obviously. I want less of it, and you want more. Apparently much more.

Well the degree of Socialism most other first world countries have seems to work, as it has given those countries a higher living standard than America.

Instead of using political power to force the residents of all 50 states to give you what you want, why not choose one of the 50 to move to and enjoy its brand of socialism? I moved out of new York because I wanted less of it. You don't see me trying to force my brand of limited government on them.

I do believe in states' rights. Most of the social programs I want should be kept at the state level.
However, I'm hoping that all 50 states adopt these policies because I want the best for the whole country.
Well the degree of Socialism most other first world countries have seems to work, as it has given those countries a higher living standard than America.

I do believe in states' rights. Most of the social programs I want should be kept at the state level.
However, I'm hoping that all 50 states adopt these policies because I want the best for the whole country.

Your version of best you mean? Such arrogance.
Well the degree of Socialism most other first world countries have seems to work, as it has given those countries a higher living standard than America.

I do believe in states' rights. Most of the social programs I want should be kept at the state level.
However, I'm hoping that all 50 states adopt these policies because I want the best for the whole country.

I've traveled Europe almost a dozen times, in fact have two trips planned in the next eight months, so I'm well aware of the standard of living over there. Your opinion of their standard of living is debatable. What is not debatable is the level of freedom that we enjoy in the US is far superior to anywhere in Europe.

You claim to want what's best for all 50 states, but what is best is best decided by the voters of those states, not you.
I've traveled Europe almost a dozen times, in fact have two trips planned in the next eight months, so I'm well aware of the standard of living over there. Your opinion of their standard of living is debatable. What is not debatable is the level of freedom that we enjoy in the US is far superior to anywhere in Europe.

It's not my opinion. Every study into living standards and national happiness always puts America behind most of Northern-Western Europe and sometimes a few East Asian countries as well.

You claim to want what's best for all 50 states, but what is best is best decided by the voters of those states, not you.

That's besides the point. The point is that liberal policies work better. If you care about the country, you should vote for those policies in every election you can vote in.
It's not "my version." Countries with left-leaning policies have higher standards of living. Don't get mad at me, get mad at people who prefer being healthy and financially stable.

I'm very healthy and financially stable. I prefer freedom over some colossal government telling me what to do.
It's not my opinion. Every study into living standards and national happiness always puts America behind most of Northern-Western Europe and sometimes a few East Asian countries as well.

That's besides the point. The point is that liberal policies work better. If you care about the country, you should vote for those policies in every election you can vote in.

Every study put together by libs you mean. They all want the US to be just like Europe. We red-blooded men like our freedom though, just like our Founders.

So again, if you want socialism, either move to Europe, or California, or Massachusetts. We red-bloods won't inflict our gun rights on you, and you libs don't inflict your socialism on us. Deal?
I'm very healthy and financially stable. I prefer freedom over some colossal government telling me what to do.

You're one person. We're talking about society in general. And European countries don't have colossal governments telling them what to do. In fact, the few European countries that do have dictators are right-wing, such as Hungary and Russia.
Every study put together by libs you mean.

Nope, every study period. I haven't seen a single study, regardless of who put it together, that put America at the top.

We red-blooded men like our freedom though, just like our Founders.

Who says we have to give up our freedom? As I mentioned in the other post, the only European countries losing their freedom are the right-wing ones such as Hungary.
You're one person. We're talking about society in general. And European countries don't have colossal governments telling them what to do. In fact, the few European countries that do have dictators are right-wing, such as Hungary and Russia.

Of course they are telling them what to do: fork over a huge percentage of your income and we'll decide what you need and give it to you.