Liberals use "homo" as an insult


Loyal to the end
Some responses to my posts by liberal admirer's lately:

  • Diagnosis: Homosexual Repression
  • Word on the street: homo

These were left with other indications of negativism. Since Liberals are constantly harping that homosexuality is normal, moral, natural and healthy, then why do they use it as an insult?
Heres a clue.

Hetero sexual men will often use this as an insult, sometimes closted Homsexual men will Use this as an insult to avert attention from them.

Like I discussed with my friends who happen to be homosexual, Hetro men are hetro and dont want to be homos because it makes them get the willys. Its the nature of sexuality.

I as a hetro woman get willies if I try to imagine two women together. It makes me glad I'm hetro.

Gays have names for us too, they call us Breeders.

There is nothing wrong with being called gay unless you dont want to be gay OR you are trying to avoid people realizing you are gay.

So quit being so gay about it.
I have accidently said "thats so gay" infront of my gay friends and had to explain myself.

I hear the teenagers say it all the time and it just creeps into your vocab.

That is more offensive than calling someone gay to me.

It implies that if something is gay its bad.
honestly desh I disagree on that one. Words change meaning. If I tell someone to stop being "gay" I'm not literally implying that they should stop having buttsex. It just means quit being so retarded. Words can change meanings overtime, I mean gay didn't even used to mean homosexual anyway... if they can change it to something why can't anyone else? :)
True dat Grinder. Gay used to mean happy with ZERO sexual connotations.

Homo however is the shortened version of homopsexual which still means the same old thing.
honestly desh I disagree on that one. Words change meaning. If I tell someone to stop being "gay" I'm not literally implying that they should stop having buttsex. It just means quit being so retarded. Words can change meanings overtime, I mean gay didn't even used to mean homosexual anyway... if they can change it to something why can't anyone else? :)

Exactly why I had to explain myself.

The fact still remains that its like telling someone to not be so black. Its their word for their communities identity.

You and I did not mean it that way but its still demeaning to their self identity.

I also informed them that the kids who use it (almost all your age) think being gay is fine and have no problem with it.

Being the guys they are they understood and maybe even felt a little less insulted when they hear young people using that way.

I think the breeder thing is funny as hell and teasingly call myself a breeder when Im arround them. I had to ask them what word gays use to make fun of hets. I laughed my ass off when they told me.
enough of this false outrage southernman, like you care if gays are offended. You are probably one beer away from tying one of them up to a fence post and beating them with your belt.

Insulting someone isn't that much of a science, you pick on something that someone is sensative about and bring it to the front. If someone's fat, you call him a whale or something.... if someone is short you call him midget or gimli, if someone is stupid you call them Einstein, and if someone is a homophobe, you call them gay.

This entire thread is funny.

BTW SM, people will use words they think will bother YOU as an insult.

There is a guy I sometimes work with that does a massive comb-over. If you call him "baldie" you better be ready for a fight. But calling me "baldie" is obviously not an insult.

Perhaps you would do well to look at why people think calling you a homo would be an insult. You have made it clear you disapprove of homosexuality, but why do they call you gay??
Yepper Grind, I think southernguy needs to study insults a bit.

Kinda like calling Bush a republican is not an insult, but it would be to me or Desh.
Again, if you liberals think homosexuality is normal, moral, natural, healthy and all that, it's incredibly hypocritical for you to use "gay" as an insult, regardless on my position on the issue.

Par for the course, though. :)
Again, if you liberals think homosexuality is normal, moral, natural, healthy and all that, it's incredibly hypocritical for you to use "gay" as an insult, regardless on my position on the issue.

Par for the course, though. :)

You just do not understand insults at all do ya?

You cracker homo you.