I have little doubt that the presence of last group -- the foreigners -- is driven by envy of America. We're happy with our own nation. We don't feel the need to go on a Norwegian or Canadian or Japanese forum and badmouth them, right?
As for the attention whores, this place provides something they're not getting in real life. They appear to be deeply unhappy, angry, bitter. You would have thought that the election of their Cheeto Jesus would have helped with that, eh? But instead, they're even more upset and needy than ever.
To be fair, I'm also here for a similar reason -- Mr. Owl isn't really into politics and talking about it. In fact, he's pretty much clammed up since #TRE45ONv2.0 is back. OTOH I don't feel the need to repetitively say the same false bullshit over and over, or follow individuals around tugging on them to "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT MEEEEE!" like
@Earl the Weak,
@TOP the Toxic, LyinFish, and Lesion do.