Liberals want to abolish police lol. How will this end if they are successful?

Thinking about this while viewing the history of such things, I'd expect the police to be replaced by the Left with a combination of snitches, political apparatchiks, and a legal system that is based on Leftist political correctness and "theory." That is, something akin to a secret police state, and in this case one that is politically correct and racist. So, you end up with the GRU, NKVD (forerunner of the KGB), or Gestapo.

So, the outcome might be something like (as an extreme), You are robbed and have the person that did it on a security camera video. You go to the Community Crime Victim Authority--or whatever PC name they're calling it--to report the crime. The authorities review the video and declare that because you are White and the robber is a minority you are asserting White Privilege and oppressing a minority person trying to establish themselves economically in the community. Therefore, you've got nothing coming and they aren't going to do anything...

That's about how the radical Left rolls.
Thinking about this while viewing the history of such things, I'd expect the police to be replaced by the Left with a combination of snitches, political apparatchiks, and a legal system that is based on Leftist political correctness and "theory." That is, something akin to a secret police state, and in this case one that is politically correct and racist. So, you end up with the GRU, NKVD (forerunner of the KGB), or Gestapo.

So, the outcome might be something like (as an extreme), You are robbed and have the person that did it on a security camera video. You go to the Community Crime Victim Authority--or whatever PC name they're calling it--to report the crime. The authorities review the video and declare that because you are White and the robber is a minority you are asserting White Privilege and oppressing a minority person trying to establish themselves economically in the community. Therefore, you've got nothing coming and they aren't going to do anything...

That's about how the radical Left rolls.

I doubt you think that. it is absurd. The way it is done is they fire all the police and have them reapply. That allows them to get rid of the bad ones without court cases. They rehire the ones who do not have a long list of complaints and abuse. That immediately improves the department and hopefully the respect for the cops. It will cut down on lawsuits too, saving more money.
We have to stop the abuse of citizens by cops. This is the opposite of a police state. They also want civilian oversight of police.
I suppose taking the forensic labs out of police hands would be helpful. They can process neutrally.
Rightys saying what the left thinks is always a joke.
I doubt you think that. it is absurd. The way it is done is they fire all the police and have them reapply. That allows them to get rid of the bad ones without court cases. They rehire the ones who do not have a long list of complaints and abuse. That immediately improves the department and hopefully the respect for the cops. It will cut down on lawsuits too, saving more money.
We have to stop the abuse of citizens by cops. This is the opposite of a police state. They also want civilian oversight of police.
I suppose taking the forensic labs out of police hands would be helpful. They can process neutrally.
Rightys saying what the left thinks is always a joke.

The hard Left has no interest in that, they want cops and law and courts and prisons abolished.....This is the demand of Free Capital Hill.

Be honest.
In a word... Badly. With the Left, when they get their way it always ends badly.


Nothing will happen. You have been bamboozled by the right-wing media.
This is ridiculous. Nobody is for abolishing the police. ...Wait. you might find someone somewhere who is that crazy, but that is not what the left wants. They want to remake the police into an organization more responsive to the people. They want to get rid of the bad police. They want to end abuse. How is that bad to rightys? They also want to take away duties police are not qualified to deal with like mentally ill, the homeless and people with physical problems. It can be a win/win.
This is ridiculous. Nobody is for abolishing the police. ...Wait. you might find someone somewhere who is that crazy, but that is not what the left wants. They want to remake the police into an organization more responsive to the people. They want to get rid of the bad police. They want to end abuse. How is that bad to rightys? They also want to take away duties police are not qualified to deal with like mentally ill, the homeless and people with physical problems. It can be a win/win.

Nobody? You better tell that to Omar and others.

We all want to end the rare police brutality that occassionally happens. But we are starting from a bullshit assumption to begin with. Most police encounters are perfect. Blacks are LESS likely to be killed by police besides committing a disproportionate amount of the crime. The left has it as if blacks are hunted and killed by police regularly. The opposite is true.

To your point about defunding and shifting mental illness to the appropriate organization.......who? What doctor is going to put themselves in harm's way to do that? Its yet another bullshit liberal fantasy.