Liberals Show Support Of The Troops

I gave links to phots showing the burning of soldiers if effigy and the burning of the flag......Lies???? Who is telling the lie here?
I gave links to phots showing the burning of soldiers if effigy and the burning of the flag......Lies???? Who is telling the lie here?

Hey shitbag, that was in Oregon. Are you now claiming that the Vietnam Memorial is in Oregon?

You claimed that in "the last protest, they spray-painted the vietnam memorial"

Get the link, put it up, or admit that you are a shitbag liar.
Nobody "trashed" the vietnam memorial, at the protest. Toby's lying, just like he lied about having five college degrees, just like he lied about being black, just like he lied about having cancer.

Rule of thumb: If toby's greasy little fingers are typing on a keyboard, chances are he's lying.
the moon doesn't need to admit that it is big and white and round for me to know it is...toby will never admit he has ever lied about anything, yet he does so nearly continuously. You should know by now that you will never get him to admit it...he is a sick sociopathic little liar who sits around all day in his underwear scouring the net for perversities while collecting a welfare check. He is one of the few folks I have encountered on the net that truly would do the world a favor by sticking his head in the gas oven and taking a nap.
I know that you're both right (mainman and cypress). But this really goes beyond the pale to me. I march in those protests, and he's not going to get away with that. He's a liar. Ok, so everyone already knows that. But this just really makes me want to smash his face. Just once, I'd like to have one of these cowards in front of me. Just once. Maybe I could work off some aggression, built up from listening of years of their BS. I can't help it.
NO Darla I am not claiming the Viet Mor is in OR. Get a grip. Those where just the latest anti war photos.

I don't have a link handy, sorry you can look it up. Why deny the facts? I don't have to make up anything. They are what they are.

Prove me in any lie if you can. Typical of you libs, calling names and making statements that you can't prove.
Darla>> But this just really makes me want to smash his face. Just once, I'd like to have one of these cowards in front of me. Just once. Maybe I could work off some aggression, built up from listening of years of their BS. I can't help it

This is the peacefull protester!! LOL
Maine>>He is one of the few folks I have encountered on the net that truly would do the world a favor by sticking his head in the gas oven and taking a nap.

Another peace supporter who wishs death to someone who disagrees with him,
NO Darla I am not claiming the Viet Mor is in OR. Get a grip. Those where just the latest anti war photos.

I don't have a link handy, sorry you can look it up. Why deny the facts? I don't have to make up anything. They are what they are.

Prove me in any lie if you can. Typical of you libs, calling names and making statements that you can't prove.

I have googled it, and found no record of anyone defacing the vietnam memorial.

Let me explain to you how it works, you little pissant. You cannot prove a negative. However, you claimed a positive, that something did occur.

Therefore, YOU prove it.

And let me tell you, I will make people long for the days of Dixie and Mainman. You are nothing but a disgusting little pissant liar, who has been caught in an absurd lie right on this thread. You should have your neck twisted off your small shoulders for you. I know a few people who would be happy to do it too. Why don't you leave your house, and come on down to the next march. I'll introduce you to them, coward.

Now, prove your claim, by finding a news report showing everyone here, that protesters spray painted or vandalized in any way, the Vietnam Memorial. Or, put up a thread and admit you are a liar.
Darla>> But this just really makes me want to smash his face. Just once, I'd like to have one of these cowards in front of me. Just once. Maybe I could work off some aggression, built up from listening of years of their BS. I can't help it

This is the peacefull protester!! LOL

Oh, I'm not a pacifist.

Your kind always makes that mistake. I saw one of them get their head smashed last Saturday. It was funny.
Originally Posted by toby
Darla>> But this just really makes me want to smash his face. Just once, I'd like to have one of these cowards in front of me. Just once. Maybe I could work off some aggression, built up from listening of years of their BS. I can't help it

This is the peacefull protester!! LOL

Darla's right. You sit in your momma's basement, and listen to Sean Hannity's sterotype of liberals and Democrats. Tobes, I come for a family of union Coal Miners - Democrats all. Most are military vets too. And any one of us could kick in your skull.

Hypothecially speaking of course.
Originally Posted by toby
Darla>> But this just really makes me want to smash his face. Just once, I'd like to have one of these cowards in front of me. Just once. Maybe I could work off some aggression, built up from listening of years of their BS. I can't help it

This is the peacefull protester!! LOL

Darla's right. You sit in your momma's basement, and listen to Sean Hannity's sterotype of liberals and Democrats. Tobes, I come for a family of union Coal Miners - Democrats all. Most are military vets too. And any one of us could kick in your skull.

Hypothecially speaking of course.

It's just better for me to put him back on IA. I don't know how people read this guy, and not flip out. But I can't do it. I don't have it in me.
It's just better for me to put him back on IA. I don't know how people read this guy, and not flip out. But I can't do it. I don't have it in me.

Oh, I've had the little butt nugget on IA from the begginning of this board. I only see him when people quote his lame ass.
You talk of peace and then make threats, you talk of free speech and then try and suppress it...............LIBERALS. lol
Darla is a member of Code Pink. A commie group that supports the destruction of the American goverment.

>>At the center of Code Pink is legendary leftist organizer Medea Benjamin, the 50-year-old mother of two widely credited as a chief organizing force behind the 1999 Seattle riots in which 50,000 protesters did millions of dollars worth of property damage in their effort to shut down meetings of the World Trade Organization. In addition to Code Pink, Benjamin’s San Francisco-based human rights organization Global Exchange was the founding force for United for Peace and Justice coalition, the nexus of the anti-war protests.

The United for Peace coalition, which includes Socialist Action and the Socialist Party USA, is also led by Leslie Cagan, who has a long history of activism with the American Communist Party. If you want to know what anti-war activities United for Peace and its more radical partner, Act Now To Stop War & End Racism (ANSWER) have planned for the near future or contact information for how you can join in, you can click on the Communist World Workers Party website, one of the central grassroots clearing houses for communist organizers in the United States and around the world.

The mindset of Benjamin and her friends can best be summed up by her description in the San Francisco Chronicle of how she felt on her first pilgrimage to Cuba in the early 1980s. Compared to life in the United States, the communist social equality of Cuba "made it seem like I died and went to heaven," Benjamin enthused. Now it appears that Benjamin is trying to recreate it here