Liberals versus Deodorant

Umm even medicare medicaid, pillbill, etc are involved with private industry interests. How exactly would you seperate that out ?
for profit hospitals and such still do medicare and medicaid.
But they don't care about the quality of care as much because the user of those has more limited options (ie: many doctors refuse Medicare/Medicaid patients because the pay isn't that good and regulations are more onerous).

You need to calculate private care that is paid for by private means to get a clear picture of the results of pure private healthcare.
Hmm I don't know of any Dr's around here that refuse medicare/medicaid.

A couple have refused my private health insurance though, since it is from out of state.
Liberal Democrats are in power more in states now (including mine) and wasting no time overregulation like extremists on even such things as deodorant.

"After a decade of cracking down on power plants in an effort to clean up ozone air pollution, environmental regulators in Ohio this year zeroed in on another culprit - deodorant.

Deodorants, as well as hair spray, car wax and windshield washer fluid, contain small amounts of volatile organic compounds that contribute to making ozone, an ingredient in urban smog.

So the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency put limits on the amount of those compounds in consumer products sold in the state."

Anyone note the irony of how the left 15 years ago was obsessed over loss of ozone that they introduced regulation against products which reduced ozone like aerosols. NOW they pass regulation to reduce ozone itself under the same guise of protecting us from the harmful consequents?
Why not legalize all and they will roughly balance themselves out, rather than banning both and having them roughly equalize out anyway?
Liberal Democrats are against freedom of choice and for regulating people's choices.

Liberals may not think they need deodorant, and hopefully they will procreate less as a result of that, but do they have to force the rest of us to stink as bad as them?

Oh my God. Someone please tell me he was making a bad joke. He can't be that stupid. Dano, you know, if you'll just admit you made a mistake, I won't ever bring this up again.
Which effectively bans certain types of deodorants unless they change. It does more than that to, it will almost certainly raise the cost of the product (as companies in general use the cheapest ingredient for whichever purpose, they will have to move to a more expensive one).

Lastly it does limit choice.
If you create a nice smelling homemade deodorant and you want to go sell it, do you know how much ozone is in it? Of course not, but you would have to know that to legally sell it thanks to this law. That would require you paying large amounts of cash to a chem lab to determine that, which is nowhere near worth the cost compared to the price you MIGHT get back in selling it to start out.

Thus it IMPLICTLY kills off smaller competitors and favors bigger companies who can afford that, which again also increases cost with less competition and more process.

What small competitors? They're all already dead, Dano. And if no one had the brains to contact a lawyer about the regulations in their area regarding the product they're selling they deserve whatever the hell they get.
I don't care either way, but government should not force either choice on people, let them decide. Presumably poorer people buy cheaper products, and organic is certainly not cheap, nor would "greener" deodorant be.

It would be karma if poor psycho cleaning lady that Tiana complains about is effected and just decides to stop buying deodorant when the price gets too high and then she can stink up her cube along with her self-conversations.

People don't have a right to decide to do things that harm other people, like contribute to ozone smog. In case you were wondering, ozone smog is different from the stuff in the ozone layer.
Again, if you want to reduce ozone (an ingredient in smog) then just legalize aerosols and other similar products again (which the left banned over 15 years ago, over fears of reducing ozone being bad for us).

And seriously, can you actually stand there and tell me that old nearly empty deodorant sticks are causing an ozone epidemic? This is overreactionary, I'm sure you can see that.

OMG Dano. Please stop while you're behind.
You tool. I wasn't talking about universal healthcare in other countries versus our system, I'm talking about US hospitals - that are PRIVATE. Some are for profit and held by venture capital companies or other corporate entities and others are run as not-for-profit. Every person I've ever come in contact with has said that they'd rather be treated at a not-for-profit hospital.

Really? I actually read that they're bringing up suits againt not-for-profits because of abusive practices...
Really? I actually read that they're bringing up suits againt not-for-profits because of abusive practices...

I don't doubt it. I'm 110% sure that there are not-for-profits that are horrible hospitals. But like I said, every healthcare worker I've ever heard talk on the subject even in separate circles of friends overwhelmingly say that they'd chose a not-for-profit over a for profit hospital. Even when they work at for-profits.
Dano, you're such a moron it's hard to fathom how you still show up here and spew this crap. At least Dixie understood he was making a fool of himself and left.

Ozone is extremely poisonous to humans. It's a major component of urban smog, and getting rid of substances that artificially produce it is a great idea. It also exists naturally in the stratosphere. Chemical compounds that artificially deplete it outside of natural processes are also bad since. They both disrupt the natural balance of ozone.

This should not be difficult for semi-intelligent people to understand and I'm a little disappointed nobody else bothered to point this out to Dano.
Dano, you're such a moron it's hard to fathom how you still show up here and spew this crap. At least Dixie understood he was making a fool of himself and left.

