Liberals will protect you from crime by the awesome power of classical music!

Dano, you clearly don't know anything about mercury. An EPA study showed that industrial sources release about 40 tons of mercury into the environment every year (and this was a few years back). Mercury buildup is cumulative (that means it doesn't really go away). Studies of local fish populations showed steadily increasing concentrations of mercury, which has lead to unhealthy levels of the substance in over 9% of the American population, including over 7% of pregnant women. Despite your poo-poohing of mercury is an "all-natural" substance, it can have toxic effects on the nervous system & other functions of the human body.

In short, Mercury is bad for you, and it's getting harder & harder to avoid, if you want to include fish in your diet.
The EPA Has pretty much been politicized and neutered under Boosh.

They are now more of a corporate mouthpiece.

On the child molestor issue, you don't even have to ask.
My point was that just because we have been doing something does not mean we have to continue that way.
Dano, you clearly don't know anything about mercury. An EPA study showed that industrial sources release about 40 tons of mercury into the environment every year (and this was a few years back). Mercury buildup is cumulative (that means it doesn't really go away). Studies of local fish populations showed steadily increasing concentrations of mercury, which has lead to unhealthy levels of the substance in over 9% of the American population, including over 7% of pregnant women. Despite your poo-poohing of mercury is an "all-natural" substance, it can have toxic effects on the nervous system & other functions of the human body.

In short, Mercury is bad for you, and it's getting harder & harder to avoid, if you want to include fish in your diet.

I think Dano fits into that 9% :D
From all evidence anyway.
Mad as a hatter.
Dano, you clearly don't know anything about mercury. An EPA study showed that industrial sources release about 40 tons of mercury into the environment every year (and this was a few years back). Mercury buildup is cumulative (that means it doesn't really go away). Studies of local fish populations showed steadily increasing concentrations of mercury, which has lead to unhealthy levels of the substance in over 9% of the American population, including over 7% of pregnant women. Despite your poo-poohing of mercury is an "all-natural" substance, it can have toxic effects on the nervous system & other functions of the human body.

In short, Mercury is bad for you, and it's getting harder & harder to avoid, if you want to include fish in your diet.

Sigh, it is bad in certain QUANTITIES.
We are talking in this discussion about Lake Michigan (one of the largest lakes in the world) and we are talking about minute quantities of mercury released.
For that there has been and is no problem, not even close, the facts from the EPA show that. You are wrong, thanks for coming out.

And of course mercury eventually becomes inert, otherwise we would be inundated with layers of it in all bodies of water with the cumulative buildup from natural erosion before man existed. I've heard of suggestions that in saltier brine lakes it can stay, but this is not an issue for the vast majority of lakes including Lake Michigan.
Who said we're only talking about Lake Michigan? I thought we were talking about mercury, and your inane contention - refuted by a cornucopia of detailed studies & facts - that mercury is all natural, has not increased significantly from manmade sources, and doesn't represent any kind of health threat to average Americans.
Who said we're only talking about Lake Michigan? I thought we were talking about mercury, and your inane contention - refuted by a cornucopia of detailed studies & facts - that mercury is all natural, has not increased significantly from manmade sources, and doesn't represent any kind of health threat to average Americans.

yeah, what he said Dano.