Liberals versus Deodorant

Hmm some of the fastest growing companies are the natural type ones....
I have made a bundle on some of them.
How much organic produce is on your grocery store shelves now vs 10 years ago ?
I don't care either way, but government should not force either choice on people, let them decide. Presumably poorer people buy cheaper products, and organic is certainly not cheap, nor would "greener" deodorant be.

It would be karma if poor psycho cleaning lady that Tiana complains about is effected and just decides to stop buying deodorant when the price gets too high and then she can stink up her cube along with her self-conversations.
Profit gives them reason to sell us stuff we might not even need. That does not necessarially equate to the best health care.
True, but you are still left with freedom of choice, as in all capitalistic systems. In a state run system, you may never even get offered certain care because they are too busy and really have no incentive to care whether you get what you need so long as you are off their back. You are stuck relying solely on the goodness of the provider and though most are, those that aren't are not going to be accountable because government will give them your money no matter what kind of job they do.

Ultimately on balance you will get better quality in private care.
Translation: It gives me an opportunity to bash liberals and liberalism, so I'm all on it.
Find me one state where Conservative Republicans did this to deodorant and I promise you I will bash them too.

You see there are differences between parties and ideologies.
Which effectively bans certain types of deodorants unless they change. It does more than that to, it will almost certainly raise the cost of the product (as companies in general use the cheapest ingredient for whichever purpose, they will have to move to a more expensive one).

Lastly it does limit choice.
If you create a nice smelling homemade deodorant and you want to go sell it, do you know how much ozone is in it? Of course not, but you would have to know that to legally sell it thanks to this law. That would require you paying large amounts of cash to a chem lab to determine that, which is nowhere near worth the cost compared to the price you MIGHT get back in selling it to start out.

Thus it IMPLICTLY kills off smaller competitors and favors bigger companies who can afford that, which again also increases cost with less competition and more process.

What about my choice to live in a smog free environment. You don't seem to interested in that. Which interesting considering how many kids you have. I don't udnerstand why you are so gung-ho about protecting someone's choice to have a particular type of deodorant full of ingredients that harm the environment but as usual you have no regard for the victims that the overabundance that this product creates. This thread is stupid on face value.
I don't hear that from healthcare workers that have moved to the US from Canada but in any case it is not that relevant because you're asking the wrong source, it is the CUSTOMER who decides who has superior services and given that people travel from all over the world to the US for healthcare, CLEARLY shows that we have superior quality healthcare.

Profit gives ANY business a reason TO care. Do you really think you would provide your customers with better quality service if you didn't have to worry about profit and thus worry about them being happy and coming back?

Well, that's not what's happening at hospitals across the world, despite you're theories on the health care system. I've yet to meet one nurse or doctor that wants to be in a hospital that is for profit over a not for profit hospital. But, in most cases we do have choices and if yo uwant to go to one feel free.
cherry pick and massage the numbers ?
If we are going to talk about private versus public healthcare, then we surely cannot lump publicly funded healthcare like Medicaid/Medicare into the results of the America's healthcare system and then say (as Moore does) "private healthcare is worse".

When all the left talks about the failings of America's healthcare system, they are trying to denigrate private healthcare, yet they dishonestly include public healthcare like Medicaid/Medicare in that, that is wrong. It should not be included and is certainly not cherrypicking.
What about my choice to live in a smog free environment. You don't seem to interested in that. Which interesting considering how many kids you have. I don't udnerstand why you are so gung-ho about protecting someone's choice to have a particular type of deodorant full of ingredients that harm the environment but as usual you have no regard for the victims that the overabundance that this product creates. This thread is stupid on face value.
Again, if you want to reduce ozone (an ingredient in smog) then just legalize aerosols and other similar products again (which the left banned over 15 years ago, over fears of reducing ozone being bad for us).

And seriously, can you actually stand there and tell me that old nearly empty deodorant sticks are causing an ozone epidemic? This is overreactionary, I'm sure you can see that.
Well, that's not what's happening at hospitals across the world, despite you're theories on the health care system. I've yet to meet one nurse or doctor that wants to be in a hospital that is for profit over a not for profit hospital. But, in most cases we do have choices and if yo uwant to go to one feel free.
You honestly have never read any of those stories about Canadian nurses and doctors moving here because they prefer it?

There is even entire businesses set up for it, first hit on a search gave me this:
"Blu-Chip specializes in the placement of international nurses in the United States, and we are able to offer even more services for Canadian nurses at no cost to you"
Again, if you want to reduce ozone (an ingredient in smog) then just legalize aerosols and other similar products again (which the left banned over 15 years ago, over fears of reducing ozone being bad for us).

And seriously, can you actually stand there and tell me that old nearly empty deodorant sticks are causing an ozone epidemic? This is overreactionary, I'm sure you can see that.

I'm not an environmental engineer or biologist and clearly you aren't either. So given that neither of one of has any real knowledge on the subject above laymen's term, we're going to have to defer to people who've spent their entire adult lives studying the environment and the phenomenon they are speaking to. I'll take their sound science and studies over your supposition any day.
This thread is so dishonest. Ozone itself is a corrosive gas on a local level; this has little to do with the actual ozone layer. This is EXACTLY the kind of localized legislation that Dano usually says should take precedence.

It's also dishonest to imply that they're somehow banning deodorant.

Seriously, DeMano - there MIGHT be a good argument on this thread from you; it's doubtful, but there might be. Why do you have to go to such extremes to portray this in the most exaggerated, dishonest way possible? It completely undermines any argument you could hope to make...
I'm partial to the stick myself.

(that had nothing to do with your avatar, I totally swear)

I was all stinky yesterday, I stayed up helping a friend with his plumbing then had to go and help my sister move....

I was glad to finally get home to the shower.
You honestly have never read any of those stories about Canadian nurses and doctors moving here because they prefer it?

There is even entire businesses set up for it, first hit on a search gave me this:
"Blu-Chip specializes in the placement of international nurses in the United States, and we are able to offer even more services for Canadian nurses at no cost to you"

You tool. I wasn't talking about universal healthcare in other countries versus our system, I'm talking about US hospitals - that are PRIVATE. Some are for profit and held by venture capital companies or other corporate entities and others are run as not-for-profit. Every person I've ever come in contact with has said that they'd rather be treated at a not-for-profit hospital.
This thread is so dishonest. Ozone itself is a corrosive gas on a local level; this has little to do with the actual ozone layer. This is EXACTLY the kind of localized legislation that Dano usually says should take precedence.

LOL, that was my point exactly. Most people aren't experts or even have a working knowledge of what goes on beyond being able to speak in laymens terms.
Umm even medicare medicaid, pillbill, etc are involved with private industry interests. How exactly would you seperate that out ?
for profit hospitals and such still do medicare and medicaid.