liberals read more books

I just know from personal experience that I read more than the rest of my family which claim to be conservatives, so that is one out of six.
I mostly read Science Fiction right now. I am studying up on style and prose, preparing to write a submission, first three chapters and outline, for publishing soon.

However, I like 'alternate history' novels, and they aren't very cool if you don't know the original history and where they are different. Well, they can still be good, but you miss a lot if you don't understand the differences in the 'timelines'.

That's awesome, Damo! If you like alternate history, I'm betting that you're also a Phillip K. Dick fan (I am). :)
That's awesome, Damo! If you like alternate history, I'm betting that you're also a Phillip K. Dick fan (I am). :)
Well, it will be awesome if I get accepted and a contract. Otherwise it may just be a lot of time I spent on a fun hobby.
Well, it will be awesome if I get accepted and a contract. Otherwise it may just be a lot of time I spent on a fun hobby.

just shoot me a copy before you submit it. I will proof it, tell you its crap, steal your idea, and make millions... unless it does actually suck, in which case I will tell you its great, then laugh when it gets rejected. :burn:

I mostly read Science Fiction right now. I am studying up on style and prose, preparing to write a submission, first three chapters and outline, for publishing soon.

However, I like 'alternate history' novels, and they aren't very cool if you don't know the original history and where they are different. Well, they can still be good, but you miss a lot if you don't understand the differences in the 'timelines'.

My advice is to completely ignore advice someone gives you on style and prose. If you have to think about writing to do it you're going to be terrible about it. You've got to be very confident in what you do - even a piece of shit done with confidence will be a hundred times better than a Hemingway novel that he was nervous about writing.

And if not - just think about it - you could be the next Plan 9!
And about writing sci-fi - just ignore genres. Make something new and fresh. Genre fiction is worn out.

Well, that's not really good commercial advice, though. Our society really rewards imitation much, much more strongly than actual creativity.
Reading it gets me in the right frame of mind. When I want to write Iambic Pentameter poetry I read some Shakespeare and get into the pattern in my mind. I start thinking in the prose and everything flows. This is much the same. If I find a writer whom I admire for their character development and plot changes, I find I get into the same type of mindset for that good character development.

Anyway, I don't usually take much advice about writing. I just enjoy it and know myself well enough to be able to get into the mindset I need to write what I want to write.
Reading it gets me in the right frame of mind. When I want to write Iambic Pentameter poetry I read some Shakespeare and get into the pattern in my mind. I start thinking in the prose and everything flows. This is much the same. If I find a writer whom I admire for their character development and plot changes, I find I get into the same type of mindset for that good character development.

Anyway, I don't usually take much advice about writing. I just enjoy it and know myself well enough to be able to get into the mindset I need to write what I want to write.

Well, my advice about writing, was not to take advice about writing.

Writing is good for the heart, it is. I once wrote a short novella for my senior project.

You ever wrote a short novella?