Liberals use "homo" as an insult

Southern Man, to bring this thread back on topic, the answer to your question is, they do it for the same reason they do everything else, they are two-faced hypocrites. You'll never meet more bigoted people than your typical liberal. This is what prompts them to support initiatives like Affirmative Action... in their minds, we simply must have some governmental program to ensure black people have an advantage over all the rest, because, well... they are unfortunately black, which means they are not capable of playing on a level field with superior white people. They supported ERA back in the 70's, because, well... women are just naturally less able than men to compete in anything, so we need the government to mandate an equity on their behalf. You see, it's how they think in a bigoted way, about their fellow man.... or woman... or gay person. Now, they can't come out and say that's what they think, they mask it over with all of these guilt-ridden programs movements and initiatives, and they point the finger of accusation at others because it's how they think... must be how we think too! And since we aren't cow-towing to their guilt-ridden ideas, we obviously must be prejudiced... it just makes sense!

In the Liberal mind, there is something bad about being a homosexual, it's abnormal, but they can't come out and say that, so they advocate for gay rights, gay marriage, or gay pride, gay anything, because it is a way to mask how they really feel about gays, and point the finger of blame for their bigotry at someone else. Namely, those of us who don't subscribe to their guilt-ridden liberal programs. They will have gay friends, oh yes... that is a must! You see, they have to maintain friendships with some gay people, so they can throw that up in your face to show you how tolerant and accepting they are of the 'perverted' lifestyle, unlike me and you! Aren't they wonderful? They are friends with these people and see absolutely nothing wrong with them... see, they are friends! Of course, if an election gets lost because of gay marriage on the ballot, they will immediately throw their gay friends under the bus for political expediency. If their gay friend were dying of some rare disease and needed a blood transfusion, they probably wouldn't want to do that... and if their gay friend indicated they would like to date their son or daughter... whoa, that would be a little too much for them to handle. But there is always some convenient way to avoid such scenario's for any good liberal.
I dunno if SM has been around us long enough, but there was a time back on FP when MM said something about molesting an infant as being less damaging than a child, because it won't remember the experience. He took a lot of crap from someone for that, and has been called a pedophile by them ever since... Might have been Ib1 or someone other than MM, but I think it was MM...

It was IB1 and Dano had it in his sig for a couple of years.

I don't think anyone else said "HE'S CLARLYS TEH PEDSOPHILES?!"
Southern Man, to bring this thread back on topic, the answer to your question is, they do it for the same reason they do everything else, they are two-faced hypocrites. You'll never meet more bigoted people than your typical liberal. This is what prompts them to support initiatives like Affirmative Action... in their minds, we simply must have some governmental program to ensure black people have an advantage over all the rest, because, well... they are unfortunately black, which means they are not capable of playing on a level field with superior white people. They supported ERA back in the 70's, because, well... women are just naturally less able than men to compete in anything, so we need the government to mandate an equity on their behalf. You see, it's how they think in a bigoted way, about their fellow man.... or woman... or gay person. Now, they can't come out and say that's what they think, they mask it over with all of these guilt-ridden programs movements and initiatives, and they point the finger of accusation at others because it's how they think... must be how we think too! And since we aren't cow-towing to their guilt-ridden ideas, we obviously must be prejudiced... it just makes sense!

In the Liberal mind, there is something bad about being a homosexual, it's abnormal, but they can't come out and say that, so they advocate for gay rights, gay marriage, or gay pride, gay anything, because it is a way to mask how they really feel about gays, and point the finger of blame for their bigotry at someone else. Namely, those of us who don't subscribe to their guilt-ridden liberal programs. They will have gay friends, oh yes... that is a must! You see, they have to maintain friendships with some gay people, so they can throw that up in your face to show you how tolerant and accepting they are of the 'perverted' lifestyle, unlike me and you! Aren't they wonderful? They are friends with these people and see absolutely nothing wrong with them... see, they are friends! Of course, if an election gets lost because of gay marriage on the ballot, they will immediately throw their gay friends under the bus for political expediency. If their gay friend were dying of some rare disease and needed a blood transfusion, they probably wouldn't want to do that... and if their gay friend indicated they would like to date their son or daughter... whoa, that would be a little too much for them to handle. But there is always some convenient way to avoid such scenario's for any good liberal.

You are flat out fucking insane.

No wonder you think more Tax Cuts is what will save this country from the mess you and your ideas caused.
LOL, Kudos on that turnaround.

Good bailout for a fellow con that was in over his head..

That's all Damo does now, is defend Republicans. But it's totally understandable and I'm not knocking him for it. He is one, and so of course his friends from the loon boards are all republicans, and they all cry about this board having too many liberals, so he is trying to make them comfortable.

But he's overlooked one problemo: They're insane.

It's not like they're SF type republicans. They're the dirty hor kind of Republicans like i had on my own old board. Looking through people's underwears, stalking them, searching them down on the web, trying to find them in real life, fucking with their kids.

And that's kinda put Damo in a difficult position.

He needs more SF and Chap type Republicans. But where are they? Well, they're not going to be hanging out on damos' old boards, that's for sure. They are probably all over at the DOW jones message boards talking shit over there. That's where you should go Damo. The stock market message boards. My brother posts over there, somewhere. And he's a repuke, and generally, an asshole, but he's sane, and he wouldn't bother anyone's kids and he doesn't give a shit who is who in real life. I think that's your best bet. STart posting over there and popping this link at the bottom of your posts.
He needs more SF and Chap type Republicans. But where are they? Well, they're not going to be hanging out on damos' old boards, that's for sure. They are probably all over at the DOW jones message boards talking shit over there. That's where you should go Damo. The stock market message boards. My brother posts over there, somewhere. And he's a repuke, and generally, an asshole, but he's sane, and he wouldn't bother anyone's kids and he doesn't give a shit who is who in real life. I think that's your best bet. STart posting over there and popping this link at the bottom of your posts.

That's actually a pretty good idea, regardless of all the insults. If I ever get some time I might just do that.

I wasn't defending anybody I just wanted to call uscitizen a "homo" because I thought it would be funny to burn somebody "liberal-styles".

Know what I found out? It was fun.
That's actually a pretty good idea, regardless of all the insults. If I ever get some time I might just do that.

I wasn't defending anybody I just wanted to call uscitizen a "homo" because I thought it would be funny to burn somebody "liberal-styles".

Know what I found out? It was fun.

I know it's a good idea, I wasn't insulting you. The truth about the malevolently insane people who sometimes post here, isn't an insult to you.
LOL, Kudos on that turnaround.

Good bailout for a fellow con that was in over his head..

:lmao: You gotta be kidding me... over MY head? What thread are you reading? Because here in this thread, I see several "insane" comments from pinheads, and that is the gist of rebuttal to my post! I'm not "in over my head" at all, I am in on top of your head, doing a little victory dance!
:lmao: You gotta be kidding me... over MY head? What thread are you reading? Because here in this thread, I see several "insane" comments from pinheads, and that is the gist of rebuttal to my post! I'm not "in over my head" at all, I am in on top of your head, doing a little victory dance!

Ditto! Great post buddy! It's like you said; you're the only one who knows what he's talking about on this board. I've been making mincemeat out of em myself. But nobody can do it like you!
:lmao: You gotta be kidding me... over MY head? What thread are you reading? Because here in this thread, I see several "insane" comments from pinheads, and that is the gist of rebuttal to my post! I'm not "in over my head" at all, I am in on top of your head, doing a little victory dance!

IDJIT! Can't you follow a thread. Ohh I guess not. It was not about you, MR. Paranoid.