Liberals Warned Me About MAGA’s Racism. I Didn’t Believe Them—Until Now.

The indoctrinated are going to lecture us. Look this word up in the dictionary....BIAS.
explain how it's smart to

a. send all the jobs away.
b. import so much we lose production capacity and become dependant on enemies.
c. import workers to replace Americans for short term corporate profit.

you're indoctrinate with globalist stupidity.
explain how it's smart to

a. send all the jobs away.
b. import so much we lose production capacity and become dependant on enemies.
c. import workers to replace Americans for short term corporate profit.

you're indoctrinate with globalist stupidity.
This has been going on for decades. Trump will help turn this around.
You referring to that Duche Uncle commie as being one that pretends to be a libertarian?

Among others. Some pretend to be Christians, etc., and then prove they've never read a bible, but insist on telling the Xians how they're supposed to think about stuff. It's the false flag game.
This has been going on for decades. Trump will help turn this around.
thank you for continuing to lie to me.

no. seriously.
Among others. Some pretend to be Christians, etc., and then prove they've never read a bible, but insist on telling the Xians how they're supposed to think about stuff. It's the false flag game.

thank you for continuing to lie to me.

no. seriously.


I'm not lying. Trump will do more to help get the USA become more independent from the global cabal than any President since Teddy Roosevelt.
But its you who wants race checkboxes on everything.

Link where I said that, Fredo.

Meanwhile, you're the one who wanted to give me a diarrhea injection so I could give you a hot facial. Sick, but your fetishes are your business.

explain how it's smart to

a. send all the jobs away.
b. import so much we lose production capacity and become dependant on enemies.
c. import workers to replace Americans for short term corporate profit.

you're indoctrinate with globalist stupidity.
Voted for the Trump oligarchy and is now whining about it.

November 9, 2016, the day after Donald Trump was elected as the 45th president, my high school history teacher pulled me back after class.

“Are you okay?” he asked me.

Before I could answer, he expressed concern that I should be vigilant in a post-Trump world. “Don’t be surprised if people start telling you to go back to where you came from,” he said.

I’ve often thought about that moment—the unnecessary injection of racial anxiety into my otherwise normal school day—when I think about the irony of progressive identity politics. My parents, both born in India but educated in America, would laugh about their well-intentioned but misguided friends who, in their eagerness to ward off the idea of “otherness,” ended up contributing to it.

Growing up, I was quick to challenge the careless usage of terms like “racist” and “xenophobic” as lazy ways to shut down legitimate debate. Even when I was 16, before I could articulate economic arguments, discussing border security seemed fair game—not because I feared immigrants, but because a country needs to know who’s coming in. Back then, when people called MAGA supporters racist, I thought they were overreacting.

But then a few days ago, I opened X to see my feed populated with anti-Indian vitriol—calling the country where my parents were born “filthy” and its people “filthy and undesirable.” Some condemned these comments but many others agreed, and still others criticized the critics for crying racism. But I could see it for what it was: raw bigotry.

Lie, lame and laughably stupid.
I wonder if he votes? He strikes me as a person like my brother who grips a lot, but doesn’t participate “ in the system of things”.
Doubtful based upon his replies and non-replies. He has his specific opinions but is all talk, no walk. His behavior would explain why a militia would like to use him as a patsy, but he lacks multiple basic abilities useful to them for such a purpose.

The standard Bell Curve seems to describe a lot of human behavior. The good news being that most people are in the middle, not the extremes often seen on JPP.

Sorry to go dark, but consider the higher suicide rate of cops and vets/active-duty personnel. They've seen the worst of humanity. Those who commit suicide have lost all hope of making difference. That's given they're sane, that they are in the middle or higher of the Bell Curve.

Agreed he is unlikely to participate.