Ozone is extremely poisonous to humans. It's a major component of urban smog, and getting rid of substances that artificially produce it is a great idea. It also exists naturally in the stratosphere. Chemical compounds that artificially deplete it outside of natural processes are also bad since. They both disrupt the natural balance of ozone.

This should not be difficult for semi-intelligent people to understand and I'm a little disappointed nobody else bothered to point this out to Dano.

I think Lorax did. But to be honest, there was so much that was fundamentally illogical about his post its not so hard to see how you'd gloss over some things.
I did point that out, and highlighted the other dishonest elements of his post. He ignored it.

Dano believes what he wants to believe. He doesn't let factual information spoil the party...
Yeah sorry, I only read the first page and didn't realize there were three others.

Folks like Dano are really impossible to understand. His capacity for public humiliation is never ending.
I did point that out, and highlighted the other dishonest elements of his post. He ignored it.

Dano believes what he wants to believe. He doesn't let factual information spoil the party...

It's amazing. And without Dixie's gift for comedic writing too, which was at least a saving grace. I know it wasn't intentional comedy, but still...
Didn't we hear the same whiney gloom and doom stuff when they banned CFC's in aerosols ?
Isn't the world ending every time raising the minimum wage is discussed ?
Umm we are still here and doing fine according to the republicans.

Fear mongering seems to work best on those who spew it.

And lets not forget the big vote getter.
They are going to take your guns away. Real popular among the insecure paranoid crowd..

Umm I still have my guns....
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Didn't we hear the same whiney gloom and doom stuff when they banned CFC's in aerosols ?
No we heard that prices would go up and so they did.

Isn't the world ending every time raising the minimum wage is discussed ?
No, no one said that the world would end, but most economists agree that minimum wage increases correspond with having higher unemployment in areas where the market wage is lower than the official minimum wage.
Chicago - 9.8% unemployment
Detroit - 12.3% unemployment
Houston - 7.1% unemployment
Milwaukee - 9.2% unemployment
New York - 7.9% unemployment
Philadelphia - 10.2% unemployment
San Francisco - 7.5% unemployment

In almost all cases, the inner cities in America show unemployment way higher.

Umm we are still here and doing fine according to the republicans.
Fear mongering seems to work best on those who spew it.
Like outsourcing? Or all our jobs going to Mexico? Or the Japanese taking over everything? Or the ozone layer hole? Or global cooling or global warming?
The left are the masters of fearmongering. They actually do predict catastrophe whereas you are just imagining righties predict catastrophe over minimum wage increases, yes it will be negative but no one has ever said it will be a catastrophe and if you want to spew that lie you better back it up with a link to someone who did.

And lets not forget the big vote getter.
They are going to take your guns away. Real popular among the insecure paranoid crowd..
Umm I still have my guns....
Good for you. The people in San Fran, Chicago, Canada, DC and Britain however have lost many of their guns to the government.
AND it is likely because of those votegetters that more places have succeeded in KEEPING their guns...
Funny Seattle, Tacoma, and Spokane aren't significantly high unemployment wise, cause then you might actually have a point considering that Washington State has had one of the highest minimum wages in the country for years.
Inner city areas most always have higher unemployment rates.

Ohh wait I thought all those jobs bush was adding was fixing that and the unemployment rate was rosy ?
You are all morons, do you even understand what O3 molecules are?
If I release CFCs from an aerosol can then it will not glide through the troposphere layers of human induced O3 molecules up into the stratosphere of natural occuring O3 molecules.

Yes they are at different elevations, very good little Liberals (clap,clap) but that they are still the same fucking compound.
And please if the lot of you could refrain from debating science with me, none of you could ever keep up except for Agnosticus_Caesar. Other than him the rest of you just know how to parrot each other in your circle jerk of feigned haughtiness.

So again, if we were to keep things that increase ozone legal AND allow things that destroy ozone to be legal, then they largely balance themselves out, just like banning both would balance each other out.
A lot of you idiots have created the higher levels of ozone with your campaign against CFCs, then once you ban everything to do with those, you move on to playing hero against things that produce ozone and try to ban everything there.
Inner city areas most always have higher unemployment rates.

Ohh wait I thought all those jobs bush was adding was fixing that and the unemployment rate was rosy ?
It has gone down slightly. And nobody "adds" jobs. You can only HELP create more jobs by having an environment that attracts/keeps more job creating business.
And who would do that more? The party that promises more regulation, higher minimum wage and taxes OR the party that lets things grow naturally and doesn't interfere?
yeah like we balance our ocean fish harvests and such.
Mankind will never voluntarially balance anything.
We are too greedy.