Liberals hate seeing things like this

Not really. America has plenty of technological advances, but so does Europe and Asia.

Meh. Not so much.
This doesn't take population into consideration. The point is that the economics of places like Germany and France haven't stopped them from technological innovation. If all of Europe was counted as one country, in order to get the populations more even, it would probably be about the same as America.

I doubt that.

This might be a bit clearer for you and clearly shows China at the bottom. There's a few more Chinese than Americans, isn't there?
I doubt that.

This might be a bit clearer for you and clearly shows China at the bottom. There's a few more Chinese than Americans, isn't there?

Yeah, but China is a Communist country. They have a government and an economy that actually does hold them back.
Depends. If you mean Marxist Socialism, I totally agree. If you mean Fox News Socialism, that actually works very well in Europe, as evident by the high living standards.

I think its funny how you make up your own definitions of words in an attempt to bolster your argument.
I think its funny how you make up your own definitions of words in an attempt to bolster your argument.

Well what would you call the kind of "Socialism" that most Americans want? There are very few Americans, and no mainstream politicians, who want Marxism. Most of us just want what Fox calls Socialism.
Well what would you call the kind of "Socialism" that most Americans want? There are very few Americans, and no mainstream politicians, who want Marxism. Most of us just want what Fox calls Socialism.

Most Americans want the kind of "socialism" that is defined by the Constitution, where FedCo is tasked to do a dozen or so things and nothing more, leaving the States and the People to do the rest. That way, for example, Texans can enjoy their wide-open freedom and Californians can enjoy cradle to grave socialism.
Most Americans want the kind of "socialism" that is defined by the Constitution, where FedCo is tasked to do a dozen or so things and nothing more, leaving the States and the People to do the rest. That way, for example, Texans can enjoy their wide-open freedom and Californians can enjoy cradle to grave socialism.

Sure, I'm all for states' rights. However, more and more Americans are getting on board with universal health care. Eventually Texans will want it too. Hopefully the state government will have it.

Not for nothing, America has moved to the Left on most issues. Today many things we take for granted started out as far left ideas. So I doubt the move towards universal health care is going to stop.
Well what would you call the kind of "Socialism" that most Americans want? There are very few Americans, and no mainstream politicians, who want Marxism. Most of us just want what Fox calls Socialism.
Social Democratic Republic, it works very well. We have highways, police, fire and safety, safe food and drugs, security in our old age and safety nets if we lose our jobs and have children. We have public education and a military to protect our country. I think it works well.
So I guess fantasizing over big tits and waving a flag makes one a true American

Interesting, directly looking for aid from a hostile foreign adversary to help you win an election isn't unpatriotic but liking big tits and waving flags is, somehow that just doesn't seem to fit into the vision the Founding Fathers left us

Yes Hillary is unpatriotic for paying Steele to lay Russia for dirt on Trump
Did you call me a troll when we agreed politically, imbecile?

I was just thinking the same thing.

I don’t remember any leftist calling you a troll when you were aiming your considerable talents at the right.

I have often wondered if you really have a political compass or if you just like to bust balls
Social Democratic Republic, it works very well. We have highways, police, fire and safety, safe food and drugs, security in our old age and safety nets if we lose our jobs and have children. We have public education and a military to protect our country. I think it works well.

That is exactly the reason teabaggers relentlessly try to conflate the word socialism with Vladimir Lenin, the Soviet Union, and Fidel Castro. Despite the fact that American democratic socialists, Bernie Sanders, AOC, et al. look to the socio-economic models of Scandinavia and northern Europe as a template.

Wingnuts would much rather holler that "Democrats want to be like Cuba", than "Democrats want to be like Norway!" -- it just doesn't have the same ring, and the reason they do that is transparently obvious.
Sure, I'm all for states' rights. However, more and more Americans are getting on board with universal health care. Eventually Texans will want it too. Hopefully the state government will have it.

Not for nothing, America has moved to the Left on most issues. Today many things we take for granted started out as far left ideas. So I doubt the move towards universal health care is going to stop.

Just like the movie: "Idiocracy" predicted.
I was just thinking the same thing.

I don’t remember any leftist calling you a troll when you were aiming your considerable talents at the right.

I have often wondered if you really have a political compass or if you just like to bust balls

The latter. It's just far easier to bust 'em from the right side towards the left because logic prevails.
So I guess fantasizing over big tits and waving a flag makes one a true American

Interesting, directly looking for aid from a hostile foreign adversary to help you win an election isn't unpatriotic but liking big tits and waving flags is, somehow that just doesn't seem to fit into the vision the Founding Fathers left us

No collusion.
That is exactly the reason teabaggers relentlessly try to conflate the word socialism with Vladimir Lenin, the Soviet Union, and Fidel Castro. Despite the fact that American democratic socialists, Bernie Sanders, AOC, et al. look to the socio-economic models of Scandinavia and northern Europe as a template.

Wingnuts would much rather holler that "Democrats want to be like Cuba", than "Democrats want to be like Norway!" -- it just doesn't have the same ring, and the reason they do that is transparently obvious.

Are you arguing that democratic socialism isn't really socialism? You left wingers try to convince people that putting the word democratic in front of socialism makes it different.

If I took chicken shit and made it look like, smell like, and taste like chicken salad, are you going to eat it?