Liberals Show Support Of The Troops

There's going to be dickheads in any large group. No reason to think all of em are like that.

One guy was holding the flag aloft and not burning it.

Did you see the guy who spelled sovereignty sovrenty.

Dude when you make your protest sign use a dictionary.
They definitely aren't libertarians. These people look very hippified and libertarians tend to not like hippies. I'd guess they are Wanderingbear type liberals Anarcho-Socialists if you will.
They are all over the place US. Look at any site with pics of anti war protests! LOL

They trash public building, they even trashed the Vietnam War Memorial.
They definitely aren't libertarians. These people look very hippified and libertarians tend to not like hippies. I'd guess they are Wanderingbear type liberals Anarcho-Socialists if you will.

Could be. Could be right-wingers trying to prove their case that peace protesters "hate the troops". Who knows.

Whatever it is, it's representative of nothing.
They are all over the place US. Look at any site with pics of anti war protests! LOL

They trash public building, they even trashed the Vietnam War Memorial.

Good, good, good! Go Toby!

But, whatever you do, don't mention anything about rightwing extremists Like Timothy McVeigh or Eric Rudolph..... You know, people who actually blow up buildings and indiscrminantly kill fellow americans.

Because we'll have a hard time defending truck bombs and assassinations by rightwing extremists, versus some left wingers spilling some paint or blood on a memorial.

So, good work. Shhhhhhhhhhh.........
Good, good, good! Go Toby!

But, whatever you do, don't mention anything about rightwing extremists Like Timothy McVeigh or Eric Rudolph..... You know, people who actually blow up buildings and indiscrminantly kill fellow americans.

Because we'll have a hard time defending truck bombs and assassinations by rightwing extremists, versus some left wingers spilling some paint or blood on a memorial.

So, good work. Shhhhhhhhhhh.........

Nobody trashed the vietnam memorial. WTF is this moron talking about?
Sorry Ted, I didn't mention the Unibomber either, since it has nothing to do with what these protesters did.
one of the last anti war protest it was spray painted.

That's a fucking lie.

It was the steps of the capital building that were spray-painted, which is not a war memorial, no less a memorial to the dead.

No one was ever going near the Vietnam memorial, you lying shit-bag.

People like you make me sick